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TOTEM 1981

Camp Mah.Kee.N ac For Boys Lenox, MA 01240


Joe Kruger Bob Behrman

Office: 20 Allen Court So. Orange, NJ 07079 (201) 762-3536

0NfJ tvW-i .I'€€ · ~C FOR eos

Founded 1929. Lenox. Massachusetts 01240

Volume 45

Number I

July 8, 981


When all the buses turned off the main road and started down the hill to Camp, we all knew that the 53rd year of Mah-Kee-Nac would be a memorable


On the way down from the hill we looked out our windows to see familiar faces and new additions to Camp.

Once the buses stopped, ever,yone took their belongings and went to the Counselors who had signs of everyone's name and which Bunk they were in.

Soon after we went to our Bunks and became acquainted with our Counselors and the kids in our Bunk. Next a lot of people walked around the Camp to see if there were any new sights to see.

At the Junior Lodge the yearly sign was up that welcomes the campers. Also a patio was installed at the Lodge. The patio has benches so people can enjoy it more.

When we finished looking at the new sights and at the rest of Camp, we went back to the


--continued from Page 1

Bunk to prepare for dinner. After dinner each section had their evening activity. After the activities everyone was tired and enjoyed having a goad night's sleep. Altogether, our first day in Camp Mah-Kee-Nac was very enjoyable.

Jan Zins, Algonquin 44

Counselor Lee Yau Peng and Jason von Zerneck and Arik Penchina with Bunk Welcome Sign soon after arrival.

New Large Deck

Added to Jr. Lodge

You may have noticed the Junior Lodge has a large new deck.

Some may wonder why.. The reason why is because last year the Junior Lodge was used so often the grass in front of it was walked on a lot.

Soon there was nothing but a few patches left. Then when it rained, it became very slippery. When campers walked on the wet. ground it would be what is known as a hazard. So Joe decided to put in a new large deck.

Now the Junior Lodge is a lot bigger with places to sit. The deck can be used as an outdoor stage with bleachers, or just a place to talk.

A lot of people may not look at it, but I think it should be noticed.

Jeffrey Epstein, Navajo 27

Our Junior Campers Enjoy 1st Campfire

The first Junior Ca~p evening activity of the Summer was Campfire.

First, Mike Gibbons, Junior Head Counselor, told a story about two Leni-Lenape Indians, and then the fire was started.

After that we sang same songs led by Tim King. Jay Toporoff came-and led the campers in singing "Wacky Mah-Kee-Nacky."

Then we clapped the ClassA clap.

When the campfire was low, we sang Taps and went back to our Bunks.

Michael Ebright., Mohican 5


Long ... Time Counselors Promoted Mike Dale/Mike Gibbons Now Head Counselors

Mike Dale has been promoted to Head Counselor of the Lower Senior Camp. He has been at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac for 10 years, going through all his college years, two years of graduat.e study, and several years of teaching. Mike even came to Camp for one month the year he was in the u.s. Air Force, so this is his lOth consecutive summer. M.ike has been head of waterski and Group Leader all these years.

Q: How does it compare with being a Group Leader?

A: I do many of the same things, but now I take care of

both tribes. _

Q: Do you think this summer will be more fun than other summers as a Group Leader?

A: Rocky Martin and Bob Toporoff are great Group Leaders and there will be many new ideas.

Q: What do you do during the Fall?

A: I work at. Tallulah Falls School in Georgia. In the morning I'm Assistant to the President.

In the evenings I work with students in the dormitories.

Rob Zaslow, Cherokee 37

This interview is with Mike Gibbons who this year has been promoted to the position of Head Counselor of our Junior Camp.

The following is an interview conducted recently with Gibby. Here are the questions and Gibby's answers:

Q: When did people star~ calling you Gibby?

A: Since I was a kid? Q: What do you think of the Junior Camp?


Q: Where do you work during the year?

A: I work at Tallulah Falls School in Georgia.

Q: How many years have you been at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac?

A: I have been here 5 years. Gibby has been in our Upper Senior Camp for the past four surruners. Gibby's home is in Clinton, Massachusetts, and he graduated from the University of Massachusetts where he majored

in Recreation. He has served on our Aquatic Staff all four summers, and for two years he was Group Leader of the Cherokees.

Ricky Nerenberg, Iroquois 10


Upper Seniors Hold World Records Night

The Upper Seniors had World Records night on Thursday, July 2.

The most push-ups, who could hold the most soccer balls, the most lay-ups in one minute, and broom balancing are areas where records could be broken.

In broom balancing, Algonquin Jon Kaiden held the broom on his finger for 30 minutes, beating the old record of Marc vitales' 27 minutes and 15 seconds.

In the step-ups, Cherokee Adam Stulberger did 69 beating the record of Jeff Miller who did 65 in 1978.

In a new event, the paddleball ball, Cary Granat did 5,301 bounces and could have kept going, but he was told to stop because evening activity had ended.

In soccer juggling John Marlow completed 57 times. The object is to hit the ball with any part of your body,. except

'your hands and arms.

Mike Goldberger broke 2 records that night. The first one was the vertical high jump. Mike jumped 2 7~ inches, be.a ting the old record of 25.

His other record was in the underhand ball toss. In this you would have to throw with the right hand and catch it with the left, then throw it with the left hand and catch it with the right. Mike did it 98 times, breaking his old record of 89 •.

Jon Zins and Jerry Ostrin broke the record for how many balls on the face of a racquet with 47. The previous record was 42.

Another record was by Jeff Rosenstein. He made 32 foul shots in 2 minutes, breaking the old record of 22 set by Ricky Bross.

All in all it was a fun night even for those who didn't break any records ..

David Reif, Algonquin 42

First Movie for OUf Junior Camp

The Junior Campers saw the movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth" on Thursday, July 2.

In the movie there was a young scientist named Alec who found a certain message that said, "I've been in the center of the Earth. I know what it's like."

After that there was a code of footprints that followed through an active volcano which led to

the center of the Earth.

Days later Alec and two young scientists and a lady decided to their journey to follow the footprints.

In the beginning it was safe, but suddenly there was a boulder which rolled after them.

They managed to escape it by jumping off a cliff.

They faced many hardships such as very exotic and strange creatures, falling rocks, and loose cliffs.

It was a miracle that they lived through a very scary journey to the center of the Earth.

When they got back, they had a big celebration. Our opinion of this movie is not the greatest, but it was okay.

Danny Grossman & J.J. Rogow Mohican 1

Basketball Skills for Junior Campers

In basketball campers

learn things that take .skill and the way that

: Counselor Andy Cole teaches, 'I you will learn easily.

He teaches lay-ups

and defense and how to pivot. One ,day while we played a game, Chris Shammas did excellent lay-ups.

Josh Siderow, Mohican 2

"This is WCM, 650 on your AM dial and I'm Alan Friedman. Here's a song we pulled off the relic

rack from the Beatles: 'I Want to Hold Your Hand. '"

That's something you might hear if you tune into WCM. This year there are two counselors in radio, Joe Gates and Steve Kreckman. They are both rarin' to go and to teach all interested in learning radio.

The station is on from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. If you want a show, just go down and talk to either Joe or Steve and they will get you started even if you have no experience.

The popular listening times are Rest Hour and bedtime.

The station is trying to obtain the best albums in rock

and roll. WCM now has Billboard's Top Ten in stock.

Camp Radio Station Off to Fast Start

All in all; HCM will probably be one of the most interesting

and enjoyable programs for all.

So come on down and check us out. We are in the Communications Building on Junior Campus. If

you can't stop by, tune us in at 650 on your AM radio dial.

Alan Friedman, Aide 45

Separate Fourth of July Program for Juniors

Our Junior Camp observed the Fourth of July wi·th an interesting program.

First Uncle Sam (Gibby) did a number, "Yankee Doodle. II Matt and Steve Selick sang a song from the Muppet show.

Bunk 9 did "Help" and Andy Cole did IICamp Granada."

Then the theme changed to the sea for Malcolm's IIH.M.S. Pinafore." After that Bunk 4 did a game show, and Simon Latarche sang, "Bed Bugs", and Alex, Josh, and Kenny did their impersonation of Dolly Parton.

Then we sang, "Old Joe

Kruger", a parody on "Old McDonald's r'arm", and closed with Bob I 5 birthday and Taps.

At 9:40 fireworks went off and we all went to sleep.

Orin Herskowitz, Mohican 7

As the skit recognizes Bob Behrman's birthday, Tim King is on the left and Head Counselor Gibby in front.

Our Senior Camps Observe July Fourth.

This year the Lower and Upper Seniors were treated to a Fourth of July program in the Field House. The Master of Ceremonies was Joe Gates of WCM and our Video Tape Counselor.

The show started off with some things for the audience to take part in. Next Fergus Wilson did a skit about America. Dr. Fergus Wilson, as he was know, did a skit on the amendments.

The first part was on the First Amendment. It was about what would happen if newspapers were censored. It was amusing.

The second part was on the Second Amendment. It had to do with the right to bear arms. It started off with two men talking to each other about guns. One was for guns and the other one was against guns. In the end the guy who was against guns shot the guy who was for guns.

Next Dr. Fergus Wilson went on to tell us about soldiers coming into other people's houses and sleeping there. The skit went like

this: there was this kid sleeping, when all of a sudden soldiers came into his house. They started to sleep on top of the kid. It was funny.

Then there was a skit about Women's Rights., A woman was si on a bed, when her husband came over and started to tie her to the bed so she could not take part in the E.R.A.

The last. skit in Dr. Fergus Wilson I s act was an imitation of Richie von Zerneck trying to find out where a camper kept his gum. It went like this: Richie asked the camper where he obtained his gum. The camper wouldn f t tell, so out came Richie's army of men to shake the camper up.

After he was shaken. up, he told Richie where he got the gum. Next the army of men went over to a kid that was lying on his bed. The army threw the kid off the bed and then threw the bed allover the place. When they were all done, they found a piece of gum. That skit was

very amusing.

Next Joe Gates came on and introduced Mike Stifelman, Andy Berends, and Lars Rosenkilde as a group playing, "Progressing Blues" I which I thought was very good.

Next an English Counselor came on the stage and told us what camp would be like if America had lost the war. The skit was called, "Camp Britan-Nac."

It started off with George playing the Scottish bagpipes as Reveille. Then came the counselor with the kids' breakfast and told them to get up. The kids were up right away.

Next all the kids were playing rugby and cricket. The skit ended at 5:00 p.m. because it was tea time.

Next Joe Gates acted as Bob Dylan singing the National Anthem.

That was the end of the Fourth of July show. Before we left we sang the Alma Mater of Camp Mah-Kee-Nac because it was the Camp's 53rd birthday. Altogether the night was very enjoyable.

Jon Zins, Algonquin 44


Art Shop

Attracts Campers

The Art Shop is extremely busy this summer with new fun projects and great counselors such as Tim King, Paul Williams,

Gerry Clarke, and Andy Berends.

Some of our great new projects are: Posters, Animal masks, Cut-out spaceships, Leather designs, and Warrior masks. There are also comics. Some posters

are bunk posters, name posters, and the Fourth of July poster

that was on the Junior Lodge.

The animal masks shown in

the picture are: Alex Lilien (with elephant), Danny Grossman (with giraffe), and Kenny Gladstone (with pig). They were made by bending, folding, cutting, painting and other things to oaktag to make good-looking mas ks ,

Another mask coming up is a gorilla by Jon Gershon. So, if you haven't come to Art yet-COME ON DOWN!

Kenny Gladstone, Mohican 1

Counselors Hunted in Lower Senior Camp

On July 2 in the Lower Senior Camp for an evening activity we had the Counselor Hunt. In this hunt the counselors would get a specific 1.0. number and then

they would hide.

Each Bunk got a sheet of paper on which they would write the name of the counselor, their locations, and the 1.0. number. Each Bunk also got a sheet of scrambled counselor names.

Each name that was unscrambled would be worth a point. If you named the activity of ,the counselor, you would get another

point. Then the campers went out and found the counselors.

-At the end Mike Dale, our Head Counselor, tallied up the score and Bunk 21 won.

Lewis Rubinson, Jeff Gross, Steve Garfinkle & Tom Tarica Navajo 21

Bunk Night Program Varied for Juniors

Bunk night was a fun time for Junior campers. The bunks played softball, soccer, hockey, and a new game called tennis baseball.

Bunks 12, 13 and 14 played softball. They tied. Bunks 10 and 11 played soccer. Great plays were made by Louis Greenstein and Eric Nanes. Bunk 10 won.

Bunk 9 played hide-n-seek with their counselors and Bunk 8 went

to the game room. It was fun.

Bunks .4 and 5 played tennis baseball. Josh Rocker made four great catches. Steve Harris, Jon G~odsky, and David O'Connor led Bunk 4 to victory.

Bunks 2 and 3 played soccer.

Bunk 2 won', but both teams played well. Bunk 1 went on a hike.

Bunk night was very fun and we hope everybody enjoyed it.

Josh Rocker & David O'Connor Mohican 4


Bunk 3 Has First Birthday Party

There was the f~rst great birthday the first day of camp and it jus t. happened to be a double birthday! Here is how it happened •..

On July 1 it was Richard Salles' birthday. He became 10. Richard is in the Junior Camp.

After night activities

Bunk 3, Richard's bunk, went to Joe's cabin in pajamas and robes. The boys sat down and Frances served a big beautiful cake. Richard blew out all ten candles in one blow. The boys had some coke and cake. They sure were

big portions! When we were eating, we talked about Camp and how good it was!

It also happened to be Jonathan Rodack' s birthday, he was going to be 11. Jonathan is a Navajo in Bunk 22.

When the boys were finishing, a counselor, Tony Noble, took the group's picture. Bunk 22 had the same procedure.

We left with full stomachs and big smiles on our faces.

David Brause,

The Birthday Celebrants

David Brause, Richard Yablonsky, Todd Brous, Birthday Boy Richard Salles, Michael Hessol, Greg Chernack, and Bruce Levinson

Mohican 3 _

Fun Bingo Game Helps Introductions

On the first night of Camp, Head Counselor Mike Dale used a fun game of bingo to help campers get to know Counselors' names.

Every camper and Counselor received a sheet of paper with 25 boxes on it. Then each camper went around and talked to campers and Counselors to find out their favorite activity and their name ..

Then a counselor would pick someone's name aut of a box and if you had it on your card, you would check it off. Peter Greene won 5 times in a row and Lewis Rubinson once for the whole board.

Everyone had fun and made new friends.


Peter Greene, Navajo 24

(N.IfJ MAli -lEE - NA(, FOR DOY'S

Founded 1929. Lenox, Massachusetts 01240

Volume 45, Number 2

July 15, 1981



Our Iroquois Tribe

Everyone was very anxious to hear the results of the 1981 Annual Sing. All of a sudden,

the room became quiet as Bob Behrman said "In the Junior Camp the winners of the cheer are the Iroquois." All excited, the Iroquois jumped for joy_ Bob then announced that the winners of the sing in the Junior Camp were the Mohicans. The Mohicans also cheered for joy.

After the Juniors became quiet Bob then said the runnersup in the Cheer in the Lower and Upper Senior Camps were the Cherokees. They were happy.

Then he announced that the winners of the Cheer were the Cheyennes. They were very excited that they had won that competition.

'Next Bob said the runnersup in the Song category were the


(continued from Page 1)

old familiar tune.

The Iroquois sang their song to the tune of "MASH" and it was very good.

Next came the Mohicans who sang their song to a tune made up by Counselor Tim King, which I think was very good.

The Navajos followed with their song set to the tune of "Let It Be" by the Beatles. I personally enjoyed this one a lot.

The Cheyennes were the next group after the Navajos who sang their song to another popular BeatIe song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

The Cherokees then sang their tune to "Freebird.~ The Algonquins followed with ,their song, set to the tune of REO Speedwagon 's, "Take It on the Run , "

The final group was the Senecas who sang their song to the Cars', "Just What I Needed. II It was interesting. Mike Stifelman played the tune on

his guitar.

While the Judges were tallying the points, Jay Toporoff came out and led the counselors in singing, "Wacky Mah-Kee-Nacky."

The judges for this year's Sing were Barbara von Zerneck, Jackie Schlegel, and Jay Toporoff.

The Apaches performing their song 10 start the Annual Sing.

Algonquins! After everyone was quiet Bob then announced, "The Song winners are the Senecas." The Senecas were so excited that they started "Rah, Rah, Senecas."

Then came the moment everyone was waiting for. Bob said the overall winners of the Sing were the Iroquois. After the announcement the Iroquois were so happy that all you could hear in the Field House was yelling. Everyone took part so they could share their joy with them.

The 1981 Sing officially began when Jim O'Neill introduced the Apaches to give their Cheer.

The Apaches were followed

by the Iroquois, who I think gave an interesting Cheer.

Then came the Mohicans, the Navajos, and the Cheyennes. They were all very good.

When the Junior and Lower Senior Camps had finished, the Upper Seniors took their turn.

It started off with a very interesting Cheer by the Cherokees.

Next carne the Algonquins and Senecas, whose Cheers were nice and very quick.

After the Senecas, the Apaches sang their song. It. was made up

by Paul Williams, and was called, "Apache Row. 11 I t was set to an


Jon Zins, Algonquin 44


Drawing by Joe Manischewitz Cherokee 37


Scott started shooting at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac when he was an Apache, and continued to when he was an Aide.

He now shoots at Princeton University where he has finished ninth in the Indoor Nationals. He also came in. seventh in the Collegiate Nationals. He is

going to try for the Olympics, too.

Mitch Schroeder, Mohican 6


The Upper Seniors saw "Young Frankenstein" on Friday, July 9. It starred Marty Feldman, Gene Wilder, Terri Garr; Cloris Leachman, and Peter Boyle. It was a good movie.

The movie was a comedy takeoff of the original Frankenstein movie. Mel Brooks directed this version.

The monster was Peter Boyle.

He was 7~ feet tall. The story

was about how a man delivered the will of Baron vonFrankenstein to

Dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder) •

Dr. Frankenstein then went to Transylvania and began working on his relative's work. The work was bringing a dead person back to life.

Igor (Marty Feldman) went to get a brain for the dead person, but dropped the normal brain and so brought back an abnormal brain.

The monster then was created and terrorized people until Dr. Frankenstein had a brain transfusion with the monster.. The monster was then smart, and Dr. Frankenstein was a stupid person.

I give this movie 4 stars.

Levi Pervin, Algonquin 44

Junior campers are enjoying themselves at the new Archery range. At Archery option we

are having tests for patches.

So far everyone has at least received one patch or more.

Everyone at the option does well and tries hard to get a good score and have fun.

When we do something wrong, Counselor Scott Corwin tells us so we won't do it again.


Many Seniors enjoyed seeing, "For Your Eyes Only", the new James Bond - 007 film. It was

an exciting movie.

The reason we saw it was because it was very hot and the movie theater was air-conditioned.

When we were getting ready to go, it started to rain, so we had to bring raincoats.

Shortly after we got on the bus it stopped raining so we had to carry them around.

When we got to the theater, we got a soda and a popcorn, then we saw the movie. Some people saw, "Superman II", because they gave us a choice between those two movies.

All in all, everybody had a good time.

Ken Grunow, Nava jo 25


Last night, July 12, was Junior Camp's World Record Night in which there were a number of events. The idea of it is to try to set a record.

For example, there was the foul shooting in which you stand behind the foul line and see how many baskets you can score in one minute.

There were also a lot of other events like how long you can stand on your head, how many tennis balls you can hold, bouncing a tennis ball on your racquet, the high jump, and the broad jump.

There was also a thing at the backstop wherewith the two counselors, Todd Jennings and Rodgers Allison, you could make up your own events. I asked if I could stay in the green baseball box. I was there for 23 minutes.

The whole event was great fun for all.

Jona.than Harris, Mohican 5


All of the Upper Senior Camp played Spy Day on Friday ,.July 10.

At around 10 o'clock the whole Upper Senior Camp got together and broke up into three teams. The three teams were the F.B.I., headed by Tim Bayer, Interpol, led by Denis Clarke; and Scotland Yard, led by Phillip Butler.

