Newsletter Oct-Dec 02

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felons ee aL pho ASE The World Bank — Royal Netherlands Embassy Supervision Mission joint World Bank ~ Royal utilised, So far 81% of the amount Netherlands Embassy availalelas been utilised. However, the wupervision mission reviewed Project Coordinating Secretariat has the implementation status of the submitted 4 projected amount of Hiydeology Projeceetween 17 October expenditures ofall agencies wp eo che ot me star with wishing averybody a happy 2003. We have [ute Goods Sarasyraton tha ron pag of ou HP neste tL November. During their visit the credit coring slate and ie looks like the Feo shew ssh yeu Safest io poeasatlanrng «HON eet he cepresentatives of credit wil be ally wilzed before the and tnordecge bun sib the mighty rive which used foe several participating states and central projec is finalised, {ham the Himalayas to tha sea ot Gujarat and slower tne Vedic agetcies and visited Andhta Pradesh, 2, Data management and usage Deapla ta establish ona of the ffstand most advanced od sadhya Pradesh Z {soap aoe teal pabodbargtaaten nil Madly ©n the second issue of data ‘As you all know, in March 2003, the Hydrology Praject wal This time the mission looked management, the mission found that ficlallybe finalised athoughwe arvstll opectingto get one specifically acfouraspectsof the pmjeet: 9396 ofthe eereosological, surface and ‘more yaar extznsion). The post sovan years have result in 2 hysical and financial progress onundhwater historical and easrent data by end lange adequatety functioning HIS in De states under the Stee Hydology Proc (see pages #5 and 6), What is now left to dad fr wich we ad tbe sos of Sten ino Guise ait found harasof processed using eaftwave specially teem 1 tse the anontegs te WS can gue fo managing the June 30, 2002, om average che total developed forthe project. The mission ‘water recurces in afr ak partis salting manne completion of the projects wat also ple Dust thecapriciaus monsoon of his yea, any ees all over Ina oe sullen rare water shartages The sitton is ely Interms af physical progress themission have been electronically recorded and id to nove chat the infratricture development, inchuive of protocols and guidelines for che to becom weren dui tn yoorte coma Some even pridict —«rTviing, is 91%, About 96% of the operation of the HIS have been ‘that the summer of 2003 may bring the worst drsught of the revised hydrological and meteorological — cleveloped and are being iinplemented, past twenty years, Whilamobedy ci regula rtf WANSYEH ire are in operation, 99% of planned including « forward movement in data we fi HIS wacer shortages can ba managed bettor, but ta do s0 we Si ccioe ec dW crac the ig con caulpmentis installed, 9590 ofnew dara insertion and use tn neatly all Pe: processing centers and water resting project taresnne cin naw lind examples “Tha HIS knowledpa can supply ansurers in many ways For Laboratories are nowaand operation and of how the dara are being sed! in area example, tum la page 6 to aad howe Angie Padashhss deed 7505 of wall received trainingundee the such as: monitoring of droughts and ‘the HIS to assess thor groundwater stuatinn, Sime, ae6 09 aga 7 how paw groundraiet modeling practices are bsing " Temiped ny OBL Maharastra ‘palciog vey nol tet ha for HISD. All this points wo a well- canservacion/control and highway iuureisinthethandso{ our line fd on page thayexplan © crhanced modern system which will structuzes, planning on incertae riven how they are planning to grow the next generation water Lay sisnagars Laking att roma totaly diferent engl isthe Dutch ‘Theatre Embassy which, m cormection with Jal its3y is planning project (including additonal raining loads, optimal design of water for adequate hydea- groundwater resource assessment and meteorological datacollecrion,cnllation auditing at districu/bleckdvillage and to bay about moter swateniss ina ver-eeativemanner fon 204 atalysss This moons that the watershed level, water qualiy sated 1 ‘page 10), Wa hope these stories will encourage others to also Hydrological Information System public health, and supporting the ‘Htart-toimplamont the HIS because the year 2003 wall prove yet (HIS) isnow strongly rooted in the nine framing of state water policies and ‘again thot wastor manager cri ta te fun of tis project staes regulations. In mast states the qn sh yon ma oopy 2003 nope wi etanaenusy While most of us wauld have no Hydrologiel Dats User Groups are ‘aod befits of tho HS. problem spending money, within te functional and have broadened thet projectitwarmot always ensyta disburse hace by including NGOs and othe else hosmure exces: Gor the egeiie: petioe dacs ue Seseeal epsile a activities under the project. Even nom, also eaken steps co make cheir dav Johan Green when the project is coming to an end supply