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"Duafotr the BEGINNING to/the' PHAYER ....................... ,,,

,Allauhummabaa'~id ba,inee wa buina khataayaaya, ,,tamoo, baa 'adta baintll mas,ftl't'qi wlal' mag,hrlbri,Jll,laiahumma naqqinee' m,l'n, ,khJataaYtuaya kamaayunaqqath. thawbuJ abyadh-u :minaddanasi Allaahummagh siInee min khataaYtaaya ,bith-thaljiw:al maa"ee'wal' baJ',ad Oh,Allah~8epamtemefrommy sins as yoo hav.e'sepamtedthe Eastjrom.

the' West~Oh Al'lah,cleanse me of m:y tnlnsgMssions as :the white garmen"I"'IIJ.-=o,-·

'Is cleansedofstains.OhAUcih,wash away my ,sms with We &wa.ter 8cfrost~

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Ibne ,Maja'h 112166

Dua 'for the BEGINNING ofthe PRAYER

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Sahih B~ukhari, Al'Asqalani

", ~,R;, ,.'_ tb-·· B·DO· r · Ta;:~1 "': ,. . ·T· ·G·· .. · -'f' ,"tb-~ 'DD'A~'D ,,'

, JIIiua! .I',Otll.,·· ,_. e: ~.I!!I_I' J1 '.' .·_U,.IL'U, O_l_, ._: e r.a.n.., .DD.._1 _:_

. lla'ahumma laml' hm1l!du anta noorw: ,samamvaati wal ardhi wa man, Wil Zakal namdu anm

.. ti" 1 rdhi··' /eM'" '.. I kal hamrlu til bOOs ti" I

n . m' iI.h'· ,~,""n~.i'-'_·· "Ii'I...:t . .t"i .. ' ii .... ·;"j '-m';oO'!i"'" ' ...• ""'nL;/'II·<jJ'- n . . . -.' ~ ... m' - ... ~..t'i\"-:';"'J·-a· ""LiI·j~·

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anlhi wa; manjeehinna w(], lUJad harndu: laka ,mulktts ,swnaawuuti wru: ardhi wa, ,man/eehi'rma, wa laical hamdu a:nm malilrus S(lmamvadti WtJl anr.fh,i·lua;lQ'kal hamdu antal hoqq WtlWQ: 'duka'l 1mqq' U!t1' ,q'uwlukaJ' haqq ·lOa. UqaaUkal ooqq wal'jannatu hoqq wan naaru, ,haqq' wan, naMy,YUnau haqq wa

.Munam.mooun saIlaUsahu. alumJ too .. sallam haqq tooS'-satl.'aw haqq AllOOhamma, ,lako:. aslamtu loa aJaib, tawakkaltu wa, bib aamantu wa ibdb anahtu wa 'bib. kltaasamtu wa Um1ta haakamtu fa,ghfirl'ee maa ·qaddamtu wa maa: likhkhartH :wa, moo as,ra~m lOa ,maa a1antu. antal. .muqaddlmu wa antal

mu~a'khkhim laa ilaaha ilia aRM onto ilaahee lao ilaaha ilia anta

OIL AliI" h ~i~ ii:.r-·*tn U y.., -. ,,.,,L ~ l~oIii''kiIp,· . 'f' ,,.,,k h --:. . .. ~. ~i '~'L .... ..,.,..,,_.a.. G. ,~iII'Ii "'1;.\ .... ....,. ,,.,,'b. . -., - .'C" , ...... iti P\Ji"O~~fi ~itr!' ' ....... , U'

!.g, :'c> 8! j<r~~ ,w, P..I!I -,,,",__c on ,are· me '~'lI, O'ceWe -,~eavens ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1l\.mey,oon~L ,!I:.~ '~'!LOU _.:

U are the,sustmne'ojthe heavens 8r MJI? earth & all 'they co.ntain~ Pnm~sle' ,U~you Qne the Lard a/the

'I!.. o.....L ........ ,~L!Qi.. ••• :n they ,', n-~ .... "",. U 'U" ~ tho ..:lll.... .. m' ... ~ ,..'I!..L h L th ..... ..-.. .... <1......

,HOOVens: ,t'ltWe tm~m w. :i.iuu " ~ .~.'~ oo.n1:a1,n,.ii~~: 18 to ' .. :I: ours ts ., e wnu~on VI, me: .. ' ·eavens .~., 'e ,m'Uii. u

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nil they oontain.Praise' is ro IU.,YOU ,('lR the ,king a/lhe ,hwuens & the· earth '& praise' is to U .. You (1m the

, . .-.' Ur ft'mmi~B ';:o.'l" "'_"'e ·U·"t'r''iHiff;,i·~'_,JJ ';:;i'iI' "'_''''A Ur andieaee ~.t'iI, ~"A ~~.3% .... , .... ;:;::;. . .._", .... 'U.o}111 :;:,o,"JI '*'w'to ,,*"1..;0, P,_.,,1I\h·......... '- .

l~· __ .~ j_~;..~ ... ~L .~I~_:i:~, .., il\Jl. p:. ~, _'~ ·'"~~inJ. ~ 'B ~~j _:_ 1,_1 a ~~.g~~ ~ UIU~~ ~Ig~ ,~, ·U-~I~J:'I..~JlI ~l u,I~;m~ _: ·~vr:-~~~ I~_:__ _

,frue' Be Mohammad~peaoo and' b~essing5.b ' upon,& true L& the hour oj judgemenr is ,fnle'~O Alla'h:J,m U 1. haw. njbm~ttOO!&· 'upon U 'i depend.I haw 'believed in U and to 'U"j turn in ·repen'tanoo..,Fro,r· Your sab. [

d~ute &.by Ur standard' I juilge .. Jiorgive: me what J have.' sent before me '& what l' have' left behind me'

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·tfltu"e is none 'who! has the rigJJ.t'to b-e' worshipped but }7oo~ You effie m,Y G(}d~'the.rn is' nn,ne wJ10 has the

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