Each team played each other in t.ennis, softball f and soccer. At the end of the day all the teams got together in the Field House to guess who the spies were. Out of six, five were caught.

The most questions answered were seven out of twenty by Scotland Yard. The final score was:

Scotland Yar~ 4; F.B.I., 7; and Interpol, 7.

David Gross, Algonquin 44


The Algonquins and a few Senecas went to Kent, Connecticut for intercamp games with Camp KenMont on Saturday, July 11.

Campers from these tribes competed in field hockey, soccer, and basketball in the morninq.

In the morning in spite of Peter Turk and Mike Goldberger's fine coaching and playing the hockey team lost to Ken-Mont, 8-2. Our soccer team also lost. In basketball, Mah-Kee-Nac pulled off a 51-49 overtime victory

with Terrence Phox scoring 33 points.

The afternoon sports, baseball and softball, amounted to two losses. The score in baseball was 8-4, while in softball it was 15-3.

So, after two in tercamp games, the first with Winadu, and a separate baseball game at Camp Ken-Mont, Camp Mah-Kee-Nac presently stands at I win to 9 losses.

Brad Handler, Algonquin 43


Camp Mah-Kee-Nac's Lower Senior Camp had a successful time against C.amp Ken-Mont on the 11th of July.

On the soccer front the Cheyennes' first team won 4-2, while the second team were denied a victory in the last minute of the match when Camp Ken-Mont stole an equalizer to draw the game

at 2 alL

These games were played at Camp Ken-Mont while the Navajos were running riot allover KenMont back at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.

After a pep talk from Coach Ross Irwin, we went on to win a great victory. At first we were not sure of ourselves. However, after the first 10 minutes in the game, we played like a welloiled machine ..

Two minutes into the game Lewis Rubinson passed to Andy Bloom who sped forward and sent a shot in to the top of the net. This was only the beginning of what was to be the best. victory ever recorded at Mah-Kee-Nac.

Andy Bloom put his mark on the game by adding another four goals while Lewis Rubinson and Marshall Peris each got three


The Navajo 'I'B" team in baseball beat Camp Ken-Mont in 7 innings on July 11 during intercamp games. The winning pitcher was Phil Ende with four strike-outs.

The :IC" team also won with a score of 14-13. Their winning pitcher was Jon Reich.

Matt Crystal on the liB" team was an excellent hitter with a triple, double, and single.

Danny Gans, Navajo 25

Josh Green

goals. Scott Kaplan scored two goals and Peter Brown with Josh Green scored one each.

This gave the Navajos a grand total of 15 goals. Our all-star goal keepers, Jon Weiss and Brad Davis conceded no goals. In fact, in the first half, the ball did not come within 20 yards of our net.

This game should he recorded in soccer history.

Andy Bloom, Navajo 25


I enjoyed the movie, "The

Bad News Bears." Junior campers were shown the movie last Saturday night for evening activity.

I liked the part where the kids were having pillow fights and the bathroom door opened and one of the kids was inside.

It was a good movie because in the end they won the baseball game.

Richard Yablonsky I Mohican 3



Lehel Reeves is our Waterfront Director this summer. He has been with us for four years now. In those four summers he has always been working at the ~vaterfront doing kayaking.

Lehel was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1953. He now lives

in London, England.. When he is not with us, he is working in personnel, sales, public relations and promotion.

I asked him why he keeps coming back here and he said,

"I love everything about Mah-KeeNac." Lehel also said that he likes the wide·variety of interests and facilities open to all campers and facul ty . II

Lehel then started talking about the Waterfront and said, "This summer we have a superb staff and facilities to offer youngsters a unique opportunity to develop swimming and small craft skills."

Lehel also told me that one of his favorite things about the s unrne r is teaching, or should I say volunteering, as a staff member of the Red Cross Aquatic and Small Craft School held here at Mah-Kee.-Nac before camp starts. Lehel has been on the staff of

the aquatics school for three years.

All in all I think Lehel will make this summer the best summer for the Waterfront in a long time.

Alan Friedman,Aide 45


Bunk 5 climbed Monument Mountain on July 6. Those who went were Josh Wolfman, Steve Selick, Jon Schildkraut, Jason Kurtz, Jon Harris, Micah Goldberg, Eric Gershwind, Geoff Forsyth, Andy Cohen and Michael Ebright. At places it was very steep.

After about an hour we sat on a giant rock with engravement and ate lunch.

After lunch we climbed some very steep paths. When we got to the top, there was a very nice view. There were many rocks piled on top of each other.

Andrew Cohen and Michael Ebright Mohican 5


The first overnight trip for Lower Seniors to Mount Greylock was a success. The people that went on the trip were Jeff Harris, Lee Friedman, Michael Friedman, Kenny Grunow, ~Villie Finkelstein, and .Mike Abi tbo!.

Hhen we got to the moun t.ain, we put up our camp.

After lunch we proceeded up the mountain. At the top we each got a drink and went back down.

That night we toasted marshmallows. The next day we went on a two-mile hike. Soon after the buses came that took us back.

Michael Abitbol Navajo 26


THREE LONG-TIME MAH-KEE-NAC COUNSELORS Arnie' Bradshaw Returns After Long Absence

Throughout Mah-Kee-Nac history there has, for the most part been a new bunch of counselors every year. There are always some familiar faces, but this year in particular there are counselors who have been with Mah-Kee-Nac for a long time.

Bill Chandler has been MahKee-Nac's Riflery Counselor for the pas t 24 years. He ho Ids the record for most consecutive years as counselor. I believe he will continue as long as he possibly can.

George Gross is the head of our excellent woodshop. He has held this title for 18 years. We hope to see him for many more years to come.

Arnie Bradshaw returned this year as Tennis Director after 14 summers of other tennis-oriented jobs. In 1962, 63, and 64 he was a tennis counselor here and from 1965-67 Arnie was Tennis Director. Arnie likes Mah-Kee-Nac very

much and would like to come back in the future.

Bill Chandler

George Gross

Arnie Bradshaw

We all hope to see more counselors like these men. After all, old counselors never die;

they just keep coming back for more.

Steve Salee, Algonquin 46


The upper Seniors played their first team tennis matches on Wednesday night, the eighth of July. The teams were chosen by a draft. The six cap·tains

are: Larry Maitlin, Peter Seldin, Steve Siderow, Steve Goldberger, Mike Rodack, and Harlan Protass.

The first team was the Nets.

They were led by captain Peter Seldin and Coach Phil Butler. When they finished, the Nets. had scored their first match win.

Team Two, the Lobsters, led by Captain Mike Rodack and Coach Jon Houlton did not have the Nets good fortune. They lost theirs.

Team Three, led by Steve

Siderow and Coach Joel Balogun, also had the Lobsters bad fortune. They lost their match.

Team Four was the Volleys.

With Captain Larry Maitlin and Coach Alain Rey leading, they had a nice match and also won.

The fifth team, the Aces, led by Harlan Protass and Coach Allie Lynch, and Team Six, the Racquets, led by Steve Goldberger and Coach Joe Zych could not finish because of time.

All the teams played well and it looks as though the captains made even choices. It's going to be close all summer and I'll keep you up to date.

Andrew Davidson Algonquin 44


The performances are to be held on two successive. nights, the 28th and 29th of July.

Touring theater companies are the usual people to do such productions in a short space of time, so one can see it as a challenge.

Camp Mah-Kee-Nac will give a royal try.

UPPER SENIORS PREPARE FOR MUSICAL Joint Production with Belvoir Terrace Girls

Camp Mah-Kee-Nac again

has joined forces with Belvoir Terrace for the Upper Senior production. This will be the musical, "Once Upon a Mattress." This is an ambitious play to stage.

There are numerous scene changes, choreographed numbers and chromatic harmonies to be sorted and executed.

Musically (music written by Mary Rogers), we hope to have the piano, clarinet, and drums accompanying the singers and the melodrama sequences.

It may be interesting to note that this was a Broadway hit a number of years ago. Our production will be on a similar line with nominal cuts in this "fairy tale" extravaganza.

The musical is as Americans say II funu, but the British may say, "light comedy."

In any case, it will involve focused attention, planning, cooperation, and direction to be success ful.

The dramatic and musically talented gentlemen- of Camp MahK:ee-Nac have auditioned and received their principal and minor roles.

Belvoir Girls Camp held their auditions the following night and principal boys were taken there so as to read in their parts to help the girls.

Eventually the girls were

cast and may I say that the gentlemen of Mah -Kee-N ac did us proud with confident, dramatica1, and expressional reading of the libretto.

Scenery is underway with Junior campers and Lower Seniors helping at times. This means that the scenery is on schedule.

Plotting of scenes and musical numbers are now in full swing and as long as memories are in good stead, the musical looks as though it will be a success.

Malcolm Crichard & Phil Osborne Drama Counselors


Junior Campers played the Counselor Sweepst.akes on July 11. It was a knockout.

The winner was Bunk 14 with 13,600 points. The rest of the scores were: Bunks 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 9, 11, 12, and 13 with zero; Bunk 10 with 6,475~ Bunk 8 with 3,675; Bunk 2 with 7,875i and Bunk 1 with 13, 375.

The counselors were Mike Solo Rodgers Allison, Tim King, Phil ' Osborne and Gibby. Larry Dubinsky was the Master of Ceremonies.

Everybody cheered when their man got the answer right. The counselors were funny. Everybody loved itl

Steve Selick, Mohican 5


The talent show was funny.

People were playing lacrosse. In some skits people got shaving cream in the face.

Everybody in Junior Camp had a good time.

Steve Se Li ck, Mohican 5


CANfJ hW-f -lEE · .~C FOR cos

Founded 1929. Lenox. Massachusetts 01'240


Adam Goldman, Bunk 41, learning camera work.

This year the camp's Video Tape program is moving in many new directions after the experimenting that went on our first: year in 1980.

One of the most important uses of this program is the use al our video camera in many of our instructional programs. Both Joe Gates, who heads up this program, and Steve Kreckman, who heads up ~';CM, are cameramen, and Joe Gates has started to teach campers camera work.

Early in the summer a training tape was made for the teaching

of windsurfing. Coby Shtayer and Chris Saysell are experts with the windsurfers and to help them in teaching campers, they joined with Joe Gates in the making of the film.

Arnie Bradshaw, our Head Tennis Coach, sees instant r'ep Lay as a valuable instructional aid and has started the use of the camera.

Then we had a rainy afternoon.

Phil Osborne and Malcolm Crichard, our drama people, conducted a program of charades in the Library,. The video camera "shot" the pro-


(continued from Page 1)

gram, and immediately showed the results to the Junior campers.

In addition to all this, video tape is recording all of

our special camp events for the three separate films of the summer highlights to be shown at each of the three camp Banquets at the close of the summer.

This coming Thursday and Friday shots will be taken of the Mah-Kee-Nac Invitational Tennis Tournament. When all three camps gathered together in our Field House on July 9 for the Annual Camp Sing, the video camera worked overtime, catching the fun and spirit of this event.

Thus far two campers, Adam Goldman and Michael Korsten, are learning to use the carne r a ,


The first and second teams

in soccer played Camp Winadu in intercamps on the 16th of July. Navajo's first team played an easy game in which we won, 7-2. Josh Green scored one goal to open.

The other scorers were Andy Bloom with one, Lewis Rubinson with two, and Peter Brown with three. Both the defense and the goalies played an excellent game. Scott Kaplan was outstanding.

The second team of the Navajos started well by taking the lead through Doug Hirsch. However, they struck back with a penalty kick. Winadu then took the lead wh then stood at 3-1.

with a treGrant that That was also

We struck back mendous shot by Jon made the score 3-2. the final score.

The outstanding players were:

Doug Hirsch, Jon Grant, Jon Carle, Adam Kraemer, and Jon Rodack.

Jon Weiss, Navajo 25 Adam Kraemer, Navajo 21



Tim King leading Juniors in .50ng.

The Apache and Iroquois tribes of Junior Camp had a campfire on Saturday. That night it rained so we had the campfire inside. It was in the Library.

We sang songs for a half hour.

Some of the songs we sang were,. "There Was a Counselor at Mah-KeeNac," and "Wacky Mah-Kee-Nacky.1I They were pretty good.

A little while later we roasted some marshmallows. They were pretty good. We were going to have chocolate too, but it was burned.

We then did the Class A hand clap. A£ter that we were visited by the Shiek of Arabic. He was really great.

At the end of the campfire we sang Taps and the Alma Mater of the camp.

Our favorite part was the Shiek of Arabic. We think he is Tim King.

Randy Lowenstein & Ethan Kleinberg Apache 12


Rich Zerneck Back For Fifth Summer as Upper Senior Head

Jim O'Neill Never Tires - This is His 17th Summer Here

Jim O'Neill

The following interviews were conduct-ed recently with two returning members of the Mah-Kee-Nac staff--Jim O'Neill, in his 7th year as Program Director and our Upper Senior Head Counselor, Richie Zerneck.

Rich Zerr'leck

Q: Richie, what exactly is your job?

A: Head Counselor of the Upper Senior Campus. Also to make sure that every camper has an enjoyable and safe surruuer and to utilize the wonderful staff, activities, and facilities to their fullest.

Q: How long have you been


A: Five years.

Q: How did you find out about Mah-Kee-Nac?

A: I found out through Bob Behrman who is my colleague at City College of New York. (Bob was also Richie's teacher at

Ci ty College.)

Q: Have you gained anything out of working here?

A: Yes, I have made good friends and have a much deeper understanding of young people.

Richie completed work for his doctoral degree in Physical Education this past Spring. He is Director of Athletics at City College and is joined here by his wife Barbara and their son Jason, who iS,an Apache.

Q: How long have you been here Jim?

A: This is my 17th year. I started off as a Lower Senior Counselor, then became the Waterfront Director. I was also a Head Counselor.

Q: What interested you in Camp Mah-Kee-Nac?

A: Well, when I was working in the area of construction, the unions went on strike so I looked in the newspaper and found a job to be a counselor here.

Q: What would you like to see happen at Camp this year?

A: I would like to see all the major events and the everyday program go well.

Q: What exactly is your job? A: Well, I do a little of everything. First, I know everyone in camp. Second, I do all the scheduling. Third, I schedule

all the intercamp games. Another job of mine is to help Joe and Bob.

During the year Jim teaches at Princeton High School and is a coach for the baseball team. He is also a coach for the 150 pound football team at Princeton Univ.

Jon Zins, Algonquin 44



The Upper Seniors played the Wide Game again, sw i, tching the areas of defense, but not the team members.

This time the Americans were victorious but by a slim margin, 59-40. Fergus Wilson, the British General, claims that an atom bomb (50 points) was caught, but was

not turned in.

Terry Phox of Princeton, New Jersey and Mike Goldberger of Great Neck, New York were the p~ide of the American militia.

General Dick Bonalewicz of the red, white, and blue was very pleased at his tactical strategy that defeated the tea boys of Britain. His masterful skills of war tactics is unprecedented at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.

Fergus was not available for comment because he has not been seen for the last couple of days. Sources say he has been in hid±n~ somewhere in Saudi Arabia.

David Gross, Algonquin 44.

The American Pentagon staff was comprised o f Rick Murphy, Joe Gates, and Les Hall. The House of Defense for the British squad ~as Denis Clarke, Phil Butler, and Jon Heuch.

After the game was finished all the campers then retired for tea time.

Levi Pervin. Algonquin 44


Len to r,lght: Andy Katcher a'nd Evan Jerome.

Camp Mah-Kee-Nac and five other camps participated in the Camp Lenox Doubles Invitational on July 7. The age groups were 12~ and under and 13~ and under.

The campers who were in the l2~ and under group were Andrew Katcher, Evan Jerome, Doug Kaiden, and Mark Rosen thaI. Those in the 13~ and under group were Josh Kurzban, Matt HirShfield Mike Lazar, and Mike Grossman.

Andrew Katcher and Evan Jerome went into the finals and won it. Art Cano coached us all tbe way through and we won the Camp Trophy.

Andrew Katcher & Evan Jerome Cheyenne 32



Two scenes from show'"by DeSisto Schoo::!. s-tue.eDts

A neighboring private school around the lake from camp presented "The ~vizard of Oz" in the Junio~ Lodge for the Junior Camp's evening activity on Wednesday.

"The Wizard of Oz" is a story about a girl named Dorothy who lived in Kansas.

During a tornado Dorothy hit her head on her window pane and suddenly fell asleep.

She had a strange and exciting dream. Her house landed in the land of Oz. She wanted to get home so the Good Witch of the North told her to follow the Yellow Brick Road to the wizard.

On the way Dorothy met a living scarecrow who needed a

brain. They met a living tin man who needed a heart.

Then Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man met a lion that needed courage. When they got to the castle, they found out that the wizard was just a man.

They all seemed to get what they wanted. Dorothy left in an atomic rocket and her dream ended.

They didn't have Toto because it is hard to train a dog and get him on stage.

This was a wonderful play, and the Junior Campers appreci a t.e the work of the cast from the DeSisto School very much.

Michael Ebright, Mohican 5


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The Junior Camp played Treasure Hunt on Sunday.

It all starts out by each bunk having at least ten riddles to figure out. For example, "It's a golden place where the views

are red, white, and blue and a lake that reflects the sun.1I The answer is Joe and Bob's cabin.

When you found the place where the riddle directed you, there would be a code that would say, for example, "7 Pink."

You then took the code number and color to the Judges and they would give you another riddle.

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By Jo·e Manischewi tz Cherokee .37

When you were all done with the ten riddles, you got one more to figure out where the big treasure was. The big prize was a box of different candy bars.

I think it was lots of fun because people were running around trying to figure out all the riddles before anyone else.

The kids in Bunk 6--Brett Cohen, Grant Shmelzer, Jeff Gandel, Alex Gordon, Michael Jackson, Robbie Kraselnik, Teddy Pritikin, Mitch Schroeder, and Warren Finkelstein--were the winners.

It was lots of fun.

J. J. Rogow, Mohican 1


L. to R.: Danny Jewel, Dave Wrightson, Tim Hussar, Randy Lowenstein, Ethan Kleinberg, and Jeff Kirschenbaum.


L. to R. kneeling: Robby Kraselnik, Warren Finkelstein, Teddy Pritikin, Jeff Gandel; standing: Alex Gordon, Bret Cohen, Larry Dubinsky, Grant Shmelzer, Mike Jackson, Mitch Schroeder.



I have been surprised at the high skill factor shown by a number of boys in soccer.

They are on a par with a 'number of English boys ,which is really amazing, when you consider that in England it is the national game, while here

in America it is still a minority sport.

All of us English Counselors have been delighted at the attitude and skill shown by several boys in Upper Senior camp, namely, John Marlow, Tom Jacobson" Julio Santos, Steve. Hochman; Jason Erdos, Dan Brotman, Larry Maitlin, Greg Dickman, Paco Lopez, and Paul Waldrna,n.

We have also see~ several boys in the Lower Senior Camp

who are just as skillful as these. If they progress as we expect them to, they could certainly go to the top in soccer here in America.

On a more personal note, I am sad to be leaving Camp so early, having made lots of friends with campers and counselors. I hope campers will write to me

in England.

Paddy Crilly, Soccer Coacl1 Cherokee 36




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EXTENSIVE SAILING PROGRAM 6-Man Sailing Staff and 24 Boats

This year our sailing program is better than ever. With a very knowledgeable staff of six who are all from overseas. They are: Phil Butler, Henrik Loldrup, Lars Rosenkilde, Chris Saysell,

Co by Shtayer, and Chris Perkins.

The Camp Mah-Kee-Nac fleet is made up of Phantoms, Sunfish, Flying Juniors, Mercuries, and D.C. 's (Designer Choice). This year's program is based upon four goals. The four classifications are: Crewman, Helmsman, Skipper, and Advanced Skipper.

Among all the interested campers the following have passed Crewman: Danny Brotman, John Marlow, Dan Cohen, Harlan Protass, Ron Biederman.

Those boys who have passed both Helmsman and Crewman are:

Michael Stifelman, Danny Brotman, and Harlan Protass.