mareaccesible and user-friendly ‘Team Lander in March 2003, notall money hasbeen by preventing ir in local languages, eS having mass media and web sites, As the national guidelines for pricingof datz have now bocen finalised. agencies are bn a position ro Actually imsplemene.a prising strategy. Allin all snot bad 3. Implementation progress (On the third item, progress, the mission wnt glad to nacice an the implemencation coveeall improvement i performance of most ‘pe sis cx ate see While almose all agencies are now well iota phase I, only swo agencies still rated as unsatisfactory and three as marginally safisiactory, The mission is of course unhappy about this as they feel chese agencies have had sufficient chances to get their acivties up 10 she mark. They have suggested 10 clo monitor anel asset the agencies in question for she ten ining project period, 4, Implementation completion repart Lastly, on the implementation completion reporting, the mission advised the Project Coordin cw the Wi ig Secretariat so pspare an brit tld Bank and Royal Netherlands Embassy project completion report in collaboration with all the implemencing agencies by the end of January 2003, thead of the ICR mission presently schedules ia enid- February 2003 Norwithsranding the mverall satisfactory eating, the mission has made a number of recommendations in areas where they feel improvements are stil feasible, Some of these suggestions are ageacy-specific but the Following persain to all or mosc agencies: In onder to he able ve compare financial management, dishurrement andl procurement procedures, the mission requires all agencies ro reconcile their data oon expenditures, balance cost andl status oF reimbursement claims with the Project Coordinating, Secreta The development of groundwater dara processing software has progressed only slowly. Tata Infotech has now indicated that they will be running « pilot test at the Hyderabad Groundwater Agency andar the Faridabad Ceneral Groundwater Board office in December and promised that Lostallation and testing a all sites will be completed by the middle of March 2005. The mission suggests that the Ministry of Water Resources! Project Coordinating Seceetariat and the Centeal Ground Water oned Boar will closely monitor che m software implementation schedule, as ay Further delay an serimusly affece the full accainment of che devetopment objectives of the grotindsrater component of the project. While within the agencies there isa reasonable exchange of data, interagency validation by che State agencies with ageaties such as the Indian Meteorological Ceneal Water Deparment, the Commiscion and the Centsal Graundoeater Board, is sell weak, Therefare, the mission recommends thar the Project Coordinating Secretariat should coordinare the completion of at least the first cycle of interagency validation befose December 31, 2003, © To further sirmulate dita disseminacion, the mission encourages agencies te develop an action plan to crease demand driven data publication and dara shating. ‘The fiest round of divisional fevel HIS operationalisation workshop was complered bay mie! 2002. Ae these warkshups help t9 n the staff instill confidence and owner tings ll leveld of Wie IES, thie inkatbon advocares that such workshope are incomperited in the annual calendar of all limplernenting, ageecies * To caware the sustainability of the HIS the Inission requested all agencies to prepare and submita detailed operation and maintenance plan f should cover the Fads requited far staffing, she imac year 2009-04. This plan aperstion and maintenance of the specifically focus on the development of children. In our next newsletter we will be reporting more on thie fantast Maps on Water ‘The groundwater maps for dhe States Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala, ‘Madhys Pradesh ane Rajasthan have bees prepared by the National Remote Sensing Agency in Hydrabad. The Rajiv Gandhi ‘National Drinking Warer Mission funded this project to locate the drinking water sources and sises. The maps provide comprehensive information based on satellite imagery and ground bevel research, For mare information comeact sow lirsents, org ‘The Government of Karnataka is planning 0 prepare maps on water quality co asexs she availailiey of safe drinking water in the State. A tearful story Inour HP Newsleter of July September 2002 sve published the arike‘A sarfscory ofa drop of water, Wewou Tike to inform you that this suory was originally wrinen by Mr K. Sta Rao from the Hydrology Division of the Public Works Deparment in Ticuchy, Ramil Nadu tunder the Tamil sileOrethuli ncerin kane This sory was fest published in a pamphler as part of a groundwater awareness programme eonducted in Tamil Nadu. We hope Mr, Rao will continue to writesuch soriesandsend these to us for publication so that their valuable imewages can be