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with Dr. Halley's for the year 1700, and the patent
chart now publifhing, con:pleat fix reviews Thome
are tabulated, and thew the quantity of the variation,
at thole levend periods, to every p degrees of latitude
and longitude in the mom frequaked oceans whkh
we hope will prove acceptable, as nothing of the hke
kind has yet appeared, or can nobly be obtained.
Our materials have been fo deficknt, that even in
the limits to which our table. are confined, we have
been obliged to lave blanks in tome of the above
periods, for want of that concurrent teflimony, on
which the nunffiers inferted are founded : but, con-
fidering the difficulties unavoidably attending a work
of this fort, and the little alliflance which we have
met with from private hands, we hope that this
Royal Society will not only acute thofe vacancies,
but alto thole in the great tads of fea, as well as
land, concerning which we are very orrwillingly
obliged to be intirely filent.
Agreeable to our former adchtfs, we lay only
what appear to be fat% before you, without at-
tempting to introduce any hypothefis for the folution
of t'.e phanomena ; tome of which (being very
'extraordinary) we recommend peculiarly to the no-
tice of thofe gentlemen, who may endeavour the in-
velligation of their cauks.
Under the equator, in longitude 4o E. from Lon-
don, the highefl variation during the whole 10 years
appears to be z7.1 W. and the kill 16.1 W.: and
in latitude ts° N. longitude 60° W. from London,
the variation has been conflantly 1.° E. but in other
places the cafe has been widely different for in the
latitude to' S. longitude 60° E. frorn London, the
variation has decreated from 17° W. to 7 1 W. and
in latitude le S. longitude s° W. from London, it

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