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Reflection & Evaluation

Reflection and Evaluation: Written and oral reflection on personal progress, as well as self and peer evaluation of process and performance work. and

Reflection There is a highly effective There is a satisfactory There is some artistic and There is a limited artistic and
artistic and logistical artistic and logistical logistical analysis of the logistical analysis of the
analysis of the relevant analysis of the relevant relevant production relevant production
production processes. production processes. processes. processes.

Evaluation There is an excellent critical There is a satisfactory There is some critical There is little critical
evaluation of the project as critical evaluation of the evaluation of the project as evaluation of the project as a
a whole. project as a whole. a whole. whole.

Going Further The student is able to define The student is able to define With prompting, the student The student is unaware of
clear goals in order to goals in order to further is able to define goals in what needs to be done in
further develop and improve develop and improve order to further develop and order to further develop and
understanding and understanding and improve understanding and improve understanding and
performance. performance. performance. performance. Teacher-
defined goals are necessary.

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