A Raksho of Two Ounces and A Half Was, in Da: For Info On PDF Compression and OCR Visit Our Website

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for, in the &ft experiment nude by Dr. Speingffidd,

a raksho of two ounces and a half was, in da
manner, Rune Mealy.* in fin days. Freen thin ex-
periment,. compered with dot of De. Springskikl
mentiosed above (B), it will be found. *pen calm-
Irstim.:,thak the diliolving power of the Carlfbatt
water, Om it is allowed to flow militantly front
tiro fountain along the (tone, is neatly 39 times
greater than when it is only poured Frei', on the sal-
ad.., once n day. *. What may have been die ma-
fon of this furprifing difference of tbe lithanniptic
power of the Carlfbad water in there different air-
cumflamms, I will not pretend is fay. I think it
can fcarcely be accounted for from du geode motiou
of the wata along the Purace of the nakaias. Was
it then owingto form very volauk sant part, which
thc water quickly loks, after being taken from the
But how great foever the dirrolving power of the
Carlfbad waters may bc, when they Ilion from the
bowels of die earth, ye that they do Pot commu-
nicate a mach greater diffolving power to thc urine,
than lime-water, will appear from compaiing the
two following experiments.
In Dr. Springsfeld's Eapr. (A) above, the tern. of
a perfon, who drank the Carlfbad winces, reduced,
in a+ dayr, a piece of micalio, weighing 3o grains,
to 15 grains. And in an experiment made by Dr.
Newcome, now Lord Bilhop of Llindaff, who
drank four Englifb pints of oyfterfhell lime-water

5,1. Bray no tbc Yonne of Lime. wow, ad edit. p.

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