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horn a blow in figh growing fubjea, if no wound

is made, nor fuppuration brought on in the tumor,
then the parts of the tumor being only weakened,
ta equilibrium k &flawed, a greater flux of juices
than massy is owned to ir, the doe refdlance being
impaired, sod a hantiancy of growth is produced in
tle par of the injury, which greatly exceeds that
the oft of the body; and will roofl certainly con-
tinue in the fame manner, awing the growth of din
fubjeft, when once thus begun. Iso the parent fubjed,
Ibis luariancy was communicated even to the veins,
which are apparent and Loge, and which were before,
i.,, thcg oatonal fate, farce nibble ; and MK Only to
theft, but to the very bones of the forehead r and as
to the iotsgunwnts and membranes of the body,
their great diftenfibility is well known to any one.
1 haft ken in soariso. fo &landed by water, and
thickened as it grew, that it had fubflance enough
to brae being dreired by a tanner, and contained nine
gillons, which 1 faw poured into it after it was doffed.
does root every corpulent perion (hew the Cane
power of dillenfion in the membranes and integu.
IOCIILS of the body, as well as wens of all kinds tgon
the furface ?
- 1 ttugf Itt fo extraordmilary a oaf fethiwn ell to:cortythintihte
all; aod the more fo, as there few hints fall ll di,
elly front a, to renda its publication ufeful. We
are might by this, how net-diary it is for all fuels as
are dae management of youth under their are, to
',mean early regard to every acrident that may befall
radon ; for many bows injuries of this kind have
isco thought very nivial, abicb, . being overlooked
. Zaa nod

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