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Update to SAP Solution Manager 7.

0 Enhancement Package 1

Target Audience
n System Administrators
n Technology Consultant

Document version: 1.1 ‒ 02/03/2009
Document History

Before you start the implementation, make sure you have the latest version of this document. You
can find the latest version at the following location:

The following table provides an overview of the most important document changes.
Version Date Description

1.0 12/15/2008 First version

1.1 2/3/2009 n Guide title changed
n SAP Note added for IBM i

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 About this Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 SAP Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 2 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1 Installation Process Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Planning the Installation Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 Support Package Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Chapter 3 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1 Preparing the SAP Solution Manager System . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Updating ABAP Installation Tools and SAP Kernel . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Preparing the Java Support Package Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 Downloading Enhancement Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 4 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1 Installing ABAP Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Installing Java Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 About this Document

This document describes the installation of SAP enhancement package 1 on an existing SAP Solution
Manager 7.0 system.
The information in this document is intended for SAP system administrators with operating system,
database, and SAP NetWeaver Application Server knowledge.

For general information about enhancement packages for SAP Solution Manager, see the
corresponding Master Guide. The Master Guide is available in SAP Service Marketplace at SAP Components SAP Solution Manager Release 7.0 .

1.2 Before You Start

1.2.1 SAP Notes

This documentation is complemented by a range of SAP Notes. You must read at least the central
SAP Notes before you start with the enhancement package installation. Since these SAP Notes are
updated regularly, make sure that you always use the newest version which are available in SAP
Service Marketplace at

Central SAP Notes

SAP Note Number Title

1169247 Upgrading Solution Manager 7.0 to 7.0 EHP1

Related SAP Notes

SAP Note Number Title

822380 Problems w/ add-on inst/upgrade to SAP NW 7.0 AS
1137683 Maintenance Optimizer: Notes for Software Lifecycle

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1 Introduction
1.2 Before You Start

SAP Note Number Title

1080821 Deploying patches with JSPM stack option
1124030 JSPM fails parsing stack definition file
917612 Table WEB_FILES-WEB not activated
891983 JSPM: Central SAP Note SAP NetWeaver 2004s AS Java
870445 SAPJup J2EE Engine Password Does Not Change After
an Upgrade
1276651 Solman 7.01 not found in stack

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2 Planning

2 Planning

2.1 Installation Process Overview

1. You prepare the SAP system and update SAP Solution Manager and the installation tools, if
2. You select and download the required components and Support Packages using the maintenance
3. You use the SAP Add-On Installation Tool (transaction SAINT) and the Java Support Package
Manager (JSPM) to install the components and Support Packages.

2.2 Planning the Installation Strategy

When you plan your enhancement package installation, consider the following points:
n You can not uninstall an enhancement package.
n Combine the enhancement package installation with the implementation of Support Package
stacks. You can install the enhancement package and Support Packages using a single queue
in transaction SAINT and in the Java Support Package Manager. This minimizes the effort (for
example, regarding the potential modification adjustment) since you install the enhancement
package as part of your normal maintenance processes.
As the installation of an enhancement package requires a specific Support Package level on the
SAP system, you can also include all those required Support Packages into the implementation
queue. You do not have to implement the Support Packages in a separate step before you start
with the enhancement package installation.

2.3 Support Package Requirements

The enhancement package that you want to install requires a specific Support Package level in
your system. The Maintenance Optimizer automatically calculates all Support Packages that are a
prerequisite for the enhancement package installation and includes them in the installation queue.
Of course, you can also include a higher Support Package level in the installation queue.

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2 Planning
2.3 Support Package Requirements

In general, we recommend to install enhancement packages together with the required Support
Packages in one maintenance process. This minimizes the effort, since you do not need to import the
Support Packages in a separate step before you start with the enhancement package installation

In addition, you have to consider all other components in your system that are not updated by the
enhancement package. We recommend to update them to the equivalent Support Package stack level.
Equivalent here means the Support Package stack level which corresponds to the Support Package
level included in the enhancement package. An enhancement package includes all corrections
of a specific Support Package level for the comprised components. As an enhancement package
only updates parts of the system, other parts would remain on a lower Support Package level. We
recommend to avoid such an inconsistent state of Support Package levels in your system by importing
the equivalent Support Package stack for all components.

