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t 438 3

cepting that fpecimen of ILempfer's now in the !M-

uth Mukurn.
But, to confirm what I have before aid, of Dr.
Sherard's hawing fyarcinen of-the true varnifh-tree,
I beg leave to quote what Dr. Di lleniva law written
in the Horn.. Eltbamen,ii ; where, after having de-
kribed the AtrICTiC1/1 Tonioodendron, he fays, Cr-
, bejleriane Vernitifene arborit ,7eporrier,
getter et accurate mks fro enfeqnutas laud...,
Kompfrrine, to* et ot0riptie et figura, gain et
Jo/amis./km, run 70id leda feruaher pbro-
pbylari. Sberardino, nofina ink Jberiei elidarjoR
pante id tannin, ANN, nelnpt difrooliu. re-
lertrifr frit. Maori ISIM elk like, AM in
mum bit in keit, matte AliAlif in America, mani.
nerfikar, nen oilman andetur, ji rem.
inter0, her imprint, ea wrist, r.
ilk de cake-
tient & preparatiene turnicis dim baba, boo kea
tralkribere. Then he gass on tranfcribing from
Kcempfer the manner, in whkh it is collefted.
After this, I find Mr. Ellis is inclinabk to think,
that the poifon-afh, as it is called by the gardeners,
is the fame with thefsji-nr-ki, or fpurious vamidoo
tree of Reempfer. The difference between there
fhrobs does not confift in frnall anti minute particu-
lars, but the moll obvious bribing marks of diffinc-
tion appear at fiat fight ; for the poifon-alla has rare-
ly more than three or four pair of lobes to nth Icaf,
terminated by an odd one : in which particular it
grees with the true varnifb-tthe of Krempfer,
whereas in the figure, which Kcempfa has given of
the fpurithis varnilb-tree, the leaves have liven or
eight pair of lobes terminated by an odd one : and

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