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r 42c, 3

rphookl, let AEaF (Fig. a.) be the equator, md

pp the axis of the fphenxid : alfo let HE C F repre-
fent the plane of the, ecliptic, 9 the place of the fun.
and HAP N H tha.plene of 4e ()Ma declined..
making righbanglaa with the!pinde of du equator
A Era : than, if AK be fuppokd parthra, and
Klaikfeependicider, to OS, and there be affumed
Tondo', to exprefs the refpultive,timesof the annual
and diurnal revolutions of the earth, it will appear
(from the Prilitipia, a III. prop. rxv.) that the '
force, with which a particle of nutter at A tends
to recede fnim the line CM i.t confequence of the
foo attraaion, will be expreffed by _sr )t ,j;
f denoting the cendifugal 9ree of the fame partick,
ariGng from the diurnal rotation. Hence, by the
refolution of forces, icx Mx glej wig 1w sho
effed of that particle, in o diva* perpeadkulal to
OA, to dun the earth about kaannst O.
FIG. 2.


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