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3 Preparation

3 Preparation

3.1 Preparing the SAP Solution Manager System

1. Make sure that you have installed at least SAP Solution Manager 7.0 Support Package 15.
2. Update the Solution Manager Content to at least ST-ICO 150 Support Package 15.
3. If you want to use the software lifecycle management capabilities of SAP NetWeaver in the
maintenance optimizer, see SAP Note 1137683.
See also the documentation in the SAP Library at SAP NetWeaver
7.0 Library <Language> SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Solution Life Cycle Management by Key
Capability Software Life Cycle Management Software Lifecycle Manager Working with the SLM
Installing Live Update .

3.2 Updating ABAP Installation Tools and SAP Kernel

1. We recommend to always import the latest version of the SPAM/SAINT update before you import
installation packages.
For more information, see also SAP Note 822380.
2. Update the SAP kernel to SAP kernel 7.01.
Only valid for: IBM i5/OS

For more information, see SAP Note 1284805.

End of: IBM i5/OS

3.3 Preparing the Java Support Package Manager

1. Make sure the following requirements are met prior to the enhancement package installation:
n You have familiarized yourself with SAP Note 891983 before you start the Java Support Package
n The system to be updated is fully functional.
n The SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (AS Java) and the database have been backed up.
n You have not deleted, renamed, or created any directories and files in the following directories
and their subdirectories: /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe and /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile.

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3 Preparation
3.3 Preparing the Java Support Package Manager

Otherwise, JSPM cannot detect the kernel and the system profiles, and cannot be started.
If a backup of the kernel and the system profiles has been required, it has been created in a
different directory.
n The <sapsid>adm user has Read permissions for the EPS inbox directory
n If your database is SAP MaxDB, the overwrite mode for the log area has been activated.
n The database and the SDM repository have been synchronized.
For more information, see the online documentation for JSPM on SAP Help Portal at SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1 SAP NetWeaver
7.0 Library (including Enhancement Package 1) <Language> SAP NetWeaver Library Administrator’s
Guide Technical Operations Manual for SAP NetWeaver Administration of SAP NetWeaver Systems
AS Java (Application Server for Java) Software Logistics Software Maintenance Java Support Package
Manager . Then choose Troubleshooting JSPM Does Not Update the Versions of the Deployed
Components .
n There is enough disk space.
For more information, see SAP Note 891895.
n Your current SAPCAR tool is able to extract the Support Packages for the SAP kernel and
other OS level binaries delivered as SAR files.

You can download the latest version of SAPCAR from SAP Service Marketplace at Entry by Application Group Additional Components
Put the downloaded version in the same directory in the JSPM inbox, in which the kernel SAR
files reside, so that JSPM can use this version for extracting the SAR files.

Only valid for: Linux

2. For RHEL 4 and SLES 9, you need to install additional operating system packages. For more
information, see SAP Note 1021236.
End of: Linux

Only valid for: Windows

3. For Windows, you need to install additional operating system packages. For more information,
see SAP Note 684106.
End of: Windows

4. To prevent the Software Deployment Manager (SDM) from temporarily exceeding the available
disk space during the update process, you can change the file transfer directory of SDM in a system
of SPS09 or higher using the following command sequence:

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3 Preparation
3.4 Downloading Enhancement Packages

