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Magnetic Mead/oat, in all probability occafioned by

the heterogeneous compolitions in the great magnet,
the Earth.
Notwithilanding all which, fhould the rapacity
of fome eminent plailolopher be able to exhibit rules,
whereby the quantity of the variation may bc com-
puted for future times, yet then loch a review, as
we have now made, will be neceffary at a proper
interval, to prove the truth of them and fhould no
fetch rules appear, then will a continued fuccellion of
loch reviews be necellary fo /ong as commerce and
navigation lubftft among us.
What we have now done is intirely for the public
fervice, the fain of the former chart never having
made good its opener, and we propofe to continue
our endeavours for another review, at the proper
time, if we fhall thcn be alive, and capable of the
talk : but as the contrary may probably happen, we
beg leave to conclude with recommending fuch a
continuation, in the Reongeft manner, to fuch of the
members of this Royal Society, or ethers, who may,
at the proper intermit, have leifure and ability for
fuch a performance.
We are, with the greaten deference,
Your Lordfhip's,
And the Royal Society's.
Moft faithful and
moll obedient Servants,

William Mountaine.
Jamcs Dodfon.

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