Binder 2007

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June 30, 2007 Vol.

LX Issue 1

What is it like being Out with the old, Lights, Camera ..
the new kid at camp In with the new Action!
Page 3 Page 5 Pag,e 7 I! Totem 5,taff

Mah-Kee-Nac Newsletter


Bunkie & Lynn Roy


Ian Anderson

Correspondents Charlie Abrahms Joshua Altman William Berger Damian Brady

Eli Carter

Jacob Chernok Perry Dornbush Noah Figman Tyler Friedman Jordan Greissman Brian Left

Randy Posner Jake Rosenbaum David Solo

On Saturday, June 23, campers arrived mid-afternoon in a parade of busses while counselors and staff lined the way, cheering, applauding, and singing the traditional camp songs to welcome the new - and older campers. This tradition officially welcomes the kids to the greatest summer in Mah-Kee-Nac history! As soon as the busses stopped, the kids eagerly flew off the bus to see thier friends, new and returning staff, their bunks, and all' of their favorite camp' activities. Since that day camp has been a wirlwind

of excitement and fun! This will surely be one of the best summers at Mah-Kee-Nac for campers and staff alike.

Morry's Camp Swim-a- Thon

By: Perry Dornbush Cherokee Bunk 36

The Morry's Camp Swiim-a- Than is an event :hat takes place every summer at Camp \Aah-Kee-Nac. Marry's Camp is a special camp for kids who are less fortunate than

JS. Morry's Camp is located in the New York \Aetropolitan Tri-State area. The campers Nho go to Marry's Camp are chosen based .ipon participation with community service and after-school organizations. This year, the Marry's Camp Swim-a-Thon will take place on Sunday July 1 st. Throughout the day, campers of all ages will make their way down to the pool to swim laps. For every

lap a camper swims, a certain amount of money will be raised and then later donated to Marry's Camp. This is my 4th summer at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac and every summer I have raised money for Marry's Camp. It is

a great cause and I feel that everyone can help out. In the end, all of the money adds up and gets donated to Morry's Camp.

What is it like being the new kid at camp?

By Brian Left, Mohican, Bunk 4 and Damian Brady, ! Mohican, Bunk 2

While most people at camp Mah-Kee-Nac have attended before there is the usual influx of new kids. So having been here for a couple of years now, I decided to see what those new to camp thought of Mah-KeeNac so far.

Damian Brady, a Mohican in Bunk 2 found it hard to adjust at f,irst, "I was sad to leave home as I had never been to a sleep away camp, and I missed; my mom and dad" .. But even the bus ride was enough fun to cheer Damian up. "It was fun. I made a IDt of friends

on the ride like Alex, Brian, Doug and Ethan. They are all Mohicans as well. So that was a good start!" Charlie Sosnick, Mohican, from Bunk 2, also found some joy in the bus ride despite its length, "It wasn't bad, I got to watch a couple of movies, The Sandlot and The Ant Bully, read my book and make a couple of friends". Jacob Hsit, an Iroquois from Bunk 7 savored the fact that there were toilets, "I didn't have to wait till Mah-Kee-Nac to go to the bathroom!"

One of the big things about coming to Mah-Kee-Nac for the first time is making new friends. But nearly all of the new guys didn't have too much trouble. Scott Shainberg Apache Bunk 11 didn't waste any time in making new friends, "My two best friends in camp so far are Max (Apache, Bunk 11) and Zach (Iroquois, Bunk 8):" Damian Brady is also picking up new friends left, right and center. 'Tve made heaps of friends in many places. Like in my bunk, in my programs, Art, Archery and the Totem especially".

Camper of the week Name: Max Harrison Age: 10

Hometown: Boston Campus: T JC,

Favorite Food at Camp:

Favorite Activity at Camp: Waterskiing

Favorite Song/Dance at Camp: Cha-Cha Slide Favorite Movie: Wedding Crashers

Hobbies: Basketball,

Favorite Thing About Camp: Everything!