These sailors have passed Crewman and all water skills for Helmsman: Alan Friedman, David Brown, Matt Hazan, Lee Richman, Brad Handler, Marshall Peris, and Neil Alexander.

In order to pass your crewman you must master: Five basic knots, wind direction, basic nomenclature (knowing the parts

of the boat), rigging and furling, working the jib, points of sailing, coming about and jibing, and a brief quiz.

In order to pass your Helmsman you must master these tasks:

Advanced knots, advanced nomenclature, approach and secure a mooring, man overboard, helming the Mercury around a triangular course, basic rules of right of way, capsizing and righting drill and short written test.

Alan Friedman, Aide 45


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Team Night came to the Mohicans of Junior Camp as evening activity on the 18th of July.

It was Saturday night.

There were six teams made

out of the Mohican tribe. Each team played another team in either boarq games (games in the gameroom), volleyball, basketball, hockey, or other scheduled game.

Each game was scheduled so you played every team. On Saturday night, Team 3 played Team 6 in board games; Team .5 played Team 2 in hockey; while Team I played Team 4 in basketball. Teams 1, 2, and 6 were the winners.

Team Night sure was a success for the Mohicans in Junior Camp.

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2



The Upper Seniors saw the movie, "Bad News Bears Breaking Training," on Thursday.

The movie was about how the Bad News Bear tried to get to

the Astrodome in Texas. They wanted to play a championship game so they could go to Japan.

In the beginning the Bears are reunited, but find out that their coach is a bully because the coach kicked out Englebert.

Englebert then tells Kelly, the kid with the motorbike, what happened. Kelly tells the coach to leave and he does.

The kids then leave in a van heading towards Texas all the way from California. Once arriving

in Houston the Bears faced a predicament, but were saved by Kelly's father.

As many of you know, the Bears went on to win the match. Overall I'd give this movie 2 stars out

of 4.

Jon Zins, Algonquin 44


In the darkroom there are many things to do. Tony Noble helps us Camp to learn about. and its equipment.

The kids develop their own pictures. It is fun. We also take pictures of activities.

We also learn how to focus the camera and how much light to let in the lens. This is called the exposure ..

Tony has cameras you can

use but if you have i;i 35mm camera of your own, you can use it.

They supply film.

When you are done, you develop the film yourself. It's great fun. I'm sure you would enjoy it.


in Junior the darkroom

Erich Frank, Mohican 8


After Taps on Friday, Bunk 32 went down to Joe and Bob's cabin. Not because we were bad, but because we were so good after Taps blew.

After arriving at the Cabin, we were served coke and cookies. We then talked a little about ourselves.

Eight out of the ten kids in the Bunk started camp as Apaches, and had a brother in camp. The other two kids also started in Junior Camp although they did not have a brother here.

One counselor, Art Cano, is in his third summer. The other counselor, Kevin Archer, is here for his first year Erom England. He came because he likes kids and wanted to see America.

After telling Joe, Bob, Frances, and Diane about our schedules, we returned to our Bunk to get lots of rest for the intercamp games the next day.

Mark Weber, Cheyenne 32



Dear Junior Camp (Apaches, Iroquois, Mohicans, and the Mohicans of Summer Camp 1980):

I am very sorry that I am not able to spend what would othe.rwise be my 4th straight summer with all of you this year. I hope that I will be able to make it next summer ..

In the meantime, hope everyone is having a fantastic summer with Gibby and all the Junior Camp Counselors. Take care, and be good.

Take Five.

P.S. Peking University and the Argonauts are tops. P.P.s. Please write to tell me all about Camp.

Jason Wong

"Tulath II i 247, Gower Road; Sketty, Swansea SA 2 9JL; "Hales



This wee k we had the second round of the Upper Senior Team Tennis Tournament.

Larry Maitlin's team, the Volleys, played picture-perfect tennis for the second week in a row. This week they defeated Pete Seldin's Nets. The Volleys won with a score of 3-2

Mike Rodack's Lobsters came back after losing last week to Steve Goldberger IS team, the Racquets. The score was 3-2.

The last match was Steve Siderow's Sets vs. Harlan Protass and the Aces. Steve I s team controlled the match totally and won with a score of 4-1.

The standings are now:


-2- --0-

1 1

1 I

1 1

1 1

o 2

The Navajos travelled to Winadu for intercamps on Thursday.

In the morning we played two games of basketball and three games of soccer when the Navajos went to Uinadu. In the basketball game, Winadu beat us 24-9. The B basketball team also lost to a score of 28 to 10.

In soccer the A team won with a large lead of 7 to 2. Peter Brown had a hat trick ,The Band C teams both lost their matches.

In the afternoon one game of baseball and three games of softball were played, The A baseball team lost by a score of 14 to 4.

In softball the B team lost in the bottom of the last inning on a very close play. The C team also lost by a score of lIto 1. The D team won by a score of 10 to '9. Ben Bradshaw hi·t a triple which drove in three runs. He also made the w~nning out.

In all it was a very exciting

Volleys Nets Lobsters

1 1 1 I 2

Racquets Sets


All the teams played well despite the fact that injuries plagued all sides.


Michael Friedman & Phil Ende Navajo 27

Andy Davidson, Algonquin 44



The Cheyenne A basketball squad finished its third game in intercamps with a flawless 0-3 record.

In the first game against Ken-Mont both teams played a

lousy first half, but it turned around in the second half. Both teams played g'ood second halves and with five seconds left we were down by two. Andy Katcher took

a buzzer-beating hook shot that went in and out and we lost 33-31.

In the second game against Greylock, the Mah-Kee-Nac green machine stalled. Despite last dit?h efforts by Simon Pritikin, Dav.l.d Braemer, and Neil Greenstein we were massacred. The reason

was a clay court, low-bent baskets, and other dumb exousea , ,The final score was 38-22, Greylock.

We still (believe it or not) had confidence going into our third game. This time we had a homecourt advantage against Winadu.

We played our best game of the whole season and didn't have too many excuses for losing. The whole game was close except for the end of the game when Winadu pulled away.

Mah-Kee-Nac broke the tough Winadu press by Simon Pritikin's superb ball handling and sharp, crisp passes.

Andy Ka.tcher can tr ibu ted a handful .of baskets to the team effort. David Braemer was a dominant force on the board for MahKee-Nac. Neil Greenstein was also a big help all around.

Sharpshooting Stevie Mintz couldn't find his range, but still played well. Andy Levi, Ben Gutstein, and Rich Neuwirth were a big help off the bench.

The final score was 39-30, Winadu.

In the first game against ~en-Mont.both teams played poorly ln the flrst half, but it turned

around in the second half. Both teams played good second halves and with five seconds left we were down by two. Andy Katcher took

a buzzer-beating hook shot that went in and out and we lost 33-31.

In the second game against Greylock, the Mah-Kee-Nac green machine stalled. Despite last ditch efforts by Simon Pritikin, David Braemer, and Neil Greenstein

we lost 38-22. .

The Cheyenne B basketball team is 1 and 1, beating Greylock 20-15 and losing to Winadu in overtime 33-31.

Mah-Kee-Nac's high scorer in the Greylock game was Josh Kurzban and in the Winadu game, Tucker Zinke. Both games were coached by Joe LoTemplio.

All things cons ider, the B team can look forward to a winning summer.


Ben- Hart, Cheyenne 30


The campers of Bunk 9 went on a sleep out on Sunday. It was very exciting.

At 6:00 we went up to the campsite to cook hamburgers. Then we ,:"e~t to evening activity. The actlvlty was Camp Mah-Kee-Nac World Rf'cords.

Then we went to Joe and Bob's cabin for cake and coke because it was Michael Willner's birthday.

We then went back up to the campsi te to get ready to go to bed for the night.

There was a nice campfire and we sang some songs. Then off to bed we went. It was a very fun night for all.

Andy Prusky, Iroquois 9


Volume 4.5, Number 4

July 29, 1981

(Nv4iJ NW-i .I'€€ · Nt\C FOR .[)(JYS

Founded 1929. Lenox. Massachusetts 01240

Parade Winners


Booth Winners

Bunk 6

Bunk 28

Bunk 9


Bunk 43


Counselors were treated to many booths. Some of the booths were the Sunken Pirate Ship, Rat Race, LaCrosse Toss, Guess that Weight, Rope Web, Downhill Run, Vertigo 3, and Name that Tune.

There was also numerous card games, Hang Man, Crazy Golf, and Bagel in a Haystack. Paul Williams also had a make-up booth with Mike Gibbons.

This year, prizes were not given out, though prize tickets were. During the Carnival, Campers could use tickets to get snacks such as popcorn, snowcones, and cotton candy .•.. but, the real highlight was Friendly's Fribbles.

Before the end of the Carnival the best booth results were released. The winner in the Junior Camp was Bunk 8' s, "Hangman." The runner-up was Bunk

13 1 s "C r a z y Go 1 f . "

The results in the Lower Seniors went as follows: winner was Bunk 28' s, .. Rope Web." The runner-up was Bunk 26's, "Downhill Run." In the Upper Senior Camp the winner was Bunk 43's, "Rat Race." The runner-up was Bunk 39's, "LaCrosse Toss."

After the announcement of the winners, Bob came on the microphone and announced that the Carnival was over. Next everyone started to clean up their booths.

While the kids cleaned up booths some other kids went back to get final portions of popcorn, cotton candy, and snowcones.

Overall this was a day full of activities and also lots of fun.


Yes, Counselors and Campers, it's the greatest event in Camp. It's fun and 1981 was one to remember. The 1981 Carnival officially started off with its Annual Parade.

Preparation for the Carnival started July 22 as the Lower Seniors made posters and decorations as their evening activity. The Juniors did the same thing

on the 23rd and the Upper Seniors on the night of the 24th ..

On Saturday, Ron Greenleaf, our Caretaker, started setting

up the skeletons of all the booths on the fairway of the Junior Camp. After the fairway was set up, all the bunk groups started setting

up their booths.

. Mark Toporoff, Head of the

Carnival, introduced Bunk 1 to lead the Annual Parade and it was finished with Bunk 34. The theme of this year's parade was "Explorers and Adventurers."

The Bunks performed such things as the Canadian Lumberjacks, Superman II, Cosmic Invaders, Jacques Cousteau, Jungle Explorers, Battlestar Galactica, Vikings, and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

All the Bunks put on a good show. The winner of the parade in the Junior Camp was Bunk 9 (The Discovery of America), and the runner-up was Bunk 13.

In the Lower Senior Camp the winning Bunk was Bunk 23. Runner-up was Bunk 25.

After the parade was over Bob officially opened the Carnival fairway. Campers and

Jon Zins, Algonquin 44 32


Bunk 29

Bunk 4

Bunk 13

Bunks 12 and 13

Bunk 7


Bunk 10

Bunk 31



Bunk 9

Bunk 23

Phil Osborne

Gary Rothenbucher

Gerry Clarke Bjarne Pa.u Ls s on

Steve Abel Michael Bernstein Justin Black Brian Gitkin

Andy Hyman

Noah Mitchell Andy Prusky Michael Willner

Ken Blau

Ken Bloom

Jeff Boodman Leland Brandt David Feldman Robert Goldman Marc Goodman David Reitman Ricky Spieler Chris Treacy


Bunk 8

Bunk 28

Bunk 43

Michael Cohn Martin Jones

Tom Grenell Dave Ward

Joe Gates

Jon Heuch Chris Saysell

Scott Asher Michael Dvorkin Erich Frank Lawrence Herman Oren Messeri Adam Pechter Josh Sacks Scott Simon

David Boxenhaum Adam Hait

Andy Jewel

Andy Kaplan Matt Lesnick Nini Mehta

Adam Paskow Mike Rosenburgh Marc Rosenthal John Sore

David Stern

Irwin Baum Brad Handler Jon Heck David Lewitt David Ripps Andy Tarica


Benjamin Prusky, Apache 14

Left: Danny Gans, Navajo 25.

Right: Loren Finkelstein, Navajo 25.

Counselor: Mark Toporoff.

Michael Lazar, Cheyenne 32.

.' .

Counselor Ga.reth Llewellyn

Loren Finkelstein, Navajo 25.

Chip Konowitz. Cherokee 37.

Left: Jeff Boodman, Navajo 23. Right: Steve Selick, Mohican 5.

Counselor: Doug Smith.


Steve Goldberger, Algonquin 42

Ben Bradshaw, Navajo 27

TENNIS TOURNEY IN DEAD HEAT Mak-Kee-Nac and Winadu first in Invitational

The day started out early here at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac on Thursday as the Maintenance Crew brushed the courts and Arnie Bradshaw helped set up the tables and P.A. system for the 1981

Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Invitational Tennis Tournament.

At the time no one knew how exciting this year's competition would be. Five camps came to join M-K-N on this event: Lenox, Greylock, Taconic, Crane Lake, and Winadu for the 14th consecutive year.

Steve Goldberger continued his great play after winning his first match 8-0 over Taconic's No.2 player and going on in strong form to win 8-0 and in the semi's 6-1, 6-2, setting up a finals match of two great players.

After leading 4-2 in the first set Steve went on to win 8 of 9 games in his normal commanding form to win overall 6-3, 6-0, to become the 15 and under Champion, posting a total record in all matches of 40 wins and

4 losses.

In the 11 and under group, singles players, Jim Kohl and Andy Katcher, played their hardest, but lost. Some good news is that Ben Bradshaw was playing excellently and made it to the finals.

After losing the first set 6-1, and being behind to the No. 1 player from Camp Lenox in the second set, 2-1, Ben stayed cool and rallied to win the second and third sets 6-3, 6-3, and to produce a tie for Mah-Kee-Nac. Art Cano and Allie Lynch helped Ben to pullout the victory with great coaching.

In our 15 and under group things started out rough as our Number 2 singles and Number 2 doubles were defeated in the first round.

In singles, Larry Maitlin (No.2), was defeated by 8-4 despite a comeback and a well-played match. ~e was beaten by a Taconic player ranked No.1.

~evi Pervin had a ~reat tournament. He was rated No.3 and won three matches going on to


the semi-finals after his victories. Levi had to play the Taconic No. 1 player, and again the Taconic player beat his MahKee-Nac opponent. This time by

a score of 6-1, 6-4. The Taconic player didn't realize it, but he would be the player to go against Steve Goldberger in the finals.

In doubles a strong team ranked No. 2 and consisting of two great players, Pete Seldin and Jon Kaiden, was defeated despite playing well and setting good example for Mah-Kee-Nac.

Peter Turk and Steve Siderow, the top-ranked doubles team, were successful in getting into the finals after winning two matches to get them there. They dominated all the matches through the semi's until they were beaten by a strong team from Camp Winadu losing 6-4, 6-3, despite a great effort.

In the 13 and under group, Mah-Kee-Nac played strong teams, and came close, but couldn't pull out a victory. Top-ranked doubles team, Josh Protass and Cary Granat, (with our second-ranked doubles), made it to the quarters before suffering losses.

In the first round Seth Goldberg and Dan Rosenberg played in an exciting match and won a close game 8-7 while Josh and Cary had a bye to advance.

In singles Pete Spiro (No.3) made a great try but was defeated in the first round. Mike Rodack (No.2) and Greg Dickman (No.1) made it to the quarters before

losing after fine playing throughout the day.

Even though no one from 13 and under won, all of them played very well and deserve to be known as great performers.

Our 11 and under No.2 doubles team with Matt Edelman and Neil Alexander succeeded to make the quarters, while the No. 1 doubles, Steve Doff and Mike Grossman, was defeated in the semi's. They glayed well.

Left: Peter Turk, Seneca 47. Right: Steve Siderow, Sineca 47.

The last ~atch played was Ben Bradshaw against the Camp Lenox No.1. After that everyone went to the Scorer's table to hear the results:

5th Place Crane Lake 5 pts.
4th Place Taconic ~r--pts .
3rd place Grey10ck 19 pts.
2nd Place Lenox 21 pts.
1st Place Mah-Kee-Nac 27 pts.
Winadu 27 pts. Throughout the match there was great sportsmanship and great playing.

Jon Zins, in charge of ma~nt.enance; Dave Gross, head ball boy; and all the people who

helped put it together, especially all the fine players, made the 1981 Camp Mah-Kee-Nac Invitational Tennis Tournament a success for all.

Mike Karsten, Algonquin 41

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Left: Brad Davis, Navajo 22. Right: Jon Weiss, Navaj.o 22.

The Lower ~enior soccer program this year is really great! With coaches like Ross Irwin, Rich Crowther, Bjorne Paulsson, and Denis Clarke everyone this year has improved.

Ball control, dribbling,

and leading are only a few things out of many that we are going to learn this yea.r.

The picture above shows the two all-star goalies of the Navajos' first squad. They are Jon Weiss and Brad Davis on the left. Together the goalies have only let. in two goals in two games. That's incredible!

The Navajos' first squad hasn't lost a match this year, thanks to the great coaching.

As mentioned above, everyone has improved greatly this year, but honorable players include Peter Brown, Noah Reibel, Scott Kaplan, Josh Green, Lewis Rubinson, Harshal1 Peris, and T·odd Halpern ..

David Levine, Navajo 27


For trip day, the Apaches went to the Bird Sanctuary. We saw an owl and a field mouse.

We ate lunch there, We also saw some catfish and two frogs.

I thought it was very good.

Peter Ebright, Apache 12


The Iroquois tribe went to Williamstown, Massachusetts. It WaS the Iroquois I first trip.

First we went to Hopkins Farm. There, a lady took us on

a tour. Then everybody got on the bus and went to a dairy farm.

When we got there we ate lunch. We then split into four groups and we saw pigs and cows. There were roosters, too.

There also was a little goat named Freddie. He was so cute. He was all white and he was only 3 months old.

Then we saw a man milking cows. As we left for home from the dairy farm, vIe were given chocolate and regular milk.

Eric Lashins & David Chodosch Iroquois 11


The Mohicans went to Sturbridge Village on Thursday. It is a village from colonial times.

-Sights like old houses, livestock, blacksmiths, woodworking, and other crafts were enjoyed very much.

Hany groups from camp went on a big carriage from the Tavern to other places. Kids brought home snacks and souvenirs from the gift shop.

We saw drummers playing there. It was a place to remember.

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2



~'.]al ter Matthau humorously ribbed the C.I.A. in the movie, "Hopscotch." It is a delightful movie seen through the eyes of young and old alike.

For me it was better the second time around. It is probably the best movie in camp this year. Hardly anybody left which is a good sign.

The last reel was undoubtedly the best one as it is in most movies (except in movies like, "Gone with the Wind").

In some sense it was a comedy .... love story, as there was not much drama to it. lid think that you would have to sit through the entire movie twice to thoroughly understand and be able to laugh about the movie.

Chris Treacy, Cheyenne 23


Some Lower Senior tennis players went to the Greylock Invitational on Wednesday. We left at 9:00 in spirited anticipation. However, our hopes passed away.

Our first singles players, Andy Rose, lost to a second singles player of Camp Watitoh. David Levine, second singles players of Mah-Kee-Nac, lost to Greylockls first singles player~

Now there were the doubles.

First doubles players, Jon Rodack and D. J. Levine, lost along with second doubles players, Jeff Harris and Todd Halpern, to GreyLock-' s first and second doubles'.

While we did lose to Camp Greylock, we still put in a lot of effort into this tournament. And, we enjoyed ourselves.

Jon Rodack, Navajo 22



liThe Nutty Professor" was a weird movie. You couldn't understand a word they said.

It was about a scientist that made a potion. When he drank it, it made him turn into a monster, then into Mr. Love.

Then he started talking like the scientist again. He was Jerry Lewis. That is about it for, liThe Nutty Professor."

Chris Simon, Iroquois 11


On July 24 we had Cafeteria Night. I went fishing and a big fish took my rod when I wasn't looking. Everyone was laughing.

I was with Counselor Peter Allen. I learned that I have to pay attention when I'm fishing.

I don't want to lose another fishing rod.

Corey Handler Apache 12



Jon Sore, Cheyenne, 28.