spread among all our HP readers. The Future Water Managers of Maharashtra lo raise-awineness aboutthe imporeance | water and managing this zexource, the Groundwater Surveys & Development Agency of Mabarashera. has slesided fo stat with tiny 108s, While the tots ‘may be try, the efféres are nos. This year on the biesselay of Neheu, commonly celebrated in Endla-at Children’s Day, 200 Kes fom afl cover the ae will astemblein Pune to follow a rhise-day workshop on water management, Lag March, ie honour of World Water Day, the Waser Supply and Sanitation Departmen Government of Maharssheea aiked school childces. fram all disticts tm participate in comperitions somprising, of essays, sleswings ing imporcance of warcr and saniration. Prom theentres ofthis competi, 5 children from each district and 2 teachers were basen to partake in. this workshays The workshop titled ‘Children, Water and Furure’, covers an interesting programme which includes topiesmueh as: the byralogical cyele, characesisties of water, manifestationsof warer, watcr und environment and Water usiges fev areas such as agriculture, che household and ‘The programme will be co-ondinased by the Groundwater Surveys Development Agency: Unicel and, representatives of various NGOs who Work in che area of children’s education willbe involved inthe Failitation and execution of the programme, and quizes dep pay Tatura i Mr. Radheshyam L. Mopalwar, Divectoe Groundwater Surveys & Development Agent ‘explaing thar the main objective af shis worktop isto make childoen aware ofthe value oFwaterand the need to manage it. He strongly believes that if people are- made aware of the importance of water a young age, they will be carefal with che resource during the rest of theirlives. Mr Mopalwarelaborates: “Children are the sranges catalysts fe change in shi comity Laok hw am the iniviasive of children the waage fraser drag Dito bar come cawn in De Stil in sme areas she urge of place bags, chit ave very polluting, ha been reduced becase child have been paching shor parens: 10 sce per or clot bags instead. I bope we ex ale the cn for ee wate. eesouices pla t9 instal a simple rain ge mx exch ichoal in Mcrae anal rect the tude eRe tna of hein by making graph chro thep will come ausere oftheir lca sinuation ad ‘may even be able te promote simple water managemient techniques such as rainwater ewe, * A workshop for children, our future water ‘ruanagers: isa wonderful initiative which shoud ale. be considered by other states. For more details on the programme, fn our next HP Newslestet we will report on hour the ear. This wury che outcome of the workshop, Should Water Remain a State Subject? (sib of Dr 8. Ohara Pate quan sprit) n June 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm. Jadia, which I participated in this event, was one of the countries 16 support the decision that jgovermments should take appropriate steps for the protection sad improvement of the human envionment, Enseting on this, The Government of India constituted the Waer (Prevention and Control af Pollution) Act, 1974, Thic Ace provides for serting up Boards at Centtal and State level, 10 prevent and control water pollution and maintain or restore the wholesomencss of the water resources, ‘Accordingly. State Boands far the Prevention and Concral of Water Pollution in the States were constituted as the exccurive boxy fos the promulgation of the Funesions dclinesed in the Acts while at Cencral level the Gentil Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution (CBP 8¢ CWP) was insetuted a6 an advisory body, Theve Boards ste statutory bodies under the adminiscracive control ofthe State and Central Governments and hence there ae no instiutional linkages, making water a Stare eubject rather than a Central subject. ‘Unforcunately. over the years water being State subject has not proved to be the most naitable approach for waver qualicy management. Conerolling water pollution is-a complicated proposition, Worldwide, itis scientifically and ‘echnically established that suafice water and groundwater ate inseparable and intes- ‘dependent. The surface water of fiversfeeds the groundwater reserve in monsoon days when the fiver water levels are high. During dy weather, the groundwater feeds the rivers chrowgh foumainsfsprings oF reverse flows where the ‘compared to water this is one of naruse’s levels in the rivers. Wh wonderfil solutions ta manage the water resources, the consequence of bath being intet- Do you find our HP Newsletter interesting? For a free subscription send us an e-mail at: 2 connected is that contamination of surface water sources can eaily esd to pollution of he groundwater reserves. Keepingthis in mind, it would be logical f thete was some sort of integrated approach which monitors the candition of both surfice water and groundwater. As rivers and groundwater aquifers