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( 417 ]

Sn,opofing boagroomorftbose OABCD (Fig 1.)
rrooluiag eariforody law itt metre, to be at/eden at
the we-miry A .f radio, OA, in dirogion A L
perpendicular to the plata of the gaoler ABC D, and
parallel to the arit f rotation Pp, by a given forte,
train to generate a new males ,of rotator, a: right
asp!. to the firmer It G.propelial Cs deterneine the
dotage, that veal artfr in dm diredion of tbe rotatita
I. touleguence of the .frid forte.


P. t,
'Let Fdeuote the given force, whereby the motion
*rut the auk ep a. diftmbed, fuppofingf to repre-
fit the centrifugal force of a fmall particle of matter
iu the circumference of the equator, arifing from the
'hoes rotation ; and let the whole number of fuch
pliclet, or the content of the fphere, be denoted
r : let allb the momentum of rotation of the
whale fpliere, or of all the particles, be (tippled,
.4 proportion to the momentum of an equal number
os. so. Hhh of

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