While some of the counselors have been here for many, many years, some of us are new! Take Mr Alex Murray in Navajo Bunk 21 for example! He had a chat with bunkmate Jordan Greissman.

How did you hear about Camp MahKee-Nac?

When I applied through Camp America, they said that Camp Mah-Kee-Nac wanted me, and I had a look at the webpage, and was impressed, and it just went from there.

Are you enjoying camp so far?

Yeah, camps great. Its really busy, lots of stuff to do to keep you very busy. I'm doing art in the art shack with Teach, Nadia, Katie and Kristi, helping the kids make masks, doing lots of braiding, making heaps of bracelets with the kids, so yeah, camp has been really fun.

Is camp how you expected it to be? Yes and no. Yes, it's a proper all-Amerlcan camp and all the kids are like those on a TV show called Bugjuice from years back. And no, because as someone who has never been to a camp before, I was never sure what to expect, in England, we don't really do camps like this.

Do you have a good bunk of kids?

I have an awesome bunk .. All the guys are really well behaved, and they all get on really well as a team, so not too much arguing in the bunk, which keeps Gerry, Lewis and I happy!

Has art been busy?

Yeah, it's great. It's mainly the younger kids doing it, so it would be nice to get some of the older ones in, but there's still plenty of time left .

What do you want to try before camp ends?

I think I'd quite like to try water skiing or wake boarding, just got to do the chip test first! Although I think I probably won't be that good because I went kayaking, and I capsized, and nearly sank! But I'd like to get back out there anyways.

New Counselor

Class Of 2007!

!!!!!!!!!BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!


An ancient mummy's tomb has been discovered right ir the middle of Nowhere, Kansas. Archeologists are saying that i must have come across the oceans from Egypt and then swep up by hurricanes to land where it was. It was then buried by sand for thousands of years. According to translators, the tome says, 'The great Tumlikon must stay buried in the great waters or else it will unleash a curse of zombies all over the land." Even with that shocking message, the digging of the tomb will be continued. Archeologist Brian Logun says, "The Egyptians were crazy with their befiets. There is no curse". Conspiracy theorists are arguing that if there was a curse, then we would become part of the extinct list. With good points on both sides, the President has decided to fund research into zombie killing techniques. He has also decided to fund research for remedies to zombification, a laughed-at term for turning into a zom-

bie that might become an epidemic, Dr. Zopilof says, "If approached by a zombie, try to run because zombies are believe to be very slow. If you can't run then try to back away slowly se

that it won't notice you're moving and give chase."


Out with the old, In. with the new

By Jordan Greissman, Navajo, Bunk 21

After nearly 40 years in service, we have a new woods hop being erected at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac. There is a fully functioning woodshop program in the old nature building, while construction is completed on the new woodshop. As we see its progress from the foundations up, we send Jordan Greissman to ask woodshop director, Leo Rowland, a few questions.

How old is the last woodshop?

The last wood shop was the old infirmary building, in 1969 where we have the chimney where we meet for meals; it was the woodshop, administration building, and a couple other things. In 1969 the art kiln set the building on fire and burned it down. They moved the old health building to the location of the new wood shop and then moved the old wood shop into the old health building. The old wood shop was probably built in 1929 but it was not always the wood shop it was the health building until 1969.

Why was the new woodshop needed?

The program was incredibly popular and we simply outgrew the old woodshop. I am excited about the new space and all of the new room that we will have after the new one is finished.

What are the main differences going to be between the old one and new one?

The new one, the porch which was on the outside, is not on the inside so its one big structure. It occupies the same amount of ground as the old building but it is bigger. Also the new building the ceilings are 10 feet tall while the old building was 8 feet tall.

How are these differences going to benefit the kids?

The new one win benefit kids because we'll have a place to store their projects, we'll I; eave the paint indoors and out of the weather so the paint always stays nice. We'll always have wood storage so we always have good wood; we'll have big areas so we don't bump into each other while working, which makes it much safer. The extra space will allow that.

When will it be ready for use?

As soon as possible! We can't wait to move in and start building!