do not canfine themselves co human. sex bowndaties such as Seats. it seems more logical that water quality monitoring is performed by a national body racher than being confined coa State Board only Besides these physical limitations of Seite Boards, there also eppeats 46 be an arcinude problerm, fh spite of umpreen numbers of legislation being framed and notified by che Central Geverameat on the advice of the Centeal Pollution Control Beard, procection of the water resoutces is, 10 a great ext neglected, and pollution of both water bodies and land implementation uf the regulations by the Sone authorities. i¢ rampant due to aon- ‘Looking ac the ersible water quality of mass of ‘our water-bodies,the estaining environmental factors and the apparene indifference of Sate ‘Government Agencies it has been opined tt ‘water deserves to be brought into the Cent Lise thiugh constitutional amendment, which syould serve the jatecet of the common mit, she Citkens oF dia. fe would ar such not be an impossibility as watee resources can alsa he looked after by the Central Government following Enery 56 of the Unian Lise, which semporwers dhe Parliament to make laws to his effect. ‘We would lke co hear fiom anybody who kas ideas on this chought-provoking suggestion, Dehydrating Water (One of the Iaborareries working under HP tested the quality afcommercally sold bowled wate In the tests ten different brands of bottled warer wete tested. feeurnsouit that Ew0 61% Hydrogen cof the samples coming from leading brandi ‘were devoid of minerals. ‘The wacer was de- mineralised, like boiler-feed water as i wed far industial purposes. While drinking water should, of eoutss, not be polfoted, is shavld nither be totally devaid of minerals because than ie will be defyscating the 23% Carbon body inscead of ydratingic. We suggest all agentes co do-similar vexts and verify the rele against The Bureau 2.6% Nitrogen ¢ indian Siasdands specications far bortled water as laid down in 15; 14543 and for mineral water IS: 15428, We look forward sa hear abour the results. 71% Water 10% Oxygen 1.9% Calcium Do it Yourself Water Management O iy, water management is 2 tac of tare and Central Governments Government agencies have HIS dscabases and other informacion whieh allows them ro plan and execute water management projecs precisely and on a lange scale. Horever ‘water tianagenient beinga Government tisk daes sot mean that the genetak public show jus sit back and wait. ‘There are lors of things an individual can do, even with limited fina resources. In this new cokuran-we willbe cepocting con haw simple, small-scale actions can help 19 improve peaple’s access 40 water An we are planning to make this regula Feature we world like ta hear from anybody who has employed or invented such initiatives. Please e-mail us at: hydrology rainwater wo grow crops In the scorching May-July period, when the depleting groundwater levels trigger panic among most fitmens, there is one farmer in nate oo snp eied bec he managed his water Ar the highest point in his land he has doy a rectangular basin of 150m X 220m X 1.2.m, to enllec rin-water, Thewghout the yas the tank water is carefully divribuied ‘a narrow channels inco the entire field (we illustration). A simple, easy 0 implement and inexpensive fom of water management Solar water porfying ‘Welcomenviton Initiatives has developed 3 velar poking kit which costs arly Rs. 100, The cooker ofa large cardboard, ler fil coated bow {hich can be fattened when notin ws,» song plan bag with a scring anda fla-sarcboard pot plate, With this cooker all kinds of food can be prepared, from cggsand vegetables eo farge mext- roars and eakes. And ahowe allie cin also boil wearer, Ar everyhody knows, boiling warer can ppify water cus making it fre f contamination, ‘Unforrunaeely, for many poor people, access to 2 ot wood is eithee limited or soo expensive, ‘which can ese in them drinklang water which is tunfir for human. consumption. Solar cooking takes place beeween 100Yand 13510 (212Yand 27516). All posible geren, viruses and parasites thar can cause illness whem conmumed ar killed at 69% (1501), So thissimple and cheap devise offers a perfect solution for those who orherwise may not be in a position wo purify cher water FFor more information on this product, please WN. Khated by e-mail ats peteact ME niranjen khatrii@welcomaroup com or you ‘can order the solar cooker by phoning: 11 ~ 684 1807, 682 0519/21 + Gliricidia ‘» Arcanut (Leguminesae) ° (Acacl catchu) + Flow of water © Open well » Coconut © Borewell (Cocus Nucitera) = Trench Pesticide Analysis in Tamil Nadu (With contributions of Mr R. Pangan, Chief Engineer WRO'PWD, Chennai) wuring Sepeember 2002 the Public Works Department ar Chennai structed its level [I+ laboratory do an extensive analysis of the pesticides concentration in the Cauvery river using the