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[ 373

It was abb pereeptibb, that the air was impelled

fisrnewhat, OW pot confsderably, more forward by
the additic,, of atvl hundred weight on the bel-
lows :
That tke decpnr the horizontal pipe was placed
wanes, the bh lefillance was made by the
Tbas in proportion as the heat of the Iteam swas
aszafcd, by malting the water boil more ftrongly,
the refinance so the preffure of the air by the weight
es the bellows becurie greater.
It is a eery doubtful matter, whether air forccd
then boiling water would hare anfwered the purpofe
intended : but I believe it was never imagined, that
sistund riot kw middy forr_ed duo', until proved by
the foregoing experiments. The attempt, tho' it has
gam demorrArahly in that point, has produced the
Iwo drat from another caufe, as to faring coals,
ud thsowing up more water. For, bi the confiant
me, not wag taken during the time o making thefe
experiments, to meaftwe the coals, to admit only a
Fuger qmntity of fuel to be laid on, and alio to
mark die time enattly it took in burning, the en-
Onz tliana did, and (fill nom:butes to require eight
Wads a emit len, in every 04 hours work, than
q did Wart ; and alfo, from the regularity of ita
Wu, to throw up more water ; the fame care be-
inquired from the engineer, who can have no
price for confuming more coals now, than ap-
the time the experimenn
medfulfic,ient during
Tito' Pune of the properties of Rearm are well
known ; ycs the degrees of ezpanfioa it is capable

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