"Ferrari O'ino"


Before dinner all of the Lower Seniors got on their long pants

and combed hair. After dinner the Cheyennes and Navajos loaded the bus and everyone received money from Jim-O'Neill.

We arrived at the rollerskating rink and everyone started putting on their skates. We all ~tarted to skate and tried doing some tricks.

The music was not too good

in the beginning, but then the kids s t.a.r t.ed tn rer!'1ol.est some songs.

After that they started to play good songs like "Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap, "Hey Jude," "Keep on Loving You," and others.

All of the time kids were getting off the rink to get food such as pizza, popcorn, candy, and ice cream.

We also played games like roller limbo and hokey-pokey.

Michael Friedman, Navajo 27

Once again it was time for team tennis in the Upper Senior Camp.

The first match was Steve Goldberger's team against Pete Seldin's. Steve's team won, 3-2.

The second match was the undefeated Larry Maitlin team against Harlan Protass' team. Larry couldn't play, but his team pulled it out anyway and won, 3-2.

The last match was Steve Siderow's team against the team of Mike Rodack. Mike's team dorn~ inated and won by a score of 4-1.

The standings are now:

Wins Losses Games Behind
Volleys 3 0
Lobsters 2 1 I
Racquets 2 1 1
Nets 1 2 2
Sets 1 2 2
Aces 0 3 3
Andy DaviQ.son, Algonqpin 44 40



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Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer were joined in Holy Matrimony on July 29, 1981. The wedding took place at St. Paul's Church in England.

A lot of royal people were there. President Re . aqan sent Nancy, the First Lady, to represent him.

Here at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac many people were also there, via satellite and our 72q television screen in the Library. Four campers and 20 counselors, 99% of them were British, were at the wedding at 5:00 a.m. to watch this exclusive event until breakfast time.

The campers were Ramin Khalili, Harlan Protass, Steve Salee, and me, Levi Pervin.

We videotaped this event for future use and with no commercials. All Britain was into this wedding. It was a sight to see all those Brits yelling their hearts out.

This wedding was a smash hit. I thought it was well done and at the same time a bit overdone. I give it 4 and 3/4 stars out of a possible 5.

The Queen, the Queen Mother, and other royal relatives of Chuck were present. Over 600,000 people were lined up outside of Buckingham Palace and more than a million lined the Mall, the long street in the middle of London.

Lady Diana, now the Princess of Wales, wore a gown of silk with a twenty-five foot long train. The dress cost about $40,000.

On her head, she wore the tiara that ·Queen Liz wore when

she was married. Chuck gave her a ring that is worth over $50,000.

Charles wore a Navy uniform to the wedding in the tradition of his father.

When the future King and Queen came out of the Church, the crowd outside roared with excitement and approval. They are a tough act to follow!

Levi Pervin, Algonquin 43


Founded 1929. Lenox. Massachusetts 01240

Volume 45, Number 5

August 5, 1981


Opening scene of the musteal.

I have never had so much

fun as I did in this year's production of, nOnce Upon a Mattress." This seemed to be echoed not only by the rest of the cast, but also by the a.udience.

On the nights of July 28 and 29, a group of Mah-Kee~Nac's

. upper Seniors and some of Belvoir Terrace's older girls brought this musical comedy to the Camp Mah-Kee-Nac stage. However, this was only the last link of a long chain of events.

Several weeks ago, Phil OsborDe and Malcolm Crichard announced the cast after long hours

of tryouts. Then the real work began. Sets had to be painted and props had to be made; lines, songs, and dances had to be learned until finally----the play was produced.

The plot is based on the "Pr-i.noes s and the Pe a" fairy tale. I t centers on the efforts of a whole kingdom attempting to marry off their Prince, Dauntless (David Goldberg). For until he marries, no one else can, and the Queen Aggravain (Pam Pareski) doesn't wish to marry him off!

However-----Sir Harry (Steve Salee) has inadvertently gotten


(continued from Page 1)

the Lady Larken (Suzanne Aaron) pregnant. He therefore brings back a loud but lovable Princess, named Winifred (Amy Becker), to marry Dauntless. Winifred passes the Queenls test (with the .help of the knights and ladies), and they all live happily ever after.

Variety entered the play in the form of sub-plots concerning the lusty King Sextimus (Mike Goldberger), Wizard Cardamon (Dan Solo) I Jester (Lori Weisbart), and the Minstrel (Peter Cohen) .

All of the cast was excellent.

Especially good was Amy Becker as Fred. Mike Goldberger as the King mastered the art of mime to give a very amusing performance. Lori Weisbart added a touch of

class with her stunning dance scene, as did Steve Salee and Su.zanne Aaron with their masterful performances as two lovebirds, Harry and Larken.

The cast was a wonderful bunch of people. We had lots of fun (Thank you Dana). We especially like to thank our terrific directors Phil Osborne, Malcolm Crichard, Simon Latarche, and last but not least, pan Hayes.

Also thanks to the staff, the stage crew, and anyone else who lent a. hand, including Mary, the nurse, and Kathy and her gang in the office.

Congra tula tions on the successful production of "Once Upon a Mattress."

David Goldberg, Aide 45

Amy Becker shows David Goldberg her strength.

Pam Pareskl approves marriage In final scene. 44




IWINIFRED •.• , •• 0.', •• , •• , I.'" "AMY BECKER SIR HARRY, I , , •• , , , , , • , ••••• , , , ,STEVE SALEE

LADY LARKEN"""",." J', "" .SUZANNE AARON MINSTREL •• I." ,.' ,.,.,.,.', ••• ,PETER COHEN JESTER." ••• " •• ""","""" LORI WEISDART WIZARD, ••• " ,,"""," , ••••• ' .DANNY SOLO SIR STUDLEY., •• , •••• "., "" I •• DAN COHEN

'S I R LUCE, ••• " •••••. , I I •••• , , , • DAVE BECK

LADY ROWENA •• 'A" ,.,. ""'" , •• DANA POST PRINCESS NO. IL." .... , ... "" ,LAURIE CARSON LADY MABELLE.,. ,. ""," , •••••• REBECCA GROSSMAN



Audrey Krauss, Pam Meisel, Lisa Berman, Jodie Schwartz, Jennifer Dann, Jane Aronson, Jill Silverberg, Elise Wallach, Jennifer Shoo1man, Vanessa Low


Jon Zins, Dan Brotman, Steve Gordon, Peter Spiro, Paul Waldman, Mike ~\1eiss, Brett Kempler

Directed by: Phil Osborne, Dan Hayes, and Mal Crichard, Esq.

Musical Director: Simon Latarche

Clarinet and Sax: Andy Davidson Piano: Simon Latarche

Drums: Mike Stife1man

Recorder and Page Turner: Mary Brackett

Scenic Design: Phil Osborne, Simon Latarche, and Mal Crichard

Costumes: viTith Courtesy from Berkshire Theater Players

Lighting: Alan Friedman

Stage Crew: Jon Grant, Terrence Phox, Harlan Protass, Mal, and Phil

, Make-up: Kathy Bradshaw, Paul Williams, and Mary Brackett

Printing and Poster: Tim King

Props: Paul Williams, Tim King, and Art Department

I Video and Photographs: Tony Noble and W.C.M.

The Camp would like to thank Belvoir Terrace for their cooperation throughout the production and the Directors would like to thank Joe, Frances, 30b and George for their help and time, the office staff for all the announcements and all who helped. A big thank you to Helen Rose, who made the curtain.


Wizard, Danny Solo, with Pam Pareski.

Mike Go'idberger (left) stars as Mime. Lori Weisbart

and Peter Cohen In scene. 46

David Goldberg nags his mother "Pam Pareskl."

Lori Welsbart, a dancing sensation.

Steve Salee declaring love for Lady Larken (Suzanne Aaron).

Amy Becker singing hit 80ng "Shy."

Peter Cohen revealing the Tale to David Goldberg, (left to rl.ght) Pam P.areskl, Michael Goldberger, and Amy

Becker. 47

DAVID BECK TAKES GOLF TITLE Senior Team Second in Greylock Tourney

David Beck, Algonquin 41


Four of our best golf players at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac were invited to compete in the Camp Greylock Invitational Golf Tournament on Friday, July 31.

The tournament was held at the Wahconah Country Club in Dalton, and was divided into three divisions: two individual competitions (the Senior division

and the Junior division) and a team event, the Camp division.

Our players, David Lewitt and David Beck in the Seniors, and Andy Sachs and Ira Gordon in the Juniors, had been under the coaching of our competent golf instructor and friend, Alistair Collin, and were well prepared.

The Juniors tried hard all the way and even if we didn't win, Andy Sachs finished in the top three.

Peter Cohen (left), and Michael Korsten ..


Our Senior team did even better. They finished second overall in the Senior team event, and after keeping his head down and swinging very well, David Beck won the Upper Senior Individual title after a play-off.

A very enjoyable day was had by all.

The Totem Pole is a new activity in Upper Senior Camp. The idea was that of Les Hall's. He went into the woods and picked out an oak tree on which to work.

Some of the designs on the totem pole will be a bird, a bear, and a deer.

The Gounselors who are working on the totem pole are

Les Hall, Justin Schmid, Allie Lynch, Paul Johnson, Henrik Loldrup, and Steve Kreckrnan. Campers working most on the project are David Gross, Sam Gaidemak, Michael Stifelman, Lee Richman, Julio Santos, and Paco Lopez.

The totem pole will rest in Junior Camp by the end of the summer.

Adam Goldman, Algonquin 41


Junior campers played The Alphabet Game on Wednesday. It is a letter game where we had teams. Each person got a paper that had a letter on it.

One of the Counselors asked questions. Then we had to run up and spell the answer at the other end of the baseball field.

Team 5 won. The Counselors on that team were Keith Blake, Todd Jennings, and Lee Yau pengo

Richard Yablonsky, Mohican 3


Riflery is always enjoyed by many campers at Mah-Kee-Nac with seperate programs and seperate ranges for both the Junior and Senior Campers. To get points

you have to shoot at paper targets.

There are four patches and four diplomas in the prone (lying down) position. The names of the patches and diplomas are the pro marksman patches and diplomas, marksman patches and diplomas, marksman first class patches and diplomas, sharpshooters patches and diplomas, an d bar one sticker.

For everything you try to get you have ~o shoot a different score. Loren Finkelstein, myself, shot in Riflery #2, five bullets in the same place.

When Bill Chandler saw the bullet grouping he checked the rifle I shot with a found out that the sights on the rifle were off. He fixed the rifle and then guessed that if the sights were right, the score would have been 48 or 49, or maybe even a perfect

50. How's that for a score!

Come on down to Riflery.

Itls a fun activity and Bill· Chandler in the Senior Camps and J. W. Koppers in the Junior Camp are great Counselors.

Loren Finkelstein, Navajo 25


The Apache and Iroquois tribes sat in front of a fire in the woods the other night. Tim King as the Shiek of Arabic came and led us in songs like "Wacky Mah-Kee-Nacky," and the Gibby song, and others.

Simon Latarche told us two stories called "Simonis Safari," and "The Girl wi th the Wooden Leg."

Everybody got four marshmallows and one plum.

Brett Fellman, Apache 13


We went to Camp. Winadu for intercamp games on the 30th of July. The Algonquins and Seneca tribes tried but lost in every sport.. Baseball and softball were in the morning.

Our baseball team lost 15-0, a no-hi tter by the other tea.m. In softball we lost 10-4. Andy Davidson played superb as our shortstop. Our coaches were Les Hall, Peter Roberts and

Joe Gates.

At night we played volleyball and basketball. Volleyball did not turn out too well. In basketball our green machine lost 50-42.

The next day we played in a soccer tournament. After regulation time expired, the score was 1 to 1. Then came the shoot. out.

Potomac, the team we played, shot first and scored. John Marlow, even with a fractured hand, shot for us, but missed.

Potomac scored off Tom Jacobson three more times, while we got only one ~ore in. Paco Lopez missed for us toward the end, but Mike Rodack scored. Though we did lose, it was still a good game.

Levi Pervin, Algonquin 43




Last Friday the Cherokees

had a social with Camp Danbee in the dining hall. All the Cherokees had been waiting for a social with Camp Danbee and it finally came.

After getting all cleaned up the Cherokees went to the steps of the Junior Lodge to wait for the Danbee bus to arrive.

As the bus arrived the boys escorted the girls into the dining hall. After a few minutes everybOdy was dancing and having a great time. When they left, all the boys went to the bus to see the girls off.

I know that all the Cherokees are awaiting another social with Camp Danbee.

David Thomases, Cherokee 39,


The Senecas, Aides, and some Algonquins enjoyed a concert at Tanglewood on Friday night.

. The concert, which was conducted by Vittorio Negri, consisted of the Four Seasons by Antonia Vivaldi.

The Four Seasons are interesting to listen to because the composer tries to represent sounds of each season in his music.

After the Four Seasons we listened to Symphony No. 22 in C major and Symphony No. 35 in

D major, both composed by Mozart.

I think that it was a!night that the Upper Seniors will remember, and rim sure they are looking forward to mo+,e concerts.

Eddy Kraselnik, Seneca 46

Coach Peter Roberts reviewing plalY betwee:n halves.

The Algonquin/Seneca basketball team travelled to the Pittsfield Boys I Club to play in a double elimination tournament.

Our first game was against Camp' Baco and despite the good play of the Mah-Kee-N ac team, we lost by a narrow margin of 49-40.

The next game was a classic against Camp Lenox. Again there was superb play. The Mah-Kee-Nac team played hard throughout the game, but W~.f; ua Lucky and lost 68-51.

On reflection it was a worthwhile experience for the Mah-KeeNac team. A team which included Andy Pritikin, Peter Seldin, Steve Goldberger, Terrence Phox, Jeff Rosenstein, Larry Maitlin, Irwin Baum, Mike Rodack, Seth Goldberg, and Andy Sachs played and was coached by Peter Roberts.

Tertence Phox, Aide 45



Greg Daniels went fishing

for his second period on Tuesday. He s:aught a fish for bait. Then Steve Polaner, Kenny Gladstone,

and Jon Schildkraut spotted a pickerel. Greg inunediately dropped his line under the dock where the fish was and caught it.

They then brought it back to Junior Camp and Counselor Tony Noble took pictures of it.

The fish was 16" long and weighed about a pound. Harvey, the chef, is going to prepare it for dinner and give it to Greg and his friends.

Andy Bloomfield & Greg- Daniels Mohicans 2


A tennis team 'from Camp MahKee-Nac traveled to Camp Greylock to take part in the annual Camp Greylock Invitational Tennis Tournament on Wednesday, July 29.

In all there were six people who represented Camp Mah-Kee-Nac. In the thirteen and under group there was Gregg Dickman, Danny Rosenberg, and Cary Granat. In the fifteen and under group there was Steve Goldberger, Peter Seldin, and Jon Kaiden. They were all coached by Allie Lynch.

In the Senior division singles, Camp M.ah-Kee-Nac I s Steve Goldberger went all the way to win the championship in his age group.

We thought tha.t the Camp Greylock Invitational Tennis Tournament was fun. It was also

a competitive game between sportsmen.

Danny Rosenberg & Gregg Dickman Cherokees 37

Greg Daniels and the big one.



When the Camp tennis team went to play in the tennis t.ouz-nament at Camp Greylock on July 30, 12 other Campers went to

. Camp Winadu. We arrived at 9:30 a.m. and soon started our matches.

When the time the finals were scheduled to be played, Mah-Kee-Nac players were in four of the finals.

With our Mah-Kee-Nac players winning three out of the four matches, Mah-Kee-Nac finished second with 27 points, only 1 point behind Greylock.

Our winners were Ben Bradshaw, who played well to win the 11 and under singles; ,Andy Katcher andSteve cchs who won the 11 and under doubles and Josh Kurzban and Evan Jerome who won the 13 and under doubles.

Steve Siderow and Harlan Protass lost a tough match in the finals of the 15 and under doubles.

Harlan Protass, Seneca 46




"The Champ" was a good movie about a boxer and his son.

His son, To J., was taking care of him peacefully until one day he met his mother that he thought was dead.. Later his father got into a fight and went to jail.

T. J. had to live with his mother. WHen the Champ got out of jail, he started to box.

When he went into the boxing ring, he was getting beaten up by the other boxer even though he finally won the match.

When the fight was over, he died because of the punches that he took. T. J. then lived with his mother.

It was a sad movie.

Steve Goldberger, our MahKee-Nac and Greylock Tournament winner in the Senior singles, traveled to Pittsfield to play in a USTA tournament. He was accompanied by his coach, Allie Lynch. It was held at the Bousquet Racquet Club.

The top players in the State of Massachusetts were invited to attend. Steve won his first round, 6-4, 6-1.

He later played in the quar finals where he lost to the No. I seed, 1-6, 4-6, who later went on to win the finals.

It was an exceptionally wellrun tournament. All in all it was fun and an experience for Steve.

Peter Seldin & Jeff Rosenstein Algonquin 42

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2


















rri t~e first three individual events of the Lower Senior Track Meet Jon Sore of the Falcons easily took first place by a wide margin. These events were the 50-yard dash, the lOa-yard dash, and the 220-yard dash.

Unfortunately, Andy Kaplan fell on one of the corners to cause him to lose his second place position.

In the 440-yard dash Peter Brown of the Falcons was leading the race. He was followed by Todd Rosenberg of the Ravens and Bobby Lubin of the Falcons.

But, then Todd Rosenberg fell on the same corner as Andy Kaplan. Peter Brown and Bobby Lubin still managed to come in first and second, while Oliver Katcher came in third.

Todd Rosenberg won the standing broad jump. Mike Simon won the vertical high jump and Nini Mehta won the frisbee toss.

In the 200-yard relay it was the Eagles, while in the 400-yard relay it was the Falcons that won. The Ravena took the 880-yard relay.

Cherokee Lnt.e r camp basketball has seen major improvement since first organized this year.

The Cherokee'S A basketball team has a respectable record of two wins and two losses. We have put up against tough competition and have show good sportsmanship.

Our opponents inclUde such teams as Greylock, Winadu, and Ken-Mont. Rick Murphy should definitely be commended for excellent work as he coached us along the way.

The Cherokee's most recent game was a tough game to lose since it was a superb team effort. The

Jon Sore

In the final event, the rope pull, the Falcons won again.

The coach of the Eagles, which came in last, was Joe LoTemplio. In third place were Tom Grenell's Hawks, while in second plac~ were the Ravens, coached by Gareth Llewellyn.

The winners, the Falcons, were coached by Stu Paterson. It was a great day and we enjoyed it.

Todd Rosenberg & Bobby Lubin Cheyenne 29

game was against Camp Winadu. The final score was 32-30.

The game was well played under the boards by both teams. The basic fundamentals were used without flaw.

Yet, what is more important is the fine. sportsmanship that was displayed after the game. With good reason we should look forward to the rest of the season.

The team members include

Seth Goldberg, Andy Sachs, Danny Rosenberg, Gregg Dickman, Rob Zaslow, Eric Mazor, and Jon Gilbert.

Seth Goldberg, Cherokee 38




The Camp Mah-Kee-Nac swim team went to Camp Greylock for their invitational swim meet on Friday.

When we got to Greylock, we found out where to go. We then got in the water and swam some warm-up laps. Then we started the swim meet.

In the morning we had individual events and two relays. In the afternoon we had the rest of the relays. Then came the final events.

Everyone gathered around the stage as they gave out all the ribbons.

They then announced the winners. Our camp came in 6th. We won two 1st place ribbons and one 2nd place ribbon. Representing Mah-Kee-Nac were Ben Silverman, Dan Friedman, Brad Buescher, Jon Gilbert, and Phil Ende.

All in all it was a good event.

Phil Rnde, Navajo 27

The Mohican of Junior Camp played "Almost Anything Goes~ qn Thursday.

It started out when all of the Mohicans were split up into teams of 7-8 people. There were five stations and in each station you were timed.

The first station was when each team got a racquet. Each team then got 15 tennis balls. The balls had to be passed from one" person to another. When you were done wi thall the tennis balls, that was your time.