gax chromatograph procured under che Hydrology Project. Samples were collected in che Cauvery iver basin a eight differenc locations and for each ‘ample the Following eleven dellerene pesticide parameters were rested: Chlordane Hepmachlor Endo Sulphan BHC Endria peBHC Heprachloreparide S-BHC Aldsin pp DDT Lindane Pollution by pesticides ean be very dangerons because when pesticides somehow make their way into the human body or example theoragh ddsinking wates), they do not get broken down bbur accumulate in the bosy-fit-tistes, The Buseau of Indian Standards has set the limit for tasal, pesticides ar 0.001 mg per litre. IP a too large amount of pesticides is consumed, people are likely to suffer from all kinds of ailments including cancer. Therefore, it is ‘crucial hat all data related w pesticide pollution isvetfied. In this light the Consultancs propose to have an integrated programme on pesticides analysis dared berween the agencies and the State Pollution Conerol Boards. ‘As far as we know; Tamil Nadu is the first ‘Hydrology Project Starc thar has analysed pesticides in surface wacer using the gaschromatograph. We encourage all acher States co follow their example. Wiser with the Web The Groundwaser Department of Gujarat has Jaunched a new website on: Their good-looteing and casy to use website includes information fon which databases are far sale, maps, pphocographs and much morc. tn Chennai a eain-water harvesting education centre has been set up. The ccentee has 3 permanent exhibition which displays varions methods for rainwater fallen rr harvesting, Besides this, the centre cas alsa provide guidance and orgunise technical workshops. For more devails weve rainwaterharvesting. org * Hollow fibre ultea filtration ina mew device for purifying waver. The device can filter water for an entite community, does nor requite any smsintenace for at lest five years and costs | lakh. For more information e-mail: + To find all kinds of water related the website: explore : The site covers 16 subjecs anging from CAS and water resources modelling t0 wetlands, wacer planning, and ‘management, + Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Dara, in shore FRIEND, is a research programme under UNESCO, This international tuly'in regional hydrology aims to develap a better understanding of hydrological varisbiliey andl similarities across different regions dhiough mutual exchange of data, knowledge and techniques. For more information visit: hiinslénwnw nwt accublivfriond + ICIMOD and the World Merearological Organisation have now stared projece with the aim of establishing a flood information srystem forthe Hind Kush Himalayas region. Tn thincontext they have developed the website www to facilitate the exchange of hydra-meteurologicalinfraion beeween India, Banglades, Biuean, China Nepal and Pakistan. + The Environmental Daca Interactive Exchange (EDIE) pravides a free personalised news service and a one-stop shop for the exchange of specialised information on the environment, including various water ies. ‘You can subscribe by waiting rf + For extensive information on water and ai treatment visit the website: httpefhwww. ter includes 4 educational decision tree path, # The Network for Preventive Environmental Management (NetPEM) is an NGO which works towards sustainable development of the environment by co-ordinating educational programmes in this field. They, together with ‘Ths Confederation of Indian Indusries (CII), the University of Twente of The Netherlands, and the Lund University of Sweden, have developed a programme which will allow participants to obtain an International Environmental TThe duration of the course is h This websire ale Managemen 18 months and the programme demands two hours of daily involvement. Schedules are flexible and can be customised. The cost of the 25,000. For further their websice on: course will be Ri informacion visit www You can find all website addresses published in carlicr HP Newsletters on our websiter httpslwwur under the heading “Links. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and their use in HP (4 comtibuion of RA Vinh, Depy Team Laer 1 der the Hydrology Project, the | Ceneral Water Commission has pprovurcd 3 Acoustis doppler Current Profiler: (ADCS), one exch for the Eastern Keishna-Gadavari and Cauvery regions. These ADCPs have since been pilor tested and acceptance protocols have been completed. It ie proposed to use these ADCP at erties! gauging sites, As ADCPs are quite complex instruments we chought it may be useful to the readers ro ge some background information The ADCP is a device for messuising current velocity and direction. throughoue the water column in stream, in an efficieut and non- intrusive manner, It can produce an inseaneuneous velociey profile down through the watercolumn while only disturbing the wp few decimentes. ADCPs