Only valid for: Windows

n cd <sdm_home>

n StopServer.bat
n sdm.bat jstartup "mode=standalone"
n sdm.bat filetransferdir "dir=<new_dir>"

n sdm.bat jstartup "mode=integrated"

n StartServer.bat
End of: Windows

Only valid for: IBM i5/OS;UNIX

n cd <sdm_home>

n jstartup mode=standalone
n filetransferdir dir=<new_dir>

n jstartup mode=integrated

End of: IBM i5/OS;UNIX

5. To prevent deployment errors during the enhancement package installation process, proceed
as follows:
a) Log on to the Central Instance host.
b) Start the ConfigTool and in the navigation area choose Cluster-data Global server configuration
Managers ServiceManager .
c) In the Global properties panel, set the Custom value of the EventTimeout property to 120.
d) Choose Save.
e) Restart the Central Instance.
6. Make sure that the J2EE administrator password stored in the secure store for offline usage
is identical with the one stored in the User Management Engine (UME). You can change the
password in the secure store as described in SAP Note 870445.
7. If you are running a high availability system on Windows, you might need to prepare your
system as described in the online documentation for JSPM, see section Preparing Systems That Run in
High Availability Environment.

3.4 Downloading Enhancement Packages

To download SAP Enhancement Packages, you use the Maintenance Optimizer in SAP Solution
Manager. The maintenance optimizer supports you in selecting and downloading all required
enhancement package files and Support Packages.
In addition, the maintenance optimizer generates an enhancement package stack configuration
file. This file is accessed by the software logistics tools for installation and upgrade using an RFC

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3 Preparation
3.4 Downloading Enhancement Packages

connection. The tools then use this information for installing the enhancement package files and
Support Package stacks.

n You have configured the maintenance optimizer in SAP Solution Manager as described on SAP
Help Portal at SAP Solutions SAP Solution Manager SAP Solution Manager
<Release> <Language> Change Management Maintenance Optimizer Planning and Monitoring Product
Maintenance and also in section Automatically Calculating Product Maintenance Files.

1. Start SAP Solution Manager using the transaction solution_manager. To start the maintenance
optimizer, choose Operations Change Management Maintenance Optimizer .
2. In the maintenance optimizer, choose the solution for which you want to download enhancement
package files.
3. Choose Create New Maintenance Transaction.
4. Select the product version, for which you want to install the enhancement package.
The maintenance optimizer displays all the systems assigned to the product version.
5. Set the flag for the systems for which you want to install the enhancement package and choose
6. On the following screen, choose Enhancement Package Installation and then Find Download Files.
7. Select the product version and target Support Package stack.
8. Choose Find Download Files for the Stack Version.
The Maintenance Optimizer displays the product maintenance files in three successive lists.
9. Select the required files from the displayed lists:
n The first list shows all files that depend on the type of your operating system or database system.
Select the files that correspond to the combination of your operating system and database
and the database-independent files.
n You get to the second list by choosing Continue. This list displays all Support Package files that
are not assigned to the selected Support Package Stack. You must check whether the Support
Packages are suitable for your product maintenance procedure.
Remove the download indicator from the files for the following components:
l Components for which you do not want to download Support Packages,
l Components that you do not want to include in the installation
n The third list displays all product maintenance files that are part of the selected Support
Package Stack.
Select all files that are assigned to the selected Support Package Stack unless you have already
downloaded them. Files that are not selected will not be included later in the download.
10. To download the files, select whether you want to download them with the Software Lifecycle
Manager (SLM) or with the Download Basket, and then choose Select Download Type.
11. Choose Continue and then Confirm File in Download Basket.

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3 Preparation
3.4 Downloading Enhancement Packages

A dialog window opens and displays all files.

12. Confirm the download.
Only valid for: IBM i5/OS;UNIX

13. Open your Download Manager and download the files to the EPS inbox directory
End of: IBM i5/OS;UNIX

Only valid for: Windows

Open your Download Manager and download the files to the EPS inbox directory
End of: Windows

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This page is intentionally left blank.
4 Installation

4 Installation

4.1 Installing ABAP Components

To install the ABAP components of the enhancement package, you use the SAP Add-On installation
Tool (transaction SAINT).
Below, the installation procedure is outlined. The description assumes that your system is configured
in a Solution Manager landscape. For a detailed description, see the SAP NetWeaver Library at SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Library <Language> SAP NetWeaver by Key
Capability Solution Life Cycle Management by Key Capability Software Life Cycle Management Software
Maintenance Add-On Installation Tool .

