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quotidian ague, which oft/ally hegan about three of the

clock in the sikenoon, And lorhOd Pear awo
which warfucceeded by a hot fit, andthen a vidleni
(went. And hr dth manner fhe was :Miffed tor *vett
dor widoCest 'any illiterial Anthony when, being
irsCortned ka a aseighbtass of a postai, who 44 an
infallible remedy for the cure of an ague, the applied
to hint. He brought her two phials, containing about
an ounce and, half each, of a pale yellowifh liqnoe
nne of which he din:8411U to take diroftly, F.-
miring, that the Ovauld have no reuattssf the 61 of
eonfequeneei and that, lf flie had any finall return,
the fecond bottle &mulct cure her e*Qually. ha
confequence of whkh, fhe took one dofe, which was
at the time the cold fit had been on about quarter
of an hour: the had no fooner (wallowed it , but, as
Ihe lays, her Itomach was on fire, and felt as if fhe
had (wallowed the firongell dram potlible. The cold
fit left her inllantly but Ilse was immediately liked
with fo violent a fever, as to make her burn, and be
extremely thirk, all the following night , much
more fo than ever the had been before, till the next
morning, when a threat a little relieved het from the
violent heat. When fhe rofe in the morning, the
was much troubled with a great itching in the hands,
beet, and nofe and Mon after all thofe ports began
to feel numbed, or, as fhe derailrm it, as if -her
hands and fen were Alan; which fhc took but little
notice of; till the evening of that day, when Ilk
found ds nails of both hands and feet were turning
black, and, at the fame time feeling great pain in
both, as thin in tier nok, and that they appeared of
a dark:lei red colour, like the fkin in cold weather.

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