are well esublished as a preferred method for discharge meacurement in large river systems world-wide. The instrament was originally developed for use in the study of ocean currents - tracking chem and producing velocity profiles - and other ‘oceanographic work. Ichus since been developed for wse in estuaries and rivers. It can alo be used t8 measure flows in tidal rivers and #0 monitor sediment Quses. Am ADCP can be mounted on 1 boat ora floeation colar or raft and propelled across a iver The route raken does not need to be frsight oF perpendiculse tothe bank of the sves. The instrument collects measurements of velecity and its position as it imoves across the stream, ‘The instrament An ADCP is eylinder with « transducer head con the end, The trassucer hea on the sos widely used system i a ring of three of four acoustic transchucess with their faces angled ar 200 co the horizontal and right angles teach other, The cylinder bansies 2 connpas, a data ADCP Discharge Measurement Principle ADEE mound a ast Pissed processing and socage unit ane optionally 4 bbartery pack. The bartery pack is mat necessary if 4 suitable external power source can be puorvided, The ADCP warks on the sboppler fect principle ‘The doppler shift The tefteetion of sound waves from a particle, which i moving wichin a fluid, nes xchange in frequency of the cflected sound wave. The dliffcence in froquency heewees the transmitl and reflected sound wave is known. as the doppler shift. A good example of this is the sound made by srrain asic passes bya seacionary peivon. The trains whistle has a higher pice as the tain approaches and alowerpicch as itgoet away front the observer. This change in pich frequency) isdirecdly proportional ro the spead of the moving tain, The ultasanic dopple hw ‘measurement technology ix based on thit phenomenon, Sound ennsistsof pressure waves in ait water or solids, Sound wave crests and troughs conan bunds of high and low presrar, ‘The wavelength ix the distance between successive waves ie. berweee successive crest tz towels. The speed of round isthe speed at which waves propagate, ar more by, The frequency is the number af waves that pass by perunir of ime. The highlighted quantities ate related by: speed of sound ~ frequency + swavelengeh, Doppler velocity meters The doppler low meter uses the doppler shift principle wo measure the relative velocities brerwcen itself the riverbed (hortom srack) and suspended partieles in che water coburn. The sensors transmit 2 high frequency hundreds of kH2) sound wave ima the flow These sound wares are gefleted ack towards the sensorsby suspended particles, plankion oF sir bubbles. Therefore, very clean water can r prove to be a dificul: medium for we of the doppler technique. However, most open channel-flows contain sufficient suspended pamticles co obtain sarisfacoory recurn signals ‘The ADCP messures the doppler shift of the reflected sound and wses this t0 calculate the relative velocity of the particles vo itself by means af processor built into the syxcem.'The velocity of the particles is assured tw be equal to the velocity of the water current ‘The ADCP divides the water column into horizontal slice (bins) ranging from 0.1 e92 m depth (see figure 1), From the dats from the fourlthree beara: (minimarn of 3 reqied i is possible for the ADCP tw estimate the x, y and 2 direction velocity components. The average velocity of wates flowing through cach bin is calculated 1 produce a velociry profile ofthe wacer column. Voacites in many verticals actos the channel are collected ancl processed by supporting. software co estimate a coral dlischarge, Bssimation of Unmeasured Sections ‘hier sien ae athe in ADCP Sacre Practical use of the ADCP To compute the discharge oF a stream, the ADCP has to ers che stream once with its translucsts submerged wo a known constant dep, Usually it is mote accurate to cross the stream backwards and forwards twice and end ‘on the same river hank asi started. AB average Of the four (2x 2) results can then be eaken. AS much of the time involved in sing the ADCP isin is set-up, icisecommmended chat a number of traverses are male w ave if fin steady flow conditions repeatability occurs, In unsteady flew conditions it provides an epporeanity to imonitor changes in discharge, The-mest common way of using the ADCP is to fix it to a boat, so that it can be vertically adjusted. (see photo 18¢2). The boar allows the rranscacers 10 be fixed at different depehe relitive to the water surface. Another way to employ an ADCP isto mount it in a flotation collar, which easures thar the tansducers remain submerged ea a constant depth. The flotation collar containing che instrument can then be tome aeross the river on 2 cableway or the end of a ope, pushed by 2 boat ar ever diven by a remote eonstol macor, Fos larger rivers the boa mounting method is