In station no. 2 you had to kick in a dead basketball into a soccer goal back and forth-as in a relay.


Did you catch that? It said "hello" in Morse code. Morse code is one of the things needed to get a Novice license.

This license is needed to speak on ham radio in code. The other thing is basic electronics.

Those campers who have passed the test to get a license are; Matt Selick, Kenny Obel, Dave Minor, and Robbie Klugman, according to Mark Mihm, our Ham Radio counselor. Jon Heck has his from last year.

Just a few weeks ago, the Camp bought a new radio rig. It is much smaller, does more things, and unlike the old one, works!

So if you would like to get a license, or just learn about ham radio, stick your head in at the ham radio Bunk and say,

..' ..... -' ... - ..

Ken Bloom, Navajo 23

In the third station you had to hit a softb~ll with a bat across a baseball diamond. Each person was timed separately and then each team had their scores added toge ther.

In - the fourth station you had to take a volleyball net three times. When you were done, that was your score and it. was added to your team's score.

In the fifth 5 tation you had to put your legs around one of yourtearrun~tes and push with your legs and hand around a corner and back. When you were done that was your time.

J. J. Rogow, Mohican 1



The Senecas and Aides embarked on a trip to Camp Danbee for a social evening on Saturday.

While there we played volleyball, tennis, soccer, and/or watched a staff football game.

At the conclu.sion of these activities we headed up to the

girls bunk house. There we indulged in social activities such as dancing.

When 9:00 came we had to say goodbye as the girls would travel

to Canada the next morning. Overall it was a quite enjoyable evening.

Stephen Siderow, Seneca 47


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Just recently, Jon Grant and M.artin Greenwood, our two fishing Counselors, have taken two kids at a time in a row boat to go spinning.

Spinning is when you keep on reeling in your lure to make it look like a small fish swimming around.

I suggest that you go spinning, but if you get seasick, you can fish on the dock. It IS fun there, too.

So come down to f ishing and ca tch the big ones ..

Ken Bloom, Navajo 23



by Kenny Be'rland& Jeff Ratner




A team consisting of Irwin Baum, Andy Tarica, Jeff Rosenstein, Paul Waldman, Adam Paskow, and

Andy Levi went to Camp Taconic for , a tennis tournament on Tuesday.

Before lunch we played two rounds in the Round-robin tournament against players from Camps Taconic, Greylock, and Lenox. -

Irwin, Andy, and Jeff all won and lost one match. While PaUl, Andy, and Adam won two and lost zero.

After lUnch we played the final round. Not a match was

los~ which locked up victories for Paul, Andy, and Adam.

Our ten wins out of twelve rna tches also earned us "the team trophy., Gary Whi tworth did a fine coaching job. '

Paul Waldman, Cherokee 35

The Mohicans of Junior Camp played intercamp games with Camp Winadu on Thu.rsday, July 30.

David's Rowdies (baseball) were defeated 2-0. The Rowdies didn't make any errors in fielding but they weren't terrific in batting.

Mike's Mah-Kee-Knights(softball) were defeated 1-0. They had no errors at all in the field and their hitting was pretty good, thanks to good pitches.

Tom' s Titans (softball) beat Camp Winadu 13-12. The Titan's

hi tting and fielding was very good.

Todd's All-Star Machine beat Camp Winadu 18-17 with an amazing come back. Fielding and hi t.ting were great!

The soccer's A team was defeated 3-0 by Camp Winadu. Camp Mah-Kee-Nac's offense wasn't too good but their defense was okay , It was a interesting game.

Andy Tarlca, Jeff Rosenstein, and Adam Paskow. Seated I. to r. are Paul Waldman and Andy Levi.

The B team in soccer beat Camp Winadu 3-0. Both offense and defense were good. In the first half Camp Winadu even scored for us.

In the hockey game Camp MahKee-Nac was defeated 12-1. Our deiens·e and offense wasn't that good, but they played a hard game. Jon Grodsky, the goalie, made about 70 saves.

Camp Mah-Kee-Nac won the kickball game 18-6. The outfield playing was superb.

The volleyball team, coached by Phil Osborne, played two games. Camp Mah-Kee-Nac beat Camp Winadu in both games. The some teams played in Newcome. Camp Mah-KeeNac won only the first.

The .Mohicans of Junior Camp thought that the intercamp games wi th Camp Winadu were a lot of fun.

Michael Ebright, Mohican 5



Several Cheyennes went on an overnight camping trip to Mount Greylock on July 22. All of us walked up to the top.

We had lunch in a little motel. After about one hour we 'walked five miles to our campsite.

First we searched for fire wood and built a fire. Then we washed up by a stream and cooked our dinner there. Each kid made his own hamburgers ..

We then roasted marshmallows, and Danny Rosow told us stories.

A little later we went to bed.

In the morning we ate breakfast and were ready to leave. We walked a half of a mile to meet our bus. We all had a good time.

Robert Miller, Cheyenne 29


t::'. ~



There was an Upper Senior Golf Tournament at the Cranwell Golf Course on July 30. Sixteen golfers in all competed.

Those that shot the best in this tournament were Craig Benson, an :Aide, who shot an 89 for the lowest score of the day; David Beck who came in second with a

94; David Lewitt in third place with a score of 105; and finally, in fourth place, with a little help from his friends, was Peter Turk with a 106.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the tournament a lot. Also out of this tournament, the players for the Camp Greylock Golf Tournament were picked.

Jon Zins, Algonquin 44


LOWER SENIORS HAVE GREAT "WEDDING DA Y" "Charlie's Team Wins In Variety Of Games"

Diana's team In forlorn effort.

On August 3 the Lower Senior Camp held a special "Wedding Day" to celebrate the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.

The whole camp was divided into two teams, Charlie's, coached by Gareth Llewellyn and Diana's, coached by Ross Irwin.

Everyone assembled on the basketball court for the raising of the British flag and the singing of the British National Anthem.

Sports followed for most of the day, with Navajos and Cheyennes competing in soccer, basketball, hockey, tennis, baseball, softball, volleyball, and swimming.

By lunch time Charlie's team held a slim lead in the point standings, and they continued to gain points in the afternoon sports. Charlie's also won both the Navajo and Cheyenne rope pulls.

After dinner both teams competed in the Cheer and Dutch Auction. Diana's team won the Cheer in a very close contest.

Also once again Diana's team


The Dutch Auction was part of the Lower Senior Camp's Wedding Day.

We took almost everything we had in our Bunk to the Junior Lodge. When we arrived there, Jim O'Neill started asking questions.

For example, he would say, "Does anyone here

have a Rubick' s Cube?" Whichever team had the most of them would get more points.

There were two teams, Diana's and Charlie's. Diana's won the Dutch A.uction, but Charlie r s won the whole wedding day.

Ben Bradshaw, Na.vaj a 27

pulled off a close victory in the Dutch Auction, but in the overall point standings Charlie's team won the day by a score of 266 to 207.


Founded 1929. tenox, Massachusetts 01240



former Harvard coach brings teaching talent to Camp.

The new Mah-Kee-Nac Specialty Camp for our Upper Senior Camp ended this week after more intensive instruction in tennis, soccer, sailing, and basketball.

Upper Senior campers w,ere given the choice of selecting one of the program areas for daily intensive instruction each af't.e'rnoon or to remain in their full day regular activity for this period of time.

In three of the four activities Camp brought in well-known specialists to work with our campers during the first week of the specia.lty camp,


Under the direction of our tennis coach, Arnie Bradshaw, 34 campers participated in drills and a to urnarnentto improve th.eir allarorind tennis skills.

Bringing to the program a specialized instructional plan was Jack Barnaby, for 40 years the tennis coach at Harvard University,

and considered one of the outstanding tennis teachers in the country.

(For several years Coach Barnaby spent the Counselor Orientation period with us instructing



Former Cosmos coach returns to Camp.

our tennis counselors in his system of t.eaching.)

The first day brought inclement weather, and Arnie took our 34 campers to the Bousquet indoor tennis club for a full day of instruction.

Jack Barnaby worked with e~ery boy during this all-day session at the club giving each boy the benefit of his knowledge in stroke fundamentals •

.In other sessions he discussed court conduct; the different spline, such as top spin, the back spin, and the spin on the serve.

Another session was devoted entirely to the technique of the serve, and in his final session he discussed the strategy of doubles play.


A large number of campers elected to participate in our soccer program, with our fine soccer coaching staff from Great Britain augmented

by Ray Klivecka, coach of the Buffalo socce.r team and former assistant coach of the Cosmos.

(Ray was Head Counselor of our Junior Camp when he was soccer coach at City College.)'

Coach Klivecka demonstrating for junior campers.

In order to take full advR_ntage of Ray Kli vecka I s presence in camp he worked at every soccer session of all, and not only with the specialty camp players. This gave campers not involved in the specialty camp the opportunity to gain from Ray's eoa


Sixteen campers elected to participate in the basketball program under the direction of our basketball coach Peter Roberts.

As in the tennis program, the emphasis here was in teaching fundamentals.

Coach Roberts was assisted by the Lenox High School basketball coach who has a statewide reputation as a coach of fundamentals. This was Coach Fred Lafave who, worked each day with the squad. The emphasis each day was on a different phase of basketball play •

.It was-interesting to note the steady development of our basketball players during each. week of the summer.

Lacking a tep.m of size, so important in basketball, our players managed to make eve.ry game a close one.

the boat, get aboard, and· coo'" tinue sailing.

The six Skippers--Mike, Dan Brotman, Harlan Protass,. Lee Richman, Dan Cohen, and Adam Stulberger--were awarded a sailing experience in Boston Harbor after the Specia.l ty Camp Program ended.

Our sailors left for Salem, Mass. with our basketball coach, Peter Roberts, driving, and with Phil Butler, leader of the Sailing staff, in charge .•.

Our sailors boarded a 50-foot Ketch and spent a day and a half sailing in Boston Harbor.

This large sa.iling vessel was modern in all respects, including all of the latest electronic safety equipment. The ship's captain, who knew the navigation of the area, was in charge.

SKIPPERS SAIL ON 50 FOOT KETCH Trip Follows End Of Specialty Camp



Sailing was selected by a number of. campers as the fourth Specialty Program. These campers were out sailing every day, learning

not only the techniques of sailing, but also of racing.

Under the guidance and instruction of our six counselors on the Sailing staff, campers started with the Red Cross Helmsman Class, and then proceeded through the Crewman Class.

Six of our sailors continued on and passed the Red Cross Skipper's Class.

The sailors were out on ourlake when there was a little wind, and taught to deal with this condition, they were also sailing when the wind was strong and the lake churning.

The sailors were taught how to handle themselves when a boat capsized and learned how. to right

The Junior tennis prog.ram this year, headed by Dan Bialer, is sure a good one.

'The A level had a tourn.ament to see who would be what number on the tennis ladder. It took three days, but it was fun.

The top four players were

Standin.g, left to right:. Sieve Ochs, Jeff Harris, Danny Sherwood,' Coach Danny Bialer. Seated, left to right:

Eric Nanes, Mike Bernstein, Adam Pechter, Anan Barrie, Adam Gutlin.

Steve Oehs, Danny Sherwood, Steve Harris, and Larry Sagarin. They played semifinals. Thewinners were Steve Oehs and Steve Harris

They played finals and Steve ochs won 3- 0 •

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2



SINGLES WINNER Steve Gol'dberger

The final days of the qpecialty Camp in tennis were unusual in ,that Arnie Bradshaw had arranged prior

to camp opening .for our camp to sponsor a club chal Lenqe tournament in singles and doubles. The results of these matches will appear in the annual tennis directory.

There are eight singles players, eight doubles teams, and a separate group of doubles players.

The singles players are Steve Goldberger, Larry Maitlin, Peter Turk, Steve SidermIT, Peter Seldin,. Harlan Protass, Jon Kaiden, and Levi Pervin.

The doubles teams are Danny Rosenberg-Car:_r Granat, Greg DickmanAndy Davidson, Mike Rodack-Julio Santos, Andy Tarica-Brad Buescher, Josh Protass-David Gross, Jeff Rosenstein-Steve Gordon, Paul WaldmanPeter Spiro, and Irwin Baum-Paco Lopez.

David Ripps and David Lewitt are seeded number one in the other double~ group.

The singles were divided into




Gregg Dl'ckman (Ie't), Andy Davidson


two divisions, and both divisions were conducted in round-robin play. In Division 1, Steve Goldberger and Levi Pervin, Peter Turk and Peter Seldin reached the semifinals, with Steve winning 6-0, 6-2; and Peter Turk winning 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 in a tough match.

Steve Goldberger kept up his winning ways of the summer by defeating Peter Turk 6-1, 6-1 in the finals.

In the doubles tournament, M.ichael Rodack and ·Julio Santos and Cary Granat and Dan Rosenberg reached the semifinals in Division 1; and Peter Spiro and Paul Waldman and Gregg Dickman and Andy Davidson were the semifinal qualifiers in Division 2. The Dickman-Davidson team reached the finals with a 6-3, 6-3 victory, and the Spiro-Waldman duo reached the finals with a 6-4, 6-4 win.

I In the finals the DickmanDavidson team became the winners with a 6-1, 6-3 win.

Andy Tarica, Algonquin 43


Arnie Bradshaw returned to Camp after 15 years to direct once again our Tennis Program.

This time he came with wife

Kathy, who helped Camp in the office, and sons Ben (Navajo) and Abe (Apache).

Arnie returned with even greater credentials than he had in the Sixties. He is now one of the country's outstanding High School tennis coaches, achieving an unusual record at Geneva (Ohio) High School.

He is a Certified Tennis Pro and is sought after in the Mid-West for teaching at Coaches' Seminars.

Arnie and his excellent staff

of instructors have given our Campers an outstanding teaching program this summer.

In addition to the regular teaching program, Arnie directed the twoweek Specialty Tennis Camp for Upper, and he added a number of innovative programs.

One was the Avis-sponsored tournament for Mah-Kee-Nac campers, and another was various round robin tournaments, and the tennis-volleyball game.


On August 6, a sunny day" the Cheyennes went to the Worcester Science Museum.

After the long bus ride, we were all ready for the long day ahead of us. Firs t we went on the train ride. It was a great way to introduce the Science Center.

Next we went in the Museum.

We saw very interesting things such as, "Look Into Outer Space", and "How Long 00 You Think a Minute Is?"

In the minute game there was

a clock and two buttons. The clock was at 0 and you closed your eyes

and pressed the red button. The clock started. When you thought the minute was done, you pressed the green button. After that you opened your eyes and saw where the clock hand was.

Later we saw an animal show.

The animal show was about snakes. It was interesting.

After that we loaded the buses and went back to camp. I think everybody had a great time in worcester.


Michael Grossman, Cheyenne 31

Ed Spatola, our busy Food Director


Margaret Mahoney, 4th year as Camp Secretary

Kathy Bradshaw, Office Assistant

Harvey Keene, 7th summer as Chef

Mati Caperess, Office Bookkeeper

Caretaker, Ron Greenleaf 64


On August 5 the Juniors had College Day. The teams were the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia


Todd Jennings was Head Coach

of Georgia and Phil osborne was Head Coach of Alabama.

One of the biggest events was the bucket brigade. You had to bring a with a hole in the bottom filled wi th water to another bucket. The team w i, th the most water in the second bucket won. That was Alabama. Grant Shmeltzer took a big spill.

During the day some of the activities were wiffle ball, trac ball, ultimate frisbee, and bombardment.

Before dinner we had the tug-a-

war. The Bulldogs won that with hard pulling from Chris Shammas and Jason Silverman.

After dinner was the Sing and the Dutch Auction. The Bulldogs won this.

The Dutch ~uction was an exciting part of the day. Kids brought things from their bunks. Jim O'Neill ~ould callout things and the team with the most of that object received a certain amount of points. Everyone brought plenty of things from their Bunk. The team that one that activity was the Tide.

Overall the Bulldogs won by 3 points. It was a great activity.

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2


birthday cake that was provided by the Camp. So on the night of his bir~~day, his bunkmates enjoyed his birthday party.

Out of the conversation in Joe and Frances' cabin came the idea to _ send Bobby a cablegram to con~ratulate him on his Bar Mitzah and to thank him for the cake.



TO'" LEIOX itA 01-07 o",P EST lit 10 •• Y LOIS".'



There are many interesting events that happen here at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, the following story is just one wa.y our Campers keep in touch and share things.

Bobby Loigman left his friends here at Camp on July 31, to travel to Israel for his Bar Mitzah.

However, he left behind his


The Cherokees went to visit New York's state capital, Albany, on Augus t 6.

Our first stop was the New York State Museum. We saw a lot. of interesting exhihits. For instance we saw some old fashioned fire engines, unique automobiles,' and how to make skyscrapers. ~ve also saw some artifacts from colonial New York.

After lunch we toured the New York capital building. We. saw the meeting rooms and offices. We also learned about the history of the building. Then we saw where all the

laws of New York are made. .

The most impressing part of the Capital was the beautiful and elaborate architecture of the building itself.

Overall we thought the trip was very fun. It was a enjoyful experience ..

Joe Manishewitz & Greg Dickman Cherokees 37




A few weeks ago the Navajos

went to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.

Once we arrived, we went to the Farmer's Museum, where we saw how a farmer's life was in the l800's.

We all enjoyed 19th century life. town was assembled the museum.

A.ft·er that we went to the Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Here were. displays of many years of baseball history, and our fans all found this most interesting.

Then we went to dinner and saw the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

The next day we went to Howe Caverns, a big cave with many stone formations. After that we came back to Camp.

All in all, I think it was a very good trip.

Ken Bloom, Navajo 23

learning about A 19th century in the back of


Taken At Kennedy Museum, Boston, by Adam Goldman

Bunk 8 Campers Lead In Cleanup

This week Bunk 8 had 5 consecutive 50's in a row for their clean up. They have broken all records here at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.

The great thing about our clean up is that no one stops working until we are inspected.

We are the first ones inspected but it just doesnlt matter. The great workers in Bunk 8 are Eri~ Frank, Oren Messeri, Scott 'Simon, Scott Asher, Josh Sacks, Adam Pecter, and Lawerence He rrnan,

The'final question is will they continue their streak until Camp is over?


Eric Frank, Mohican 8

Annual Snipe Hunt Brings Excitement

Last night was the Snipe Hunt.

It was on August 7.

To catch a snipe you have to dress yourself all in red and have head and other protection because the snipe might attack you.

So all of the Junior Camp dressed up to look for the sneaky snipe. However no one found the snipe, but people did find toads, grasshoppers, snakes, feathers, and other stuff.

The snipe hunt. was fun even if no one found a snipe. I guess we will have to wait until next yearl 'This year Bunk 14was the winner.

·Jon Harris, Mohican 5


ball team also lost.

In softball our B and D softball teams won, while the C softball team lost with a close score of 3-2.

Camp M.ah-Kee-Nac h ad a sweep in Volleyball and Newcombe. At the end of the day Camp Mah-Kee-Nac won 6-4.

At Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, the Navajos played CampWinadu. Their luch wasn't as good as the Cheyennes. We lost everything except the A soccer game that was won with a sCore of 7-3. Good players were David Levine, Brad Davis, Peter Brown, and the whole rest of the team.

WE WIN SOME, AND LOSE SOME Cheyennes Enjoy Variety Of Games

The Cheyennes went to Camp Winadu on Friday, August 7. To begin with, the Cheyenne A baseball team won. We did very well. We won it in extra innings 8-7. Steve Doff pitched very well for his team.

In basketball we didn't do as well. We won only one out of four games. Our A. basketball team lost 40-10. Andy Katcher was the high scorer ..

The score in the B basketball

game was 45-21 in favor of Camp Winadu. The D basketball team was the only team to win. In that game Mike Grossman scored 10 pts. and Matt Lesnick scored 8 pts. Our E basket-


The Taconic Balladeers performed a concert for all the Camp in the Junior Lodge on Tuesday, August 4.

After the Juniors saw a concer.t the Lower and Upper Seniors went to a performance.

~he Balladeers dedicated their first song to the late ex-beatle, John Lennon. The song was "Nowhere Man" .

