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[ 316

that their parts are diflind; hut that the moll

remote Labia of cach are outwardly vifiblc, and
the two contiguous ones are within. There fermi
to be no cheat in the thing ; and Whin, where
" they ate joined, is pettedly frtMoth, without any
. fear. They arc now about fix years 'old. Thcy
fpeak French and High German. They am very
fidl of adion, and talk one more than the other.
When one (loops to take up any thing, (he carries
the other quite froM the ground and that one
of them often does,'being Rrouger as well as more
lively than the othcr. They have not their feeling
common any where but in the place of their con-
. jundion. This is all I can fay about it. If you
think it worth while, you will do me sn honour
in giving the print, and thc fubtrance of this ac-
" count, to the Society; to whkh, the an unworthy
member, I would be proud to be capable of any
This letter was read to the Royal Society on the
tath of May t and the print mentioned in
it produced ; which, being now become extremely

grna ce"dka tgfa rntt ad' het. g hnStr1Prs.t3(

Soon after the date of Mr. Burnet's ktra, thc
twin fillers were brought to England, and publicly
(hewn in London, as appears from the following MS.
note in a copy of thc print bound up by the writer
with Fortunius Licetus dr MO.:a edn. Am-

Pol Pi. P. ,43.

I lnrhane.nft,L a. p Bo. is the following eaOen,.
R.rloebie /..0.1 H,striterpi, Pare, vba r. rtlaiu, plum arn-
affee fexii Heerit enpriis, gni lat.

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