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Odober 44 175 o' el Lanes (whole right gale-ton

VMS 63. 0 15" and &din anon 4° 54: s7" north)
preceded the COIllef 4C; I el, right afcenion, and
was more fondled,' 211 53*. Hence the Cornet's
tight afcenfion We, I 2° 40 30 md its declination
s' yo" north.
Odober 7d t 61 34 the 79th Leonis in the Bring,
Catalogue (whedi right afeenfion Was 167° tz' 57"
and declination 2'44' s 5" north) followed the Comet
13!o' ill right afcenfion, and IRS TOM northerly 38'
W Helton the Cornet's right akenlion War 167'
40' 37 and its declination z* 40' north.
Weber 84 10 13' the Comet preceded sr Leonia
4.53' 30" in right akenfion, and WaS 37' zo' mom
eerthaly. The right afeenhon of this flar was rye
7'41' sod its decimation ta. 3ei f f" ; therefore
de Comet's right akenfion was .er 3" and its
declination OW Is' north.
Wolter 114 itSb 51' theComet followed tr Leonh
t 3 y' 30 ire right aprarect f f f"
hare Lutherly ; but it being near t e horizon, the
Mieferice of right afcenfion mutt have been con.
faded by refradion about t' f', and the difference
d declination about 30": fo that the correded
right akenfton of the Comet 42' 10" and
in declination 14 Y4o fouth.
Immediately after this obfervation a fog mole,
0bid, prevented me from repeating it and feveral
naming, fonowing provnig hazy or cloudy, I could
let fee the Comet again till adobe,. e8nb. about an
Inn and a quarter before fun-rifing ; when the twi-
Fght being thong, and the Could low, it appeared
any hint. However. I was unwilling to omit thc
Ggg a °PP.'

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