"I wanna learn a love song", was the next song the group sang. It was written by Harry Chapen.

The singers next performed "Lodi" and "Carolina on my mind".

Next Paul Simon's "Kodachrome" was sung by the group. It was followed by the Mamas and the Papas I "Monday, Monday".

Nina Shapiro then sang a solo wi th the song, ., Cut the weeds".

The second to last song the group sang was "Gooze". As a tradition the Taconic Balladeers ended their show with their traditional song, "Simple

s onqs " •

Jon Zins, Algonquins 44

Nini Mehta, Cheyenne 28


Some of Camp Mah-Kee-Nac's Lower Senior soccer players went to Camp :Vinadu on August 7 to play in a soccer tournament.

The soccer players were Mike Rosenberg, Brad Davis, Jon Weiss, Greg Fortunoff, Scott Hyman, Evan Jerome, David Levine, Josh Kurzban, Josh Green, Scott Kaplan, Marc Rosenthal, Lewis Rubin, Doug Kaiden, Marshal Peris, Andy Bloom, and Robert Newitter. We were coached by Ross Irwin.

We played three games. We ended up winning one and losing two.. In the first game against Camp V-Jinadu we lost 10-2, where the defense of our team absolut1y fell apart ..

In the second game against Camp Emerson we won 9-1. In the Camp Crane Lake game we lost also, that score being 3-1. Even though we lost, they were good games.

Some good news is that Josh Kurzban won the Spirit and Sports. manship award.

David Levine, Navajo 27





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The Junior Camp's evening.activitywas at the waterfront on M.onday, August 10. It was greased watermelon.

The object of the game is to get the melon over the opponent's rope.

We played -in the left and right rafters. In the middle of the game the watermelon cracked. It was a lot of fun.

MichaeL, t;'bright, M.ohican 5



The Upper seniors went to Williamstown to see a play and to go to the Clarke Museum on August 7.

Willaims town, home of the famous Williams College, is a pretty town.

The Clarke Museum was very interesting, even with the fact that I am not very interested in Ar~.

vIe then had lunch and went soon after into the theater to see a play by Gorkey, a Russian.

It was a very difficult play to understand so we quietly left after two acts. It was quite an interesting day.

Levi Pervin, Algonquin 43


There were over 100 rocks of all shapes, sizes, and worth different prizes when the Lower Seniors participated in the 1981 Ore Hunt August 8.

Bunks 21 through 34 were all participating in the Ore Hunt made up of the rocks and treasure maps.

The rocks were split into three different colors; gold, silver, and ruby. Each division was worth a different amount of money.

After anyone Bunk accumulated $1000.00 you were eligible for a treasure map which could lead you up a tree, or a more favorable move, take you to the right spot.

The right spot happen to be in Mike Dale's car. This is where Bunk 24's Bruce Wilner found the Treasure. It was a box that contained some munchies.

The kids from Bunk 26, Mike Abitbol, Jon Carle, Matt Crystal, Matt Edelman, Ari Hait, Paul Leinwand, Scott Levy, John Picker, and Jon Schechter, where the ones that received the most money and so got the candy.

All in all it was a fun game, another goodie at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.

Chris Treacy, Navajo 23


A group of Navajos and Mohicans went to Tanglewood on August 8 to listen to a practice concert.

Some thought it was boring, but others thought it was good. They only played one song because the Conductor kept stopping them for mistakes.

At the end lots of kids in our group wanted to go to the gift shop, but. we had to go back to the Camp.

Lee Friedman, Navajo 25



The Cherokees left Camp for an Ixc i ting two day trip across the tate of Massachusetts on August 11.

We arrived at our first destin.tion, Springfield, to visit the .asketbal1 Hall of Fame at 11:15 fter the one and a half hour bus [rive.

At the Hall of Fame we saw many Ibjects dealing with the history of as k e t.b a Ll ,

We then ate lunch and soon after :raveled to Worcester to visit the 'ohn Woodman Higgins Armory which [ealt with the history of armor the past 700 years. It was very .nteresting.

Following our visit to the ar~ory we drove to Tufts University

m the outskirts of Boston. This

.s where we would spend the night. lfter getting set in the dormi tories ,e went to Fenway Park to see a baseia Ll. game between the Bas ton Red

lox and the '::hicago t'i'hi te Sox. The lhite Sox beat the home team 4-2.

After the game we went back to

rufts to sleep for the night. The next morning we had breakfast at

B: 30, then after that we were off to the Lexington Antiquarium. That was good but the Higgins Armory

was better.

Our last destination was Concord Minute Man National Park,


Bunk 5 went on a camping trip up the hill on August 5. When we were finally there we started a fire to cook our hamburgers on.

After dinner we ate watermelon and cookies. Then we set up the tents and found firewood and marshmellow sticks. The marshmellows sure were good!

Then Rodgers Allison told us a

story. We then went to bed. It was fun to sleep in the woods.

Andy Cohen, Mohican 5

where we learned about some American Battles. After that we had lunch and then headed back to Camp.

We all enjoyed that trip. We also learned something from it.

Paco Lopez & Steve Gordon Cherokees 38, 35


The 1981 B level tennis tournament was fun. Each game wa,s 2~ minutes and you would' try to get as

many points as possible. .

Numbers 1 and 2 on the Bladder were Eric Nanes and Mike Bernstein, and Numbers 1 and 2 on the B2 ladder were Adam G~tt~in and Allan Barrie ..

The Junior Camp ladders were

better this year than ever before, and there were more good Junior tennis players.

Robby Kraselnik, Mohican 6



Bunk 3 was one of the luckiest Bunks this summer because they had four birthdays.

The birthday boys were Richard Salles, Todd Brous, Bruce Levinson, and Mike Hessol.

On the four birthday nights after taps our Bunk went down to Joe's Cabin. We sat around the round

table in the center of the room and Frances brought. out cake for the birthday boy.

The birthday boy then blew out the candles. They then gave us the cake with some coke. While we were eating we talked a lot and had lots of fun.

After we finished we went back to the Bunk.

Greg Chernack, Mohican 3


The Movie, "Bedknobs and BroomSticks", was a good movie. It was about a lady who wanted to learn about witchcraft.

There was a childrens evacuation center and that lady took some children into her home.

Her teacher from the school of witchcraft sent her a broom with

some instructions. She tried to fly it outside her home but she crashed. 'rhe kids saw her outside their winnow. At th8 end of the movie the lady and the kids were attacked by some Nazis. The men locked them all up

in a room filled with armor suits.

The lady put a spell on the armor and they broke down the door and attacked the men leaving the town


Richard Yablonsky,. Mohica.n 3


The Juniors played a game of Stratego August 6. It was fun.

The teams were the Navy and the Army.

To be out a person higher than you on ther other team would have to tag you. When you got someone out or they got you out they would show you their card that had a number on it. Whose ove r number was lower was


In the game a Spy was the only one who could get a Marshall out.

If you were out and you were

on the Navy team then you would go to the Hockey court by the fieldhouse. If you where out and on the Army team you would go to the Junior basketball court.. The Navy team won. I think it was a great game.

Peter Ebright, Apache 12


The Cherokees had a Soccer Tournament, a round robin, at Camp Winadu with Camps Emerson and Crane Lake·on August 10.

We had the first game with Camp Emerson. That game was so hard in the first half that the score stayed at 1-1. In the second half our team was better and we won that game with the final score of 7-3.

The second game was with Crane Lake. We won it very easy with the final score being 4-1.

After the game with Crane Lake we had a break. We then played in th finals with Camp~tVinadu.

Even though we lost the tournament it was still fun. Paco t.ope z , myself, even won a trophy for his playing.

Paeo Lopez, Cherokee 37



Founded 1929 • 'Lenox, MassachuseUs 01240

Volume 45, Number 7

August 19. 1981

"Yeah" team doing Its song.

"Yeah" campers hearing final score.

OL YMPICS CLOSEST IN YEARS Denis Clarke's "Yeah" Team Comes In First

This year's Olympics, headed by Paul Saunders, was one of the closest in score and most e.xciting ones in Mah-Kee-Nac history.

Following Lazy Day, Olympic Breakdown was held. At breakdown all camper's and counselors were told their team assignments.

The three days that followed were filled with excitement and spirited competition. On the final evening all teams assembled in the Field House for closing ceremonies. At the end of closing , Paul Saunders announ.ced the final

standings of the 1981 Mah-Kee-Nac Olympics: 1st, "Yeah", headed by Denis Clarke; 2nd, "Fifth Dimension", coached by Mike Arenz; 3rd, "Believe It C'.Ir Not", led by Tod.d Jennings ~

4th, II Stinging Th Lnqs ",coached by Tim King; 5th, "Bayer Necessities" , with Head Coach Tim Bayer; 6th, "Psycho Warriors", with Head Coach Ross Irwin; 7th, "Topper's Choppers", under the direction of Mark Toporoff; and in last place, "Lynch's Grinches", with Coach Allie Lynch.

The 1981 Olympics began after Breakdown when the teams went


(Continued from Page 1)

to their assigned meeting places, in order to assign all team members to the events they begt for competing in.

By the end of a. long, hard first day of land and wa.ter event.s , Topper's Choppers took the lead over

all other teams. Wednesday was the third and final day of Olympics with many events still to come that day. All teams went out and tried their hardest.

On Wednes day we had the Senior Water Marathon.. Bayer Necessiti,es t00k first place in that event. While this was going on the Jun.ior Minithon took place with Lynche's Grinches running off with all the points in that event.

During that day the Decathalon was going on, with Decathalon entrants: Larry Maitlin, Peter Seldin, David Reif, Mike Stifelman, Sam Gaide.mak, Andy Pritikin, Brad Handler, and David Sturner.

Olympic Coordinator

Olympic Coordinator Paul Saunders reading results.

At 4:00 the Decathalon 100- yard dash was held. Sam Gaidemakcame in first,. Larry Maitlin took 2nd, and Brad Handler came in 3rd. After the lOa-yard dash was completed, the teams broke off and were assigned in Grand Marathon positions.

Jim O'Neill, with his commanding voice, started the 1981 Grand Marathon. After 39 grueling stations, "Yeah" crossed the finish line flrst.

And that was the way it was for the 1981 Mah-Kee-Nac Olympics.

Brad Davis, Navajo 22 Alan Friedman, Aide 45

THE EIGHT TEAM COACHES Their Leadership Spelled Sportsmanship

Denis Clarke "YeQh"

Mike Arenz Todd Jennings

"Fifth IDimension" "Believe n 000t"

T!lm Bayer "Ba,yer Necessities" ,

M'ark ToporoU Ross Iwrin

"Topper's. Choppers" "Psycho Warriors"


Tim King "Stinging Things"

Allie Lynch "Lynch's Grlnches"

Sam Gaidemak. center, winner 01 decathlon event. Runner-up,. Larry Maitll"', center. Brad Handler, right.


(Left photo,l. to r., Warren, Finkelstein, Jeff Kaye" and Josh Sacks.) (Right photo, I. to r., Ethan Kleinberg and Eric Nanes.)


Randy Lowenstein, left; Eric Nanes, center; Michael Ebright.


Simon Latarche

Phil Klausner

,Jeff Gross

Ken Bloom

A group of Camp H,ah-Kee-Nac's Lower Seniors, along with six women of Camp who pl~yed the female roles, produced "The Pied Piper of Hamlin", and its modern variant, "'A Ticket to Hitsville."

"The Pied Piper of Haml.Ln" was writte,n about ISO years ago by Robert Browning. It tells the familiar tale of how the Pied Piper rids Hamlin, first of its rats, and then of its children in revenge.

Sanford Anapol~ky and Jeff Gross were exceptionally brilliant in

their performances of the narrator and the Pied Piper respectively.

The second vers ion, "A Ticket, to Hitsville", dealtwith the efforts of Ed Piper to get rid of the Rats, a punk rock group.

Ed Piper, a television personality, finally gets rid of the Rats by giving them a spot o~ his show.

When the Mayor balks at paying him, Ed Piper gives all the kids of

Malcolm Crltchard

Sanford Anapolsky

Andy Pitman

Paul Harris

Phil Osborne

David Goldberg, Aide 45

Ethan Lowenstein

Andy Bart

Jeff Harris

the town tickets to his show and they all leave for Hitsville.

Andrew Bart, as Ed Piper, gave an exceptional performance, as did Phil K~~usner as the Mayor.

This presenta.tion was unique, not only because of the quality of the per.formances, but also because of the content and scheme of the plays.

Both were one-act plays with a IS-minute interval between them. However I' "The Pied Piper of Hamlin" was written to a rhyming scheme, while "A Ticket to Hitsville" was written with a conventional scheme.

It was an enjoyable experience which we will remember for a long time .'

Special thanks to the Directors, Phi I oabozne , Malcolm Cr ichard, and Simon Latarche (who arranged the music for the. "Pied Piper") and to the Mothers--Margaret, Linda, Kathy, Margaret, and Mary.




•• ••••••• , , •• , ••• ,. •••••••••••• "~I.


PIED PIPER •••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JEFF GROSS MAYOR ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••• ' ANDREW PITtJI..:AN

COUNCILLORS ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••• STEVE GARFINKLE SCOTT LEVY




LArJlE MAN ....!I<.'....'................" 'II' .. .. 'lI! • III 'II' ,. .. .. • .. .. .. .. • .. " ..




-- 15 MIN. INTERVAL --









KIDS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOREN FINKEJ~STEIN





~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• · ..... ,iI ••••••• ~


,rJr..._A Y' 0 R ...,' I, " .. • .. " • " .. .. " .. .. .. .. .' .' • ., ~, .. • .. • .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. " " " " ..

COUNCILLORS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

ED PIPER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II RATS II ••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


SCENERY •• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. ' ••••• DAVID WRIGHTSON



LIGHTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALAN FRIEDMAN

~~KE-UP ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• MEMBERS OF CAST AND PRODUCTION


David Goldberg, Aide 45


Levi Pervin, Algonquin 43


All the Algonquins went to Boston on August 12, 13, and 14. We .1eft Camp at 9 a.m. and arrived at Tufts University at 12 noon.

After we unpacked, we met at 1: 00 to go to the Boston Museum of Science.

The Counselors on the trip were Alain Rey, Allie Lynch, Ian Graham, Alistair Collin, and Pete Roberts.

Each Counselor had a group of five to six campers.

The Museum of Science was enjoyed by almost all the campers.

We ate at 5:30 at Tufts. At 5:30 we left to go to Fenway Park to see the Red Sox play the White Sox of Chicago.

The Red Sox won 8-1. It was a game of home runs. Six, count 'em, six home runs.

This year's Seneca/Aide trip was to Cape Cod. Last year, the Cherokees had a wonderful time there and this year, thanks to the Cherokee input, we had an even bettertime. We left Camp on August 10 and came back five days later.

After a long four hour drive in the Camp's minibus, we arrived at Cape Cod. Our first stop (after the beach) was to set up camp in South Wellfleet. Later that night, we had a campfire on the beach and met our tour guide, Brent Snow.

The second day was, perhaps, the best. We visited the beach and later visited Provincetown. This is an old sailing village at the tip of Cape Cod. The shops

and people were all very interesting.

The next morning, we visited the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. This is more of a nature hike than a museum and we were led

We woke up at 7:45 the following day. We ate breakfast at Tufts and went to the Aquarium. We saw dolphins, penguins, etc. Fun timet

We ate at McDonald.' s and then went to- the John F. Kennedy Library. It was designed by I.M. PeL He is a Japanese architect.

It was really fantastic. We then a te a.t the Ground Round. We saw a movie that night.

The next morning we ate breakfast and went to the John Hancock Building.

A. trip to Quincy Market followed. Yeah! It was great.

A trip for all boys, whether how big or small, how fat or slim, how stupid or smart, it really does not ma.tter 'cause Boston is a. town for everyone.

A great time. Yeah!

by the Museum's naturalist. We had a chance to use our newly-found knowledge by identifying ob jeot,s

on Morris Island. Morris Island

is a nature spot famous for its beauty.

Our fourth day was spent on Martha's Vineyard. We rented bikes and were set loose. I feel sorry for anyone who visited that Thursday.

The last day, we packed up and began home. Before leaving the area, however, we were able to convince Les to stop at Quincy Market in Boston. Whatever money we had left we spent there, but boy did we have fun I

This trip was very enjoyable and certainly educationaL. But., what really made the trip was our home-boiled lobster dinner. .It certainly was good.



This afternoon at camp was Birthday Ball. Nothing really d in the morning. In the

I ing we had Cafeteria. For

e people in the Junior play there rehearsal for 1st and 2nd

ode It was also candy day.

r people who wanted to they could to the Library to watch a movie,

Escape from Witch Mountain."

At the end of Rest Hour the s began. The whole of Junior

amp was broken up into four teams, Presents, the Candles, the akes, and the Ice Creams.

There were four events--the alloon break, the balloon bust, owling, and present opening.

In the balloon break everyone in Junio.r Camp had a balloon tied around their left ankle. beam a different colored balloon

and other people on other teams tried to break the balloons. The team with the most balloons unpopped won within the time limit.

In bowling each team had to try to bowl down tennis ball cans wi th a soccor ball. We kept on

Head Counselor Mike Gibbons giving oul cake and ice cream.

going until all the cans were knocked down.

In the balloon bust everybody received a balloon and the first person in every line went to the other line about 15 or 20 feet away and sat on the balloon. If it did not pop, you woule; have to keep sitting on it until it popped. The team that finished first won.

All the Counselors it. and guess what? Joe did i.t, too!

The last and final event was the present opening. There were

28 layers of paper on every team's present. Each layer had a number written on it and the judge would ·tell you what to do when you told him your number. Some kids had to sit on their feet or play dead or things like that. The present. at the end was a Starburst. for everyone. Everyone had to take a S tarburst

and put the paper on their head.

Evening activity was a puppet show. We saw "Rumpelstiltskin."

We also had cake and ice cream to celebrate our Bi rthday Ba.l!. The who.1e day was great!


Jonathan Harris, Mohican 5

Josh Wolfman, Eric Gershwind, and Oren Messeri.

Junior campers who passed to attain Advanced .Beginner are Alex Gordon, Josh Schnoll, Mitch Schroeder, Greg Chernack, Chris Dupree, Brian Goldman, Eric Nanes, David O'Connor, and Gregg Millman.

Also, Jonathan Grodsky, David Cassell, Jonathan Harris, Eric Lashins, Noah Mitchell, Chris Simon, Andy Hyman, Danny Grossman, Adam Bloomfield, Jason Kurtz, and

Warren Finkelstein.

Junior campers who passed Beginner are Jason von Zerneck, Neil Harris, Roger Black, Micah Goldberg, Benjamin Prusky, Lawrence Herman, Ethan Kleinberg, Randy Lowenstein, and David Deutsch.

Also, Peter Ebright, Jeffrey Kirschenbaum, Danny Jewel, and Corey Handler.


Within the Junior Camp, our campers' swimming abilities placed the majority in classes for Beginners, Advanced Beginners, and Intermediates.

There were also some excellent swimmers within the Junior Camp who passed Red Cross Swimmer during the Summer of 1981.

Those swimmers that did pass Swimmer are Roger Schwartz, Larry Sagarin, Josh Sacks, Josh Sidero,w, Todd Katz, Jonathan Weiss, and David Brause.

Those swimmers who .passed Intermediate are Jordan Davis, Mike Bernstein, Brian Gittlin, Andy Prusky, Ross Waldman, Steve Moss, and Louis Greenstein.

Also, Greg Kahn, Josh Weltchek, David Chodosch, Scott Roberts, Greg Daniels, Shan Hanigan, Alan Seid, Jonathan Gershon, J. J. Rogow,

Kenny Gladstone, Mike Jackson, Steve Ochs, Chris Shamrnas, Sc,ott Asher, Geoff Forsyth, Jonathan Schildkraut,

Lehel Reeves Waterfront Director


A group of CherokeeS--Michael Weiss, Marc Millman, Steve Hochman, Paco Lopez, Joe, Chip Konowitz, and Matt to the Berkshire Museum on August 6.

We were accompanied by Paul Saunders.