1. Unpack and load the installation packages.
a) Log on to the system in client 000 using the following user:
n UNIX: <sid>adm
n Windows:<SID>adm
b) Switch to the transport directory:
n UNIX and IBM i5/OS: /usr/sap/trans
n Windows: <DRIVE>:\usr\sap\trans
c) Unpack the archive containing the packages with the following command:
n UNIX: SAPCAR -xvf /<download directory>/<PATH>/<ARCHIVE>.CAR
n IBM i5/OS: SAPCAR ’-xvf /QOPT/<download directory>/<PATH>/<ARCHIVE>.CAR
n Windows: SAPCAR -xvf <download directory>:\<PATH>\<ARCHIVE>
The unpacked packages are automatically displayed in the EPS inbox in the transport directory.
d) Call transaction SAINT and choose Installation Package Load Packages From Application Server .
The list of uploaded packages is displayed.
e) Choose Back to return to the initial screen of the Add-On installation tool.
2. We recommend to use five parallel R3trans processes for the import. To define the number of
parallel R3trans processes, choose Extras Settings Import Queue tab .
3. To start the installation process, choose Start on the initial screen of the Add-On installation tool.
4. Choose Stack Configuration. A dialog box opens, providing a list of configurations in maintenance
optimizer that are available for your system.
5. Choose the required configuration and confirm your choice by choosing Continue.

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

6. In the Add On Selection dialog box, the packages for the selected configuration are listed. Check
the selection and confirm by pressing Continue.
The system calculates the complete installation queue including any Support Packages.
7. Decide whether to include a modification adjustment transports in the installation queue.
8. Choose between the conventional import mode and the downtime-minimized import mode.
9. If you have modified SAP objects but have not included any adjustment transports, or if the
included adjustment transports do not cover all objects that need adjusting, the Add-On
Installation Tool prompts you to perform a modification adjustment during one of the subsequent
phases. For the modification adjustment, you use transactions SPAU and SPDD. For a detailed
description, see the SAP NetWeaver Library at SAP NetWeaver 7.0
Library <Language> SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability Solution Life Cycle Management by Key Capability
Software Life Cycle Management Software Maintenance Add-On Installation Tool Adjusting Modifications.
10. To complete the installation process, choose Continue. In the subsequent installation phases,
program code and program texts that have been made obsolete by the imported objects are
physically deleted from the database. The import process is complete.

4.2 Installing Java Components

To install the Java components of the enhancement package, you use the Java Support Package
Manager (JSPM).
Below, the installation procedure is outlined. The description assumes that your system is configured
in a Solution Manager landscape. For a detailed description, see the SAP NetWeaver Library at SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Library <Language> SAP NetWeaver by Key
Capability Solution Life Cycle Management by Key Capability Software Life Cycle Management Software
Maintenance Java Support Package Manager .

The implementation of enhancement package 1 for SAP Solution Manager 7.0, requires some specific
actions. For more information, see SAP Note 1276651.

1. Log on as user <sapsid>adm to the Central Instance host.

If your operating system is IBM i, log on as user <SID>ADM or <SID>OFR.

2. Close the SAP Management Console (SAP MMC) and the SDM remote GUI client.
3. For UNIX and Windows: To start the JSPM, navigate to the directory
<INSTDIR>/<SID>/<Central_Instance_Name>/j2ee/JSPM and run the go script

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

If your system is running on IBM i, to start the JSPM, proceed as follows:
a) To prevent JSPM from automatically starting its GUI, in the file
/usr/sap/<SID>/<Central_Instance_Name>/j2ee/JSPM/param/jspm_config.txt, change
the property /dialog/SDTServerConnection/SDTGui/launch from true to false.
b) On the IBM i host, run the go script file using the following command:
QSH CMD(’/usr/sap/<SID>/<Central_Instance_Name>/j2ee/JSPM/go’).
c) In the mounted directory /usr/sap/<SID>/<Central_Instance_Name>/j2ee/JSPM, run the
StartGui script file. The JSPM GUI appears.
d) In the Host field, enter the target IBM i host.

