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LIV. &mirk: mpg's.* Heat .f the r

July 1737. OH ON &1Paq a Latta'
from John Huxham; M.D. ;40. R.S. to
William Wagon, M.D. F. R.& dated at
Plymouth ngth of that Mont& Wit6 ad-
ditional Renntrir lryrbr. Watfort.
Owl Ma. " "E,R OM the beginning of June laft
1-` we have had a very dry fcafon,
senerally very warm, and fonsetirnes exceflively
hot. FMCS the rth to the 14th of this month
" the heat was violent ; greater, indeed; than has
" been known here in the memory of man.
" hen talked with kveral 'perks., who have lived
" conliderable time in Jamaica, Gibraltar, and
" Minorca ; and they literally alien, that they en-
" ver felt fuch intenk 'heat in any of thofe places.
" Upon the I sth, toth, and 1;th of this month,
" Fahrenheit's thermometer, in the (hack, about
" three o' clack in the afternoon, WaS at 67 ; nay,
" upon the t 2th it was even above 88.
" Abundance of people have (offered very feverely
" from their excefilve heats : putrid, bd.., pc-
" techial, nervous fevers, are enccedinely commas
" every-where. Dyfenteries, hemorrhages, molt
" profufe fweats,, affeet not only thole in fevers, bat
" a raft many others. The days and nights were
fo intolerably hot, that little or no Lep was to
" be gotten day or night. The wind we had, Eke
" the Campfin, allay blew hot, tho' ftrong.

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