My Dream Vacation Is To Go Korea

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My dream vacation is to go Korea.

A few reasons why I want to go there is

because it has both physical and natural environments, many historical places of

interest, has four seasons and have a lot of good food.

It has many physical environments, I mean, at least more than Singapore. Some

includes mountains, waterfalls, rivers, volcanoes and temperate rainforest. Some

examples of mountains are Mount Halla (or Hallasan); Mount Changansan

and Seongsan Ilchubong (Sunrise Peak). Mount Halla, rising up to 1950 metres, is the

highest mountain in South Korea. Mount Halla is a massive shield

volcano which forms the bulk of Jeju Island and is often taken as

representing the island itself. Seongsan is a volcanic crater with

vertical cliffs rises up from the shore. As the easternmost tip of

Jeju Island, this area is the first to greet each day's new sun, thus

earning the name of "Sunrise Peak." A hefty climb brings visitors to the top of the peak.

Visitors are prevented from entering the crater by barbed wire, but they can still enjoy

the panoramic views of the surrounding area. Jagged rocks stick up like teeth along the

crater's perimeter. It is definitely worth the view, even if you do not make it in time for

the sunrise. There is even a waterfall on Jeju Island called the

Cheonjiyeon Waterfall. Jeju Island is a is a volcano, said to be

erupted 800 years ago, and the large crater was formed a million

years before, it is still considered as a volcano as it is still

dormant. For rivers, one good example would be the Han River.

It flows through Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Last but not least for physical
features, we have temperate rainforests. Gangwon Rainforest is one of the largest

rainforest in Korea.

There are many human environment is Korea too. Such as cities, man-made

rivers, man-made lakes, theme park and last but not least, palaces. Attractions in the

cities can be Seoul Tower, an attraction that is a must to visit. Man-made rivers include

the Cheonggyecheon Stream, an $84 billion five-year green growth project that aims to

boost energy efficiency and green technology. Man-made lakes are simply reservoirs;

lotte world and everland are forms of theme parks. Palaces are one of the greatest

attractions of Korea. It brings in their history. Some palaces are really preserved from

the past till now, while some of them are rebuild due to burning. Some examples include

the famous Gyeongbokgung palace and Gyeonghuigung palace.

In conclusion, I really hope to visit Korea because of its environment. It really has

a balance in environment between physical and human environment. That makes it

attracting to me~~~my dream vacation.

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