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[ 319 3

Mod. ;663. 4to. in the polferson of Thomas Wit.

Iraham, M. D. F. R. S. Londizi a47snnii 3708.
" bon midi &Imam (plow- amth fix nom) parting
" prat ft vianeital elegantior et styli., pain
Flamm a kftriptio."
Another account of them by an eye-wieners in
London is in a manufcript volume among thofe of
Sir Ham Sloane, Bart in the &kith Mufeum, in-
skilled, A Awl Whey 4 &man Peahen and
monfireas Births, if Thwart; Skfif rf, Glafo 1, flneg
Men, Hermatbreditee, IfIlfefall Birth+, and extreme
.dge, &v. Thc name of the writer was James
Paris du Pieffis. In p. 39. under the Title Two
&firm conjoined, hc gives a drawing of them, and
the following dcfcription Thefc two mooftrous
" girls were born at Stony in Hungary in the year
" yo 5. They were born conjoined together at the
fmall of thc back. I aIked the father and mother,
if they could not be feparated one from the other /
Isut they anfwered, No ; becaufe the urinary and
fiecal ref:Fels and paffages were fo united, as to have
" but one iffue for the urine, and another for the ex-
` CTRIIISIISS, betwixt both. They were bilk, merry,
and well.bred: they could read, write, and fing very
" prettily: they could !peak three different languages,
RS Hungarian or High Dutch, LOW Dutch, and
French, and were learning Englifh. They were
wry handfome, very well duped in all parts, and
banitifiil fun. Helen was burn three hours be-
` fore her ufler Judith. When one llooped, the
" lifted the other from the ground. and carried thc
" other upon her back ; neither could they walk

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