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[ 392

talk, and may be drank in larger quantity, Asa

lime-water, yet this loft may be drank equally
good in all places, and at all (miens of the year ;
which is not the cafe with the Cullbad watere
Noma* 30. s337.

An Inylance of the Ekarieal Virtue in the

Cure of a Palfr. By Mr. Patrick Pry-
R., pt. rLizabcth Fake, aged 33, in poor dr-
2-5 cumflances, unmarried, about ty years
ago was kiaed with a violent nervous fever, accom-
panied with an afthma, and was fo ill, that her life
was defpaired of. She recovered however from the
violence of her difternper, but the fad effeas of it re-
mained. For, front this time, fhe continued in a
weakly uncertain flan of health till the month of
July, sips, when fhe was again taken ill of rho
lune kind of fever ; and after it went off fix was trou-
bled with work nervous fyrnptoms than ever ensimg
at loft in a paralytic diforder, which foinetimesaffeded
the arm, fometimes the leg, of thc left fide; in fuch
a manner as that thek parts, tho deprived of all mo-
tion for the tinie, yet frill retained their fenfibiliry.
bs this condition Ilse remained till the fpring 5716,
when unexpeftedly fhe grew much better ; but not
fo far as to get quite rid of her paralytic complaints ;
which, in cold weather, kid= failed to mandell
themfelves by a nucabnefs, trembling, fenktion of
cold, and a tali of motion in the left fide.

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