Depending on the system type, <Central_Instance_Name> has the following syntax:
n Standalone Java system: JC<instance_no>
n Add-On system: DVEBMGS<instance_no>

4. Enter your SDM password to log on to the SDM.

5. On the Deployment tab page, select the Java Support Package Manager option and update the software
component to the target SPS level.
6. Restart the JSPM and log on with the SDM password.

We strongly recommend that you use the Support and Enhancement Package Stack option when
applying an enhancement package. This option uses the stack configuration file provided by the
maintenance optimizer. The Business and Enhancement Package Installation option is not able to process
the stack configuration file.

If you need to include the latest patches for a particular component during the update process
with the Support and Enhancement Package Stack option, stop the JSPM after restart and apply SAP Note
1080821. Then start the JSPM again.

7. On the Deployment tab page, select the Support and Enhancement Package Stack option and choose Next.
The enhancement package components and the Support Package stacks that are available for
deployment in the global EPS inbox directory are displayed.
If your system is used for NWDI development and it is either a DEV or a CONS system, and if JSPM
has found any software components in the global EPS inbox directory, these components will be
displayed here so that you can select them for deployment.
8. Select the enhancement package components and Support Package level from the dropdown
box and choose Next.

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

In this step, JSPM performs various status validations and displays the result of each software
component included in the stack definition XML file on the subsequent screen, which includes the
following possible statuses:
n OK: Indicates that the SPS level of the corresponding software component is applicable.
n WARNING: We recommend that you view the details about the component by choosing Show
This status may indicate that the corresponding software component comprises custom
modifications in an NWDI-controlled system:
l If your system is used for NWDI development and it is either a DEV or a CONS system,
you will be informed that JSPM will not deploy the modified software components but
only transport them to the CMS transport directory. JSPM will deploy only the software
components that are not modified.
l If your system is not used for NWDI development, or if your system is used for NWDI
development and it is either a TEST or a PROD system, you will be informed that JSPM has
found newer versions of modified software components and will automatically replace the
original versions with the newer versions. JSPM will deploy all software components that
are not modified together with the replaced versions of the modified software components.

You may get a warning telling you that there are patches installed in your system containing
fixes, which might not be included in the target SP Stack. This is possible if you have applied
patches of the start SP Stack level that were delivered later than the target SP Stack delivery
date. In order not to lose these fixes, you need to download and apply the corresponding
patches of the target SP Stack level.
If you are performing an update from SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including enhancement package 1
SPS00 and you have not applied any patches for the software component with status WARNING
before the update, then you can ignore warnings such as the following example:
The new version of the development component
bc.rf.moni is 7.0100.20080612122718.0000 and is lower than the already
deployed version 7.0100.20080709014342.0000.

n REVISE: Indicates inconsistencies with the corresponding software component.

The deployment cannot be performed until all problems have been resolved. You can view the
problems by choosing Show Details.
9. If the status of the selected enhancement package and Support Package Stack is OK or WARNING,
choose Start to start the system update. JSPM changes the status to scheduled.
If the SP Stack to be applied includes a kernel update and the current kernel is not already of the
corresponding patch level, JSPM arranges the kernel update as the very first Support Package to be
applied. JSPM updates the kernel binaries of all instances (including Dialog Instances and SCS

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

instances in a HA environment) whose kernel directories DIR_CT_RUN effectively reside on the host
indicated by the profile parameter SAPGLOBALHOST.

Kernel binaries of instances, whose kernel directories DIR_CT_RUN are not effectively linked to
the host SAPGLOBALHOST, must be updated individually as described in section Manually Updating
Instances with Kernel Directory Located on Separate Hosts below.