We saw many exciting exhibits, it would be impossible to mention them all, so I will tell you about only four of them.

The first of the exhibits was the mineral room. There we saw different types of metals, gems,· and rocks. To help us there were cards telling the class and properties of the minerals.

. The next exhibit we went to was the biology room. There we saw shells and aquat.ic life, fossils, niushrooms, reptiles, and amphibians. We also

saw "Uncle BeaGley", a foot.-long

model dinosaur used in the movie, "The EnO.rmous Egg."

My favori t.e exhibit in the Berkshire Museum was the Egyptian Gallery. In this room exhibits illustrating the early history of Egypt. were shown, including a mummy of an Egyptian King from the century 1200 B.C.

The last exhibit that we saw was also interesting. It ~as the animal room. Here there were mounted specimens of wildlife presented in natural settings. It was all quite realistic.

I thought the visit to the Berkshire Museum was a big success. as everybody enjoyed themselves.

I sure enjoyed it!

Steven Hochman, Cherokee 38




The Camper Vegetable Garden was lanted a week before the beginning f camp. Already zucchini and cu'umbers have been picked.

The tomatoes and peppers will

e ready pretty soon. Red and white ~abbage, cauliflower, summer squash, ,umpkins, and acorn squash are also ,tarting to show up.

Th.e garden is a fun place to go ecause are fresh veget.ables .hat you can pick and eat. We see ~ny animals in the Nature Cent7r, md we can see many plants grow~ng

n the garden.

It is fun to learn about nature . n Mah-Kee-Nac.

Shan Hanigan, Mohican I Todd Katz, Mohican 7

The Senecas and a couple of ~ideswent to the Berkshire Theater Festi val in Stockbridge. on August 20 ~o see a product.ion of the play,. rTwo for the Seesaw."

It starred Karen Allen and Frank Converse who are both very famous for their acting abilities.

Ms. Allen is well known for

ner roles in the films "Animal fiouse", "The Wanderers II, and "Cruising." Her latest credit is the starring female role in "Raiders of the Lost Ark.1I She has also been involved in many other plays and films.

Mr. Converse has been in productions of IIDeath of a Salesman", "Othello", and "King Lear." He

is also scheduled to be in several television movies this Fall.

"Two for the Seesaw" is staged in New York City in the early 60's. Frank Converse port.rays a recent

divorcee who has committed himself to being a hermit.

On his 33rd birthday he decides to go out for the first time. He finds out about a single girl in

the area (portrayed by Karen Allen) and decides to contact her. They meet after some very strange phone conversations and eventually fall

in love.

The relationship does not work out because Jerry (Frank Converse) still has some ties with his first wife. Gittel (Karen Allen) realizes this and makes him return to his first,wife. This gave the playa bittersweet ending which is a fresh departure from the usual sticky sweet happy endings.

I thought it was an excellent production and recommend it to anyone who has the chance to see it.

Todd Katz with first zucchini .

Steve Salee, Seneca 46



This year has been a good one for golf. We feel that much has been achieved in a relatively short time with many campers having the opportunity to play on the nearby Cranwell golf course.

The golf program was stepped up this year to include tournaments for both Lower and Upper Seniors as well as the Greylock Invitational Golf Tournament, and many campers had the opportunity to use the skills they learned in Camp.

The first tournament we had was the Upper Senior Classic which produced varied results. 'There was a promising performance from David Beck with 94, who was second to our valuable Aide, Craig Benson, with an 89. There were several scores just over the 100 mark including David Lewitt, Peter Turk, Andy Sachs, Jon Silverman, and

Ira Gordon.

There were several fine performances in our Lower Senior

.t.ou rnernen+ from campers, some of whom were playing for their first time on the course. Among these were Matt Edelman, Mike Lazar,

Evan Jerome, and Mike Simon who shot 105, 108, 106, and 109 respectively for 15 holes. The winner was Andy Kat.cher with a convincing score of 83.


Bunks 2 and 3 of Junior camp went on a camping trip on August 22.

Before we saw the movie we got set up. After the movie, even though it was dark, the Counselor.s made a fire.

While we were roasting marshma.llows a special guest, Tim King, played some songs. Some songs were "Hey Jude·, nMoon Shadow", and songs from the Junior Play, liThe Big Smear."

After that we very tired and went to bed. It was a fun night.

Adam Bloomfield, Mohican 2

by Joseph Manischewitz

David Beck lived up to his early promise in the USR tournament when he won the best individual prize for the under-IS class in

the Greylock Invitational. Our team, consisting of David Beck, Andy Sachs, David Lewitt, and Ira Gordon, carne in third overall out of eight--a fine performance, with Andy Sachs also getting third best individual in the younger section.

Special mention should also be made of Mark Rudis who was helpful and enthusiastic throughout the sunrrner.

All in all it has been a successful and enjoyable summer for campers and counselors.

Ian Graham, Alistair Collin and David Ward

Golf Counselors


The Junior teLnis program here at Camp has helped me a lot. I play tennis a lot. I like it.

The tennis coaches in Junior Camp are Tim Hussar, John E'llershaw. Kei th Blake, Mike Whi tney, and '

Danny Bialer. .

When we had int.ercamp games here at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, Danny Sherwood and Josh Sacks played in singles. They both won.

In doubles, Brad Jacobson and Danny Grossman won. So did Jon Schildltrautand I.

Erik Gershwind, Mohican 5




Jon Gilbert

A new,sport has arrived at the Waterfront--windsurfingI Many people enjoy the sport ..

The windsurfing class is taught by Chris Saysell and Coby Shtayer. They are very good windsurfers.

The sport is so popular that people have to wait a

Campers who visited George Gross t Woodshop turned out an extraordinary number of fine wood projects ..

George's pride in his Woodshop, and his deep in teres t in our campers, prompts him e aoh year to hold an exhibit of the campers' projects. This is George's eighteenth summer at Mah-Kee-Nac.

Robbie Zaslow, Lower Senior of Bunk 37, was named by George

as the outstanding camper in terms of the quality of his, wood proje c t.s ..

Two other campers who showed

Cary Granat

long time until the windsurfer is free.. However, you must be a Helmsman or a Skipper to w~ndsurf.

I hope we have more next year. Meanwhile, I will have to wait until they come.

Lee Richman, Cherokee 35

great interest in the Woodshop, and who deserve high prais.e for their work, are Marc Szaffran, Bunk 34, and Michael Rosenburgh, Bunk 28.

Other campers wpo also did fine work in the Woodshopare John Picker, Bunk 26, David Ripps, 43, Andy Rose, 24, David Feldman, 23, Mark Weber, 32, Nini Mehta, 28, Chip Konowitz, 42, Jeremy Liebe,rman, 30, Todd Rosenberg, 29, Andrew K ap low, 29, Peter Greene, 24, Scott Levy, 26, Butch Ironson, 34.


CAMPER COUNCIL DISTRIBUTED $1,625 Five New Agencies Selected By Campers

Representatives of all the cabins of our Lower and Upper Senio'r Camps met the last week of Camp to consider the contributions to be made from our Camper Welfare Fund.

There was $1625 to be given to causes selected by the campers.

This was the total collected at our Annual Carnival.

Seven agencies usually on the list were again given allocations.

There are as follows: Berkshire Medical Center, $300; Pittsfield Boys' Club, $275; YMCA, $100; Pittsfield American Red Cross, $100:

UJA, $150: Heart Fund, $100; Cancer Foundation, $100.

Five new agencies were added this year. They are.: Cerebral Palsy (spoken for by Lewis Rubinson), $100; Muscular Dystrophy (spoken for by Ken Berland), $100; Leukemia (spoken for by Jordy Fisch),. $100; Diabetes (spoken for by Robert Miller), $100; and Lex School for Deaf (spoken for by Rob Zaslow), $100.

Lower Senior Camp cabin representatives were: Lewis Rubinson, Jordy Fisch, Ken Bloom, Josh Green, Mike Leibert, Mike Abitbol, Mike. Friedman, John Sore, Robert Miller, Glenn Schiffman, Ken Berland, DanDn Dell, Ken Obel, and Phil Klausner.

Upper Senior Camp cabin representatives were: Steve Gordon, Torn Jacobson,. Rob Zaslow , Dan Friedman, Adam Stulberger, Peter Cohen, Peter Seldin, Andy Tarica, Andy Davidson, Mike Goldberger, Eddy Kraselnik, and Peter Turk.



The Camp sailing program saw 63 campers pass sailing tests-this year making it a great summer.

All campers in the sailing program are required to have passed at least the .Red Cross Intermediate swim test.

Those campers that passed the requirements for Skipper are.Mike Stifelman, Dan Brotman, Harlan Protass, Lee Richman, Dan Cohen, and Adam Stulberger.

Those campers that passed the requirements for Helmsman are Alan Friedman, David Brown, Matt Hazan, Matt Selick, Jeff Ratner, Robby Klugman, Brad Handler, Mike Leibert, Neil Alexander, John Marlow, Adam Hait, Andy Pitman, Lesnick, Paul Suchman, and Jon Gilbert.

Those campers that passed the requirements for Crewman are

Ron Bi.ederman, Brad Siderow, John Sore, Steve Hochman, Paul Block, Ramin Khalili, Dan Friedman, Peter Turk, Robert .Milstein, Steve Gordon, Michael Friedman, David Miner, and Brett Kempler.

Also Josh Kurzban, Jim Kohl, Michael Weiss, Mike Bernstein, Brad Davis, Josh Protass, Dan Rosenberg, Ken Grunow, Michael Gershon, Andy Jewel, Richard Muller, Paco Lopez, Robert Newitter, Paul Leinwand, and Greg Fortunoff.

Also, David Thomases, cary Granat, Todd Solan, Jeff Gross, Marc Rosenthal, Doug Tropp, Bruce Willner, Sam Gaidemak, Robert Lubin, Matt Brody, Jon Heck, Scott Kaplan, and Jerry Ostrin.

Another highlight this season was awarding of "Best All-Around Sailor" to Lee Richman.


- -- --- -


Swim instruction continues to bea daily requirement for all campers in the Senior Camps.

Those swimmers who passed Swimmer are Andrew Rose, Lewis Rubinson, Jimmy Hausman, Micha~l Gershon, Jeff Harris, Andrew Pitman, Brad Davis, Ari Hait, Richard Muller, Ken Blau, Jeff Epstein, Ken Grunow, David Levine, Todd Halpern, and

Greg Fortunoffll"

Also, Ne i1 A.lexander, Ben Silvennan, Jeff Gross, David Miner, Scott Crandall, Eric Ribner, David Ri.pps, Ramin Khalili, David Lewitt, and Jon Zins.

The Lower Seniors and Uppe.r Seniors who passed Intermediate are Jon Schechter, Willie Finkelstein, Michael Friedman, Matt Edelman, Ian Silver, Jon Weiss, Michael Abitbol, Ethan Lowenstein, John Picker, Matt Crystal, Andrew Rose, and Richard Spieler.

Also, Noah Reibel, Ken Bloom, David Reitman, Damon Dell, Brett Goldstein, Mike Lazar, David Ripps, and Michael Korsten.

The Lower Seniors and Upper

Seniors who passed Advanced Beginner are Douglas Hirsch, Jeff Boodman, Ben Bradshaw, Chris T', Marc Goodman, Stephen Mintz, Brian

Waxman, Phil Klausner, Jeremy Lieberman, Ethan Bennett, and David Stern.

The Lower Seniors and Upper eniors who pa.ssed Advanced Survival Adam Hait, Danny Rosow, Michael enburgh, and Marc Rosenthal.

The Lower Seniors and Upper eniorswho passed Advanced Swimmer Marshal Peris, Peter Brown, Dan ans, Phil Ende, and Paul Leinwand.

Also, M.att Lesnick, Nini Mehta, Ben Gutstein, Ben Hort, Neil Greenstein, Ken Miller, Brian Rosen, Marc Szafran, Andy J,ewel, Adam Paskow, Andy Pritikin, Peter Spiro, Jon Heck, Dan Friedman, Steve Salee, and Michael Weiss.

This year there was a large group of campers who passed Red

Lehel Reeves

Returning to Camp for his fifth summer,. after skipping 1980', Lehel Reeves directed an extensive aquatics program.

Lehel first came to MahKee-Nac in 1977 as a canoe instructor, and was sent by Camp to the Red Cross Small Craft School for his canoe instructor certification.

Lehe,l made such an impression on the Red Cross people that they invited him to return as a member of the faculty. It was a coincidence that the very nex.t summer the Red Cross moved its Aqua tics and Small Crafts schools to Mah-Kee-Nac. Lehel has served on the faculty each summer coming to the States in 1980just for the IO-day Red Cross program.

Cross Basic Rescue, once k~own ag Junior Lifesaving.

This is a most difficult course, and the campers who passed deserve full credit for their success.

The Lower Seniors and Upper Seniors who passed Basic Rescue are Greg Fortunoff, Neil .Alexander, Jeff G;t'oss, Ben Silverman, Dan A.xelrod, Andy Bloom, Josh Green, Scott Kaplan, Michael Leibert, Scott Levy, Loren Finkelstein, Bruce Willner, and Steve Garfinkle.

Also, Sanford Anapolsky, David Braemer, Doug Kaiden, Ken Obel, Jeff Ratner, Robert Rubinson, Jon Sore, Jeff Stern, David Boxenbaum, Dan Cohen, Harlan Protass, Lee Richman, Adam Stulberger, and Brett Kempler.


79 CAMPERS EARN SKI AWARDS Fifteen Become Advanced Skiers

Seventy-nine Mah-Kee-Nac campers earned skiing awards through the American Water· Ski Association, the group that sanctions mo s+ major

wa ter skiing tournaments'.

In Lower Senior Camp, two campers cmnpleted the skills for the Association's title of Advanced Skier. They aJ;e Adam Hait and Andy Bloom.

Intermediate Skiers are Marc Rosenthal, Sanford Anapolsky, Rob Klugman, Jeff Ratner, Dan Axelrod, Adam Paskow, Mike Rosenburgh, Neil Greenstein, Matt Selick, Jon Sore, Marshal Peris, Peter Brown, and Danny Rosow.

Beginner Skiers are David Braemer, Scott Kaplan, Jason Horne, Paul Leinwand, Steve Doff, Josh Green, Dan Gans, David Boxenbaum, Ben Hart, Butch Ironson, Nini Mehta, Brad Davis, Matt Lesnick, and

Loren Finkelstein.

Also, Jeff Stern, Neil Alexander, Brian Rosen, Mark Weber, Greg Fortunoff, .Ben Silverman, Jeff Gross, and Kenny Berland.


The movie "Breaking Away" was seen by Junior this week. It was about a boy who could ride fast on a ten-speed bike.

He was in many bike races and won them. He was in one and a kid had a small metal pole and stuck it in one of the boy's wheels and he fell off and got hurt.

He was on a team where if one kid fell on the bike or got tired, another kid on his team could go. So, when he fell on his bike, another kid took his place.

Finally he was back in the race and he carne in first place.

Richard Yablonsky, Mohican 3

In the Upper Senior Camp those who completed the skills for Advanced Skier are Dan Cohen, Jerry ostrin, Brad Buescher, Jon Gilbert, Paul Block, Jeff Rosenstein, Mike Rodack,' Steve Siderow, and Brad Siderow.

A1s,o, David T'homases, Peter Spiro, John Marlow, and Tom Jacobson.

Intermediate Skiers in the Upper Senior Camp are David Brown, Cary Granat, Matt Brody, Jon Heck, Greg Dickman, Paco LQpez, Julio Santos, Paul Suchman, Robert Loigman, and Dan Rosenberg.

Also, Krase1nik, Bobby Milstein, David Carle, Andy Pritikin, Matt Hazan, Steve Salee, and Brett Kempler.

Beginner Skiers in the Upper Senior Camp are David Gross, Lee Richman, Daryl Nanes, Doug Tropp, Adam Stulberger, Chip Konowitz, David Lewitt, Ramin Khalili, Dan Friedman, Steve Hochman, and David Ripps.

All these campers may be proud of their accomplishments this summer.


Junior Camp had an Ore Hunt the other night.. M.ike Gibbons went out and hid painted rocks of gold, si1v:er,and red for rubies. Each couple of minutes they changed point values.

When you got a thousand points, you could get a treasure map or keep getting more rocks. Some maps were real and some were not.

In the Apaches the winner was Bunk 12. In Iroquois the winner was Bunk 9. In the Mohicans the winner was Bunk 1.

The treasure was candy.

Brett Fellman & Jordy Davis Apache 13



This was anexcepti.onalsummer for Senior Archery. The. campers started with a re.-learning of the bas ic form. and t.echnique of archery.

After two weeks of int.ense practice at. short dist.ances, all were ready to return to their ,Camp

Arche.ry Association a.pproved distances. The campers were then ready to score for awards.

Many strides were made by new archers. K,en Grunow and Brad Wetstone both started 'on 15 yards and through hard work they ended up at.50 yards, our highest distance.

The capsulation of our ar-chery program was within the. Olympic competition. The mos t exci one was in the Lower Senior Camp. On target one was Nathan Mintz and K'en Grunow,. an incredible showdown.

After the first two r,ounds Ken Grunow was ahead with 116 points, four points behind a perfect score. At the end of the competition the better archer won. Nathan Mintz was on top by 11 points.

The Upper Senior tournament was won by David Lewitt. in a pre.dicted victory.

The following campers won aw awards this summer:

Yeoman: .Mike Bernstein and Mike Abitbol. Bowman: Jon R.eich, Fisch, L,oren Finkelstein, Robert Goldman, Br,~tt Gol¢lstei,n, and Dan Brotman •. Bowman First R.ank:

Ken Bloom,' Marc Goodman, Todd Halpe.rn ,and David Mine r.

Bowman Sharpshnoter: Robert Miller, David Beck, Phil Klausner, and Mike Lazar. Archer: John Sore, Steve Doff, Glenn Schiffman, St.eve Ochs, and Ramin Khalili.

Archer First Ranke Tucker Zinke, Ben Bradshaw, Marc Szafran, .Matt Hirshfield, Nini Mehta, David Braeme.r,. Paul Harris,. and Paul Cohen .. Archer Sha,t'pshooter: Scot.t Levy

and Brett Kempler .•

S.ilver Bow Arche.r:. Andy Kaplan, Ethan Lowenstel.n, Matt Le.snick,

and Brian Rose. American Archer:

David Ripps and Brad Wetstone.

Junior Arche;-:y: Scott Hyman, Bowman; B.rad Handler, Bowman; Harlan Protass, Bowman. .Kenny Grunow, Junior Bowman. David

Lewi tt, Archery. Josh Protas.s, Jun_ior Archery.


Thirty-two campers partici.pat.ed in the Upper Senior' team t,ennis tournament.. A.llie Lynch ran this tourney.

Pete Seldin won, in one of the c Ioses+ matches in Mah-Kee-Nac history. He was victorious over Peter Turk 6- 2, 4-6, 8-7.

Turk was seeded No. 1, Seldin,.

No.2, SteveSiderow, Noo 3, and Levi Pervin, No.4.

In the quarterfinal round, P~ter Turk beat Harlan Protass 8- 3 .• Levi beat Mike Rodack a-s, Siderow beat Gregg Dickman, a Cherokee,

8-5, and Seldin beat Andy Davidson.

The semifinal round was a

tough round and a not so tough roundoTurk beat Levi 8-6. P·ete Seldin beat a stunned Steve Siderow, 8-0.

Then the finals! Thematch last.ed over 2~ hours.

In the losers draw, Davidson, Rodack, Dic'kman and Josh Protass are in the quarterfinals.

Seldin, who won the tourney, was tough .inthe quarte.rfinal

round to the finals. In the 2nd round, quarters, and semi's, he gave up only two games, winning 24.

A grea.t. tourney.

Levi Pervin, .A.lgonquin 44


There was a fine turnout of campez-s for Junior Arche.ry this summer. A total of 75 Juniors participated.

The following is a list of those campers who passed Archery tests.

Silver Bow Archer First Rank:

Mitchell Schroeder and Josh Schnoll.

