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Discuss the properties and reaction

of aromatic compounds

Properties of methyl benzene

Properties Methyl benzene

Density relative density (water = 1) 0. 87 =
less than in water
the relative density (Air = 1) 3.14 =
denser in air

Solubility do not dissolve in water, but dissolve in

organic solvent
Melting point -95° C
Boiling point 111° C
Flammability High flammable
Vapor pressure 4.89kPa
ph value 7
Properties of methyl benzene.
It is immiscible with water
It burns in oxygen
C6H5CH3 + 9O2 → 7CO2 + 4H2O

As seen from the equation, a lot of oxygen is

required. In air the combustion tends to be
incomplete and results in a Smokey flame.
Very slow reaction with bromine water - it
resists addition reactions.
 Since methyl benzene doesn't react with bromine it cannot
contain any C=C double bonds.
It is transparent colorless liquid
Reactions for the
methyl benzene
Reaction of methyl benzene

Combustion Hydrogenation Oxidation Sulphonation Bromination

1. Combustion
Like any other hydrocarbons, benzene and
methylbenzene burn in a plentiful supply of
oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water.
example:of methylbenzene

However, for these hydrocarbons, combustion is

hardly ever complete, especially if they are burnt
in air.
As a general rule, the hydrogen in a
hydrocarbon tends to get what oxygen is
available first, leaving the carbon to form
carbon itself, or carbon monoxide, if there
isn't enough oxygen to go round.
2. Hydrogenation

Hydrogenation is an addition reaction in

which hydrogen atoms are added all the
way around the benzene ring. A
cycloalkane is formed.
For example:
These reactions destroy the electron
delocalisation in the original benzene ring,
because those electrons are being used to
form bonds with the new hydrogen atoms.
The reactions are done using the same
finely divided nickel catalyst that is used in
hydrogenating alkenes and at similar
temperatures (around 150°C), but the
pressures used tend to be higher.
3. Oxidation

With hot acidic KMnO4 :

With acidic manganese or chromyl chloride (Etards

reaction) :     
All alkyl benzenes on oxidation with hot acidic
KMnO4 or Na2Cr2O7  form benzoic acid. The length of
the side chain does not matter.
4. Sulphonation
Sulphonation involves replacing one of the
hydrogens on a benzene ring by the sulphonic acid
group, -SO3H.

Methylbenzene is more reactive than benzene

because of the tendency of the methyl group to
"push" electrons towards the ring.
The main reaction are:

The effect of this greater reactivity is that
methylbenzene will react with fuming sulphuric
acid at 0°C, and with concentrated sulphuric acid
if they are heated under reflux for about 5 minutes.

As well as the effect on the rate of reaction, with

methylbenzene you also have to think about where
the sulphonic acid group ends up on the ring
relative to the methyl group.
Methyl groups have a tendency to "direct" new
groups into the 2- and 4- positions on the ring
(assuming the methyl group is in the 1- position).
Methyl groups are said to be 2,4-directing. The
origin of this directing effect is also beyond UK A
So you get a mixture which mainly consists of two
isomers. Only about 5 - 10% of the 3- isomer is
In the case of sulphonation, the exact
proportion of the isomers formed
depends on the temperature of the
reaction. As the temperature
increases, you get increasing
proportions of the 4- isomer and less
of the 2- isomer.
This is because sulphonation is reversible.
The sulphonic acid group can fall off the ring
again, and reattach somewhere else.
This tends to favour the formation of the
most thermodynamically stable isomer. This
interchange happens more at higher
The 4- isomer is more stable because
there is no cluttering in the molecule as
there would be if the methyl group and
sulphonic acid group were next door to
each other.
4. Bromination

of bromine

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