recommended. Practical considerations The baat velocity is meanured by the bortom tracking option, which makesse af he bottom (dopplet refletion (to obtain the boar speed) This isan sceurite measurement provides that the boston is stationary: However, at high flaw velocities, the bottom sediment may start ‘moving resulting in alas in the bottom track measurement. Under such condition a GPS syotem ia required to derive the wclacty of che hoa. This adds w the cost and increases the complexity of the operation, ‘Acar battery with adaptes for the laptop PC is necesary fo nin che laptop and she ADCP in real-tinse The m imum depth: oF deployment is ided co be not less than 1.0m (in 95% of che eross-section, The depth of operation is noc the actual depth but she distance from the ADCP tzanacucers, whizh should be mounted ar least 0.3 m below the surface erbelow the hull ofthe boa {whichever is the preater) Iv is nor possible for the ADCP ro sample che full vertical elosity profile; The echo from a hard suslace stich as the surface ox bortoen is 0 inch stronger than the ech from scatters in the water that it can oweewkelm the side lobe Suppression ofthe transucer. There is 3 dead band of about 6% (20 degree beam angle) bberween the bed and the lowest bin. There is also at unmeasured band close tothe surface ‘This unmeasured portion a the surface consists of the distance berween the surface and the transducers, a deae| band (enin. 01 m) anda bhai or cell (iin. 0.2 sm), Thevefore if the ‘ansthucers are fined at 0.3.m below the surface, ‘40 measurement af velocity will be obtained in ADCP sta ie of bet Ls a fe + Dischecged issummedas the vessel eroateg the river rem tani Ban + Diacharge ean be mensured over a changing cours + The River Surveyor ADP accounts for bost speed and ditecton the top 0.6 ma. (se figate 2). The ustmewsured upper and lower portions of the verticals are defined augonsasially by extrapolation. This cxcrapolation is haseel on the classical form of the velocity eofle either using a power uw o¢ straight line method, Alternatively. the upper portion is measured by-an eleciromagnetic current meter. Particulaly im shallower rivers the instrument should sot be tmmersed acto0 great adgpih, w avoid shat ne portion of the vertical profile is not sampled. Care should be taken so envute that the eansducers are low enotigh to avoid interference by the hull ‘ofthe boat. I ierecommended to ball aspecial lightweight alloy frame for the ADC, inorder tomake carrying emir, prosece dhe ADCP ancl provide a means of fixing the ADCP t any! rmagt boats. Overall Performance of the ARG? ADCP are well established Instruments foe bylrometry: They have been sed succesfully ia lange rivers such as the Great Lake system (on the Canada-US border, River depths here vary beeween 4 and 20 metres and the average fucharge is 5,000 m¥s. The ADCP has also been used extensively on the Ganges and Beshaapurra rivers in Ganghaledh, measuring harges up ro 100,000 m3/s (Delft Hiydraulics etal. 1996). Successful projects have also been completed on rivers such as the Missisippi and the Danube ‘The equipement hax proved "to be very gnod at spoting areas of tecieulation and other anoraies in the How regimes ‘The ADCP equipment is costly and requires 2 relatively high level of technical ability Therefore, ie is only recommended for use at larger, more important sites, e.g inter State borders, where moreconvensional methods are not viele, for rescarch and for verification imeasuremenis at gaugiig sites, 18 Water Reading = Freshwater environment, by R. Mishra (085.750). This book explains how the fresh water systern interacts with its environment and whar the effets are of the diminishing, + To acquire the popular baok The River Saraswaty, by S. Kalynaraman (Ro.159), contact the All India Saratwar Culrural Organisation in Mumbai by e-mail (nto * Environment and pollution law mana, by SK. 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Go creative and wild in your thought, exploring swig, humo, sti or thriller and sead your entries to Hydrology Project, either through mail or e-mail The best eniies will be selected by the panel and win-an ‘exciting prize, Entries shoul teach by Januaty $1, 2003, Water Events 28.31 January 2003, New Delhi 6th International canferenee on GIS Maps (ue: 0120-450 2180) swebsice December!January 2003, Warangal, AP: International conference on advanced modeling techniques for sustainable ‘management of water resources RECW (ick 08712 ~ 459 1291, fie: 4595470119) mail: Mahesh mew ernetin 5-8 February 2003, New Delhi “Aqua Inetia ‘CAT (cel: O11 = 2436 6225) website: winw.ea 13-15 February 2003, New Delhi International couference on water quality management CBI (el: O21 ~ 2611 5984) bin 7.—8 March 2003, Alias Groundwater management and its Impact on

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