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[ 353

edr, or tbe tofu of the vatical mmor, to the hot.

tom of the great tumor, is wo inchq ; fo that the
kngth of both, kom the vertex to the cod of the
gat one, I. abolit ta inches : and upon viewing it,
when he was his Sde towards you, the whole mats
is eight aka inches over all the way ; hard at top,
and tabby downwards, hanging in kinds of plaits.
From the eye to the uppikte outline of the grat
tumor is fus iiKba ; and lower down, from the lek
corner of his mouth to the oppokte oedine of the fame
0.11110f, eight inch.. The upper !mall tumor, ova
the nofe, is orve inch three quarters long by one inch
rod half ; the middk rumor is two inches long from
thc els .4, to which it bongs, and of the fame
headdi sod the towed turner, (Japed like a goofes
faor inches and half long by near three

nit man is under the cam of Mr. Crane, an ewe-

furgoas of St. Bartholomewk Hofpital, who has
lei now taken off the low& of thefe dime anterior
mots, sad alfu the tumor mentioned, which hung
laderneath at the under lid of his right eye. He in-
win proceeding to take off that at the ida oaf rent,
we fo oe ell he takes away all the (mailer tumors
: afterwards the larger will bc confidered. The
Warr of thole ellt off was intirely fat ; nor was
ewe the lead fpeck of blood in the lowdl of the
11.1. femlim Ple11011; but there was m hernorrhege
foam tel divided in taking off that banging to
161*eye.linl which free yielded to the methoth
hawk afc of and went on fisceefsfully till quite
pity no one of the people of coodition in the
Ton. 50. ZZ country,

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