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t *sr J.

Dot it Irdemonkrated by Sir hide Newton, end .

be other authors, thet their= of all the particles,
o 'r of ad the fanner in this whok rpheroid AP op, to
torn it etiout its center, is equal to jell of the force
of a quantity of mow, placed at A, equal to thc
coeds ni the Thatrer in the whole lpheroid thorn
that in the ini,sribed fphere, nhole ash h Pt._ Now
this encefr (awning the ra:io of 7r. to I. to eipters
that of theme of a deck tio the fqtriid of the 6.414.
will he truly regtrefentedhifixfhleirkpAt..
e nd, eonfequendy, theist* of el decimetree in the
whole earth, by Firt-egsfg4 x !ix
Let, therefereohir quell be WY Abftittard kr
E, ip cfro pool fontanldtive, wfkands Wei* fume.
ant, 0 A' 0 tiekr Ili theilaTe

tr 4O.i..b76-fhic! Kmcn ter°.

quantity ii;47 1, end kt the .engle
EA r reprefent the harry alteratiess:oUthe peaky.
of the terreftrial equator, wiling fiosn the force I,
(here deterinined), and let the arch Er be the re-
grefi of the ettoinedial point E, torrefponding there-
to: there, in the trianole E A r (corrfidered as fpheri-
cal) it will be fin. : fin. A E (: t fin. E A r : fin. Er)
tEA) k x.
1111CsOIC. k lin.AEneoCAHlersn.Allf.
^ bn.
the triangle EllA, rightangkd a A (where H A is

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