Silver Bow Archer: Michael Jack.son.

Archer First Rank: Michael Hessol and AndyPrusky.

Archer: Scott Simon and Greg che rnack ,

Bowman Sharpshooter: Jeff Gandef, Oren Messeri, and Jon Gershon.

Bowman First Rank: Jon Harris, Brad Jacobson, Jason Kurtz, Brian Gitkin, Greg Daniels, Shan Hanigan, Josh Sacks, and Louis Greenstein.

Bowman: Da.vid Brause, Micah Goldberg, Alex Gordon, Ted Pritikin, Noah Mitchell, Richard Salles, Paul Waxman, and Roger Schwartz.

Junior Bowman, 80 pts.: David Deutsch, Warren Finkelstein, and Alex Lilien.

Junior Bowman, 60 pts.: Jon Schildkraut, Michael DvorkIn, and Scott Fortunoff.

Yeoman: Andy Coheri, Brett Cohen, Robert Kraselnik, Jason

Silverman, Steve Moss , Piven, Grant Shmel.zer, ,Josh Siderow, Jon Weiss, Randy Lowenstein, Ted Hirshfield, and Eric Lashins.

Also, Josh Rocker, Eric Nanes, Larry Sagarin, Chris Simon, Michael Ebright, Chris Dupree, Neil Harris, Orin Herskowitz, and David O'Connor.

Junior Yeoman, 80 pts.: Mike Bernstein, Adam Gittlin, Alan Seid, David Chodosch, Erich Frank, Michael Willner, Richard Nerenberg, David Cassell, Bruce Levinson, Scott Asher, Steve Dchs, Ross Waldman, Jordan Davis, and Steve Polaner.

Junior Yeoman, 60 pts.: Steve Abel, Adam Pechter, Eric Szafran, Justin Black, Brett Fellman, Scott Roberts, Danny Sherwood, and Todd Brous.

Many campers advanced at an extraordinary rate. Michael Jackson and Mitch Schroeder in their first year at Mah-Kee-Nac reached 40 ya.rds. Many of the Archers worked hard to improve their shooting technique.

All in all, everyone had a good time in Archery. Camp was fun and my heartiest congratulations go to the above campers for all their dedication and achievements.

Scott Corwin Archery Counselor


There was a lot of interest in Canoeing this summer by both the Lower Senior and Upper Senior Camps.

This year we ha.d six new ABS IS-foot Grumsman canoes which are a Ii tt.le lighter than the ones we have had.

The campers have worked on their st.rokes as well as their ability in safe handling-and use of the canoe. Lifesaving and capsizing were also drilled.

Upper Seniors who passed the canoe course are: Jon Gilbert, Doug Tropp, Mike Weiss, Andy Pritikin, Mark Hudis, Paul Block, and Cary Granat.

Lower Seniors who passed the canoe course are: Ben Gutstein, Jason Horne, .. Teremy Lieberman, Brian Rosen, Seth Goldberg, Matt Brody, Brad Davis, Jon Reich, and Scott Kaplan.



In 1981, after several years of British management, a Dutchman took over the Junior Riflery range, with the following results:

Bar 3 was earned by Drew Fellman

and Alan Seid.

Bar 2 was earned by Ari Richter. Bar 1 was earned by Andy Cohen. Sharpshooter was earned by Rick

Salles, Jon Grodsky, Michael Ebright, Geoff Forsyth, Micah Goldberg, Jason Kurt.z, Orin Herskowitz I Josh Schnoll, and Josh Sacks.

Marksman 1st Class was earned by Steve Polaner, Jon Weiss, Greg Daniels, Chris Sharnrnas, Josh Rocker, Jason Silverman, Bruce Levinson,

Greg Millman, Michael Jackson, and Greg Kahn.

Also, Mitch Schroeder, Grant Shmelzer,Todd Katz, Scott Asher, Oren Messeri", Scott Simon, Michael Bernstein, Andy Hyman, Brian Goldman, David Cassell, and David Chodosch.

Marksman was earned by Ken Gladstone, Brad Jacobson, J. J.


Last year we tried new experimental mats at the Senior Riflery Range that in time curled up on the edges. and became inconvenient.

One sunny Friday afternoon. about .5 p.m., Georg,e pulled up in the white pick-up truck, and to Ld us we were in for a surprise. He un.Ioadad two large cardboard b'Oxes weighing a total of 100 pounds.

We opened up the boxes and found eight sturdy green mattresses stapled to plywood to avoid the problem 'Of the ends roll~ng.

Rogow, ·Josh Siderow, Steve Ochs,. Greg Chernack, Jeff Kaye, Alan Barrie, Jon Harris, Jon Schildkraut, JOsh Wolfman, Brett Cohen, Warren Finkelstein, Louis Greenstein, and Ross Waldman.

Promarksman was earned by Todd Brous, Jeff Gandel, Alex Gordon, Robbie Kraselnik, Scott Roberts, La.rry Sagarin, Jordan Shappell,

Danny Sherwood, Mike Dvorkin, Erich F.rank, Lawrence Herman, AdamPechter,. Brian C;itkin, Noah Mitche.ll, Andy Prusky, Adam Gittlin, Chris Dupree., Eric Nanes, Scott Fortunoff, Steve Moss, Chris Simon, and Eric Nerenberg.

I hope that all keep in mind that good shooting means that one must have a certain attitude--stay calm, control your temper, and, most importan t.Ly, maintain your concentration. This will not only help you on the range, but also in life.


Jan-Willem Koppers Riflery Counselor

. These new mats firmer and more comfortable than our old mats. They also make our Riflery Range look neater and more professional.

We wish everybody could see them. ·Thank you Joe!

Daryl Nanes, Cherokee 35

Epstein, Jon Rodack, Marshal Peris, Ian Silver, David Miner, Ari Hait, Andrew Bart, Ben Hort, David Feldman, and Todd Halpern.

Also, Jon Reich, John Picker, Nick Feffer, Ethan Bennett, Je.ff Harris, Michael Leibert, and Robert Miller.

Marksman was earned by Levi Pervin, Josh Kurzban, Adam Kraemer, Dan Gans, Willie Finkelstein, Josh Green, Andy Pitman, JordyFisch, and Mike Bernstein ..

Pro-Marksman was earned by Mike Rodack, Steve Hochman, Jason Horne, Noah Reibel, Jon Weiss, and Matt Edelman.

BILL CHANDLER COMPLETES 24TH SEASON Butch Ironson, David Reif Earn Expert

This year's Riflery season for Seniors was a good one headed by Bill Chandler, . a 24-year veteran at. Camp Mah-Kee-Nac.

.This year the Expert award was earned by Butch Ironson and David Retf.

Bar 7 was -e armed by Jerry Ostrin: and Bar 6 was earned by David Lewitt, David Gross, Eddie Kraselnik, and Mike Rosenberg.

Bar 5 was earned by Dan Gutstein, Ramin Kha1ili, and Jo.n Silverman.

Bar 3 was earned by John Sore, Brad Wetstone, Chip Konowitz, Dan Friedman, Peter Spiro, Mike Weiss, Julio Santos, and Mike Simon.

Bar 2 was earned by Jon Zins, Andy Davidson. Daryl Nanes, Gregg Dickman, Matt Lesnick, Jeff Stern, David Braemer, Dan Rocker, Tucker Zinke, Mark Weber, Jimmy Kohl, Ken Berland, Paul Leinwand, Peter Brown, Jon Grant, David Stern, and Mike Gershon.

Ba.r 1 was earned by Kenny Obel, Ron Biederman, Tom Jacobson, Glenn Schiffman, Ben Bradshaw, Scott. Levy, Marc Goodman, Lewis Ruhinson, Tom Tarica, Paul Harris, Peter Greene, Eric Ribner, Ben Silverman, and Ethan Lowenstein.

Sharpshooter was the award earned the most this year, and it was earned by Todd Solan, Bobby Milstein, Joe .Manischewitz, .Andy Pritikin, Dan Cohen, Greg Fortunoff, Marc Rosenthal, Rich Muller, and Bruce Willner.

Also, Oliver Katcher, Loren Finkelstein, Lee Friedman, Nini Mehta, Richard Neuwirth, Marc Szafran, Phil Ende, D. J. Levine, Damon Dell, Robert Lubin, Mike Lazar, and David Maitlin.

Also, Scott Hyman, Andy J·ewel, Kenn.y Miller, Mike Abitbol, Leland Brandt, Mike Friedman, Steve Garfinkle, Ken Grunow, Brad Davis, Jimmy Hausman, and Andy Kaplan.

Marksman 1st Class was earned by David Reitman, Doug Hirsch, Jeff


The Cheyennes left on a charter bus to go to Mystic, Connecticut on August 12. After a long ride we arrived at Mystic Seaport. The sea~ port is a 1BOO whaling town with working docks and old sailing sh~ps.

First we went to the town and then we went on a boring boat ride aboard the Sapino.

After that we went back and toured the rest of Mystic Seaport. It was very good.

We then went to our hotel to rest. An hour later we went to dinner. Then we went to the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." It was very good.

We then went back to the motel for the night. The nex.t morning we had breakfast at the motel. After breakfast we left the motel to go to the Mystic Marine Life Aquarium.

We went to many interesting ex.hibits • I liked it. We then left and ate lunch at McDonald's.

We then boarded the buses and left for Mah-Kee-Nac. A great!

Andy Bart, Cheyenne 30


--- --- --

David Wrightson

As we look at this issue of the Totem, and of the full bound book of the summer's Totems, one must realize the fine contribution made by David Wrightson as Counselor eoordinator of the Totem.

David graduated this year from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon where he majored in creative writing and psychology. David has written poetry, and has instructed students in creative writing. He served as co-editor of the l.iterary magazine at the

Uni ver sf ty •

David spent five months as a student in Uruguay, and when he leaves Camp, he will head for Spain where he will teach English as a second language at a private school.

David was a counselor with our Apache group.


The electronics program this year proved to be a very popular and successful activity. There was an average of 35 campers participating throughout the summer, and in fact, some had to be turned away due to lack of space.

Although a few campers already were experienoed, hqving taken electronics in previous summets, most of them wer,e taught the basics of good soldering, component identification, and use of the resistor column code.

This prepared the campers for building projects ranging from light dimmer controls to more complicated AM radios. Some of the more ambitious actually made their own printed circuit boards.

Thirty campers completed a working proj,ect, some even did two, three and in a few cases, four complete units in one season.

A special mention should go to Jeff Ratner and Kenny Berland as one of their projects, a strobe light, was used in the Lower Senior play.

As the electronics Counselor, I was most impressed with the high standard of workmanship which the campers produced.

To everyone who completed a proj'ect this summer, I say, "Well done lads!"

Those who completed projects this year are:

Jon Heck,. Ken Berland, Jeff Ratner, Chip Konowitz, Tom Jacobson, David Boxenbaum, Mike Simon, Marc Goodman, Phil Klausner, Loren Finkelstein, Jeff Boodman, Robert Goldman, Joe Manischewitz, Jeff Epstein, Lee Friedman, Michael Leibert, Jon Reich, Levi Pervin, David Reitman, Julio Santos, Nick Feffer, David Miner, Jon Carle, Lawrence Hennan, Scott Herman, Jon Weiss, Scott Simon, Todd Brous, David Brause, and Richard Yablonsky.

Jim Lynch Elect.ronics counse lor



A. day before Camp ended, August 23, a special ceremony was held--the dedication of the Totem Pole. This special occasion will live in the minds of the 1981 campers for a long time.

First on the agenda was a thanks from Sam Gaidemak, who spent much of his time working on the Totem Pole. Sam spoke on behalf of all of the campers who participated in the carving of the Totem Pole.

Then David Goldberg gave a solemn and though tful speech e.xplaining the symbolism of the Totem Pole. Davidts moving address is printed in full below.

Henrik Loldrup then spoke on behalf of all of the counselors who

participated in this project,. ana expressed the thanks of the staff to Les Hall, coorcli~~tor~

Les Hall then spoke a bit on his ideas for posterity and how it relates to the Totem Pole.

Joe then spoke to give full credit to Les Hall for originating the idea of the Totem Pole, for

gi ving deep meaning to the symbolism of the pole, and for attracting so many campers and counselors to join him in bringing the project to its successful conclusion.

The ceremony involved every camper and counselor, if not directly, then in spirit. This is the spirit which the Camp Mah-Kee-Hac tradition was based on.

The tree from which was in its last days tree had endured a


The use of symbols can be traced throughout the history of mankind.

The Totem Pole is an ancient example of how man has used an object to express attitudes, prejudices, and prides.

The Totem Pole has been found in such far-away lands as Africa, Australia, and Russia, as well as in North America.

The Mah-Kee-Nac Totem Pole will, we hope, express the Mah-Kee-Nac ph i.Loeophy , inspire us by its presence" and symbolize our ideals and mor-a.I values '.

Our Totem Pole was carved by many Campers and Counselors under the supervision of Les Hall, Counselor of Bunk 47 and Head of Canoeing.

Les also developed the ,concept for the project.

The process began when Camp commenced in June. the Totem was carved is a 150-year-old hemlock that of life. Hemlock is a hard and hearty wood and the long and not always easy life.

Yet it survived nearly ISO, years in which it grew, and matured much in the same fashion as the Mah-K,ee-Nac spirit has over .53 years •.

With this ceremony we return the hemlock to the ground. Though outwardly changed, the tree still lives in spirit and meaning and it is roore alive today than ever.

The Totem serves as a symbol of all we value and cherish. The animals on the Totem represent certain values which we hold in high esteem. These animals are the owl, wolf, beaver, lion and eagle.

The owl and the wolf symbolize knowledge and the ability to make the right decisions. One may say that they also represent man's doom.

The beaver represents industry and the ability to act on decisions.

The lion and the eagle represent. courage and stre.ngth--the strength to carry our schemes to completion as well as to do the right things.

Most important is the eagle with its foresight as it 'looks down



Lea Hall

David Goldberg

Henrlk Loldrup,

Sam Galdemak


from atop the globe. It can also be said to represent our country, our moral standards and our determination to fight for what we believe is right and good.

We have incorporated the Totem in its traditional spirit. However, we have not used only traditional figures on it. ,

For example, the glo1>e. The globe signifies not only the many overseas counselors at Mah-Kee-Nac" but also the worldwide scops of the Mah - Kee- Nactradi t.Lon ,

Other figures show the things we do at Mah-Kee-Nac. Land activities such as camping out, baseball, tennis and golf are represented, as are water sports such as sailing and swimming. All our activities are represented ..

Prominent'in the middle of the Totem Pole are three human figures.

These represent the most important sector of Camp--us the Campers and the three Campuses. The human element--without us the Camp would, serve no purpose.

It was for the aspiration of this ideal that this Totem Pole was carved.

The Totem Pole will be placed here, by an American flag. Traditionally, the Totem was placed in a prominent position. We decided to keep with this tradition. Hopefully, the Totem Pole will serve as a reminder to us of what Mah-Kee-Nac stands for every time we assemble here.

To commemorate this occasion, an 18 X 12 copper plaque, inscribed

with the name of every Camper, Counselor, and Staff member here during the Summer of 1981, will be placed on the base of the Totem.

And, as we return the heart of the tree back to nature in the form of this Totem Pole" we hope to keep ever the heart of the Mah-Kee-Nac philosophy and Lt.s ideals wi thin our souls e.



The 1981 Season, as all 52 seasons before, came to a sentimental clese with each .of .our three Camps enjoying the seasen's clesing Banquets.

As always, .our three Camps enjoyed, in retatien, a special movie, a final campfire, and then the clesing Banquet.

Campers whe earned awards in swimming, in archery,. and in ri fIery received their awards at the final campfire.

All the campfires this year were held in our special campfire area in the weeds abeve Camp.

Each of the three Banquets fellowed the same traditional menu of consisting .of the fruit cup, a steak dinner with French-fried potatoes and peas, fDllDwed bya strawberry sundae for dessert.


The Junior Banquet was a smash hit! The fun began when every bunk in JuniDr Camp received a handwritten invitatien frem Richie Rich after lunch.

At 6:00 we all marched up the steps into the Dining Hall .to be pleasantly surprised by the decorations. All arDund the room were painted faces of Richie Rich and

the rest of his gang. It was really fantastic.

First Gibby gave a short speech that toek us through all the highlights of the past summer.

Then came the meal we were all waiting for. After dinner the cast from the Peanut Butter Company· sang their song. So did the Smeary Blergs. It reminded us of the Junior Play.

Next came a video replay of the whole summer. It was fun seeing everybody in action. The campers were everywhere.

As the evening came to a clDse, Tim King led 'everybedy in singing

Jimmy Kohl

the Alma Mater .of Camp Mah-Kee-Nac and then, last but not least, Taps ..

What an evening!


The second Banquet night found the Lower Senior campers and ceunselors gathered in the Dining Hall fer their official closing of the 1981seasen.

Head Counselor Mike Dale opened the prDgram with an Indian version review of the summer for Lower Seniors, and as he cevered the various groupings, he mentioned every camper's name.

There followed three musical numbers. Ken Bloom played the famed Beatles' song, "Yesterday", on clarinet; Jimmy Kehl played the theme from "New Yo.rk, New York" i and Eric Ribner played "Pz'e Ltrde" on the p;iano.


Another feature of the evening's program was the video flashback of the surrnner's activities. This

proved to be an interesting recounting of many of the summer's

fun activities.

The entire Lower Senior Camp

then sang the Camp Alma Mater with Jimmy Kohl winding up the festivities, and the summer for the Lower Seniors, by playing Taps on the trumpet.


The Upper Seniors had a steak dinner this year for their Banquet just as they do every year. The entertainment was led off by an incredible talk by Richie.

Paco Lopez played "Ballad for Adelaide" on the piano. It is a very hard tune to learn and Paco

masterly performed it.

Andy and Andy (Pritikin on piano and Davidson on sax) did two jazz improvisations.

Joey Gates and Rick Murphy did a song they wrote, "I Only Saw You for the First Time." Joey and Rick are a. good combo.

Dan Solo, Mike Goldberger, David Goldberg, Steve Salee, and Jon Zins did "There's an Opening for a Princess" from "Once Upon a Mattress. If Simon Latarche played the p Lano ,

The next exciting piece of entertainment was a videotape

edited by Joey Gates and Steve Kreckman. This had highlights of the summer including the Mah-Kee-Nac Open, Carnival, Sing, and Olympics.

We then sang our favorite Alma Mater.

Phil Butler said of the Banquet, "It was great."

Levi Pervin, Algonquin 43


Eric Ribner plays piano piece and Ken Bloom plays solo on clarinet at Lower Senior Banquet.

Jeff Ratner and Kenny Berland headi1ng for the bus.

What a happy summer!



Front Row AlanSeid


Scott Corwin Ja.son Silverman Greg Daniels Adam. Bloomfield Jon Gershon David Ettle


Steve Ochs Josh Siderow Chris Shammas


Front Row BradJacobson Danny Grossman


Mike Whitney Jon Weiss Greg Simon Josh Piven Alex Lilien Peter Allen


Shan Hanigan Steve Polaner Kenny Gladstone J.J. Rogow



Front Row Michael Hessol


Jon Grant David BraUse Bruce I..ievinson Mel Crichard Todd Brous Richard Salles Keith Blake


Greg Chernack Richard Yablonsky

------------ ---- -


Front Row

Jeff Kaye Drew Fellman


John Honneyman Roger Schwartz. Josh Rock~r Allan Barrie Michael Solo


Greg Millman Steve Harris David O'connor Jon Grodsky


Front Row

Robbie Kr aselnik


Larry Dubinsky Alex Gordon Mitchell Schroeder Michael Jackson Brett Cohen

Jeff Gandel

Simon Latarche


Teddy Pritikin Warren Finkelstein G.rant Shmelzer


Front Row

Josh Wolfman


Jan-Willem Koppers Erich Gershwind Jon Schildkra.ut Jason Kurtz

Micah Goldberg Steven Selick Rodgers Allison


Jonathan Harris Andrew Cohen Geoffrey Forsyth Michael Ebright

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