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opportnnity'of determining ns place, as near as I could,

by a fingle obfervatinn, in the following manner.
At fds 59' 53. fsdereal time, I oblerved the
paffage of the Comet omr the perpendicular wire uf
my equatorial Sedor ; then leaving the inurement
in the fame pofition till the nein evening, I obferved,
that at .11b 8' 11" fidereal time, the 9th (tar of
Eridanus in the Britith Catalore palled over the
fame wire (Of 1101111 circle) 9 30' ODOM (nether!,
than the Comet. And at ep 4136" fidereal [kW
the flat marked b in Etidanus gaITed, f9' 5 TOM
northerly than the Cornet.
I found that the Creation of my inilrement was
not fenfibly altered between the 18th and t9th of
Odoher ; for the tranfits and the difference of de-
clination of the fame (tars being obferved with it
again on the Isch of Orlober, thcy agreed very well
with thrife that were taken the preceding night. It
may therefore be fuppofed, that the polition of the
inflrarnent confinued the-fame likewife during the
time of the foregoing obfervations.
'The right akenbon of the t9th liar of Eridanus
being 4se 39 o" and its declination r 55' al" fouth;
and the right akealion of b of Eridanus being 93'
59' 11" and ics declination 1° 1' to' fouth ; I Col-
leted, that when the Comet paled the wire (or ho-
rary circle) which WaS Ofbaber 170 I 70 I 1. mem
time, its right akenlion was tSr o' and its de-
clination 5° af' 35" loath.
The laft time that I faw the Comet was on the
sith of OcRober in the morning ; but it thcn ap-
peared fo faint, that I could not obferve its place.
Its elongation from the fun was thcn but about 20
degrees ;

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