The kernel update (includes update of SAP Kernel and SAP IGS) using JSPM consists of the
following steps:
a) JSPM stops the Central Instance automatically and request you to manually stop all SCS and
Dialog Instances in a dialog box.
b) After you have stopped all the instances, choose the Next button in the dialog box.
The kernel update starts.

If the system is running in a high availability environment, make sure that the HA software
does not restart the instance automatically during the update.

If kernel binaries of the SCS instance need to be updated manually (see Manually Updating
Instances with Kernel Directory Located on Separate Hosts below), you must perform this at the time
when JSPM is updating the kernel binaries of the Central Instance. In any case, the SCS kernel
must be up-to-date before the next restart.

When the kernel update is finished, a dialog box appears in which you are prompted to restart
the SCS instance manually.
Only valid for: UNIX

c) On UNIX platforms, you must adjust the ownership and permissions of the kernel binaries
before you can proceed with the next step. For more information, see Adjusting the Ownership and
Permissions of Kernel Binaries on UNIX Platforms below.
End of: UNIX

d) Choose Next in the dialog box when the SCS instance is running again.
After the kernel update, JSPM restarts the system for further deployment of the remaining
Support Packages in the stack.

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

If you need to update the kernel binaries of any Dialog Instances manually (see Manually Updating
Instances with Kernel Directory Located on Separate Hosts below), perform the update when JSPM is
updating the remaining Support Packages in the stack in order to save time.

The deployment of the enhancement package components and Support Packages can end with
one of the following statuses:
The enhancement package component or Support Package has been successfully deployed.
The enhancement package component or Support Package has been deployed but it possibly
may not work properly with other deployed components.
You can view the details by choosing Show Details or examining the log files. You can also view
the details about the component by choosing the Deployed Components tab page.
An error has occurred during the deployment. You can view the details by choosing Show
Details or examining the log files.
You must correct the error to be able to continue with the enhancement package installation.
You can proceed as described for a deployment that finished with status DEPLOYED WITH
l If the error correction does not change the contents in the JSPM inbox, you can continue
the deployment by choosing Resume.
l If the error correction changes the contents in the JSPM inbox, you can choose New
Deployment to redeploy the enhancement package components.
JSPM has not attempted to deploy the software component for certain reasons.
l If your system is not used for NWDI development, you can proceed as described for a
deployment that finished with status ERROR.
l If your system is used for NWDI development, and it is either a DEV or a CONS system, the
status of the modified software components is always NOT DEPLOYED. JSPM has transported
the software components of the Support Package Stack, both modified and not modified,
to the CMS transport directory. The deployment of the modified software components is
handled by NWDI.

Adjusting the Ownership and Permissions of Kernel Binaries on UNIX

On UNIX platforms, you must adjust the ownership and execution permissions of the kernel binaries
after the update, regardless whether you performed the update manually or by using JSPM, because
both update procedures are performed with the <sapsid>adm user. Enter the following command
For IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows:

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4 Installation
4.2 Installing Java Components

su root
cd <krnl_directory>
For IBM DB2 for z/OS, SAP MaxDB and Oracle:
su - root
cd <krnl_directory>

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Typographic Conventions

Example Description

<Example> Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words or characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the system, for example, “Enter your <User Name>”.
Example Arrows separating the parts of a navigation path, for example, menu options
Example Emphasized words or expressions
Example Words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the
documentation Textual cross-references to an internet address
/example Quicklinks added to the internet address of a homepage to enable quick access to
specific content on the Web
123456 Hyperlink to an SAP Note, for example, SAP Note 123456
Example n Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field labels, screen titles,
pushbutton labels, menu names, and menu options.
n Cross-references to other documentation or published works
Example n Output on the screen following a user action, for example, messages
n Source code or syntax quoted directly from a program
n File and directory names and their paths, names of variables and parameters, and
names of installation, upgrade, and database tools
EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,
transaction codes, database table names, and key concepts of a programming language
when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE
EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard

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