The 2007 NBA Draft

By Charlie Abrams, Cheyenne. Bunk 31 And Randy Posner, Navajo Bunk 20

Last night, June 28th in the Radio City Music Hall In New York, the 2007 NBA Draft was under wayl Without any surprise Greg Oden of Ohio State University was picked by the Portland Trailblazers as the #1 draft pick and Kevin Durant from the Texas Longhorns by

the Seattle Super Sonics # 2. Also the Sonics made a smart move by trading star Ray Allen who is getting old and Glen Davis to the Celtics for rising star Jeff Green, Oelonte West, Wally Szczerbiak and a future draft pick, In my opinion seeing Durant and Green play together wlll be exciting and interesting because they are two of the best and most explosive players in the draft. Plus they have room to improve.

As the #9 from New York the Chicago Bulls selected Joakim Noah in the draft and also got Aaron Gray, a MONSTER center from Pittsburg ..

In our opinion, the Seattle Super Sonics and the Phoenix Suns had the best Drafts:

Seattle- #2 Kevin Durant, Forward, Texas #31 Carl Landry, Forward, Purdue

Phoenix- #29 Alando Tucker, Forward, Wisconsin

#59 D.J. Strawberry, Guard, Maryland

For Phoenix, Tucker and Strawberry were steals at pick #29 and #59. They will both become above average players at the least.

For Seattle Kevin Durant was a handsdown pick and in our opinion Carl Landry was a smart pick at #31. Plus the addition of Jeff Green will make them an explosive trio though they are all forwards because Landry and Durant can play guard.

My Baseball Coach Ian

By: Jacob Chernok, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

My coach Ian is the best coach ever. He is very nice and he has taught me a lot about fundamentals and it hasn't been one week of camp yet! Namely, he has taught me about how to correctly lead off a base and many other things that I won't bore you to death with. He has a great sense of humor and he loves to make jokes with me or anybody else. And, most of all ... he keeps baseball fun, some people think that baseball is boring, but with Ian baseball isn't boring at all!

Lights, Camera ... Action!

By Alex Scott, Drama Counselor

lis summer, The MKN drama program is bringing talent, confused fairytales, pop singers, and pirates the stage with the help of Alex Scott, this year's new drama counselor. We recently sat down with Alex Id decided to see exactly how much we could get out of him about his big ideas.

Where do you come from and what made you decide to teach drama at a sports camp?

I come from Iowa. I came to Camp Mah-Kee-Nac for a few reasons. First of all, I've never been a sleep away camp before, and I really wanted to teach at one, and get the opportunity to have this perience. Also, I really wanted to show campers that drama is a sport. I know it may sound weird say~ that, but I strongly believe it. I feel that, in no other place can you find as much energy, competition,

d teamwork than on the stage. Just like football', baseball, or soccer, drama is also a competitive sport )nly, it's a more of a competition with yourself. It's definitely a team building experience.

What kinds of things do you have planned for Mah-Kee-Nac this summer? I'm not sure I can reveal all of this secret information.

Interesting, well, what can you tell us about your program?

Ok, that's fair. Well, on Fourth of July, I will be hosting the Camp Wide Talent Show. It's going

be really awesome! Definitely expect some surprises and wild and crazy things from the staff. Then,

! will begin work on planning the two plays that will take place. The first play, "Little Red Riding Hood

id the Power Mutants)" will be produced on July 17th, by the Junior Campers .. The Senior Show has a rate Theme" and I can't really tell you much about it other than the fact that it's not your average play. viii involve walking around camp, physical challenges, and other things that are sure to "shiver yer timrs". It's basically a huge, live game board - with the audience being the game pieces. There is a winr, there is a looser. It's going to rock! Also, I am working on MTV night and a couple of other events, all lich will be super awesome!

That sounds exc.iting. What inspired you to be so creative?

Well, I went to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End and that really t me in the Pirate mood for the summer. I absolutely want to be a pirate! So, that and Reality Teleion Programs like Survivor, Treasure Hunters, and the Amazing Race Inspired the big event MKN

arna is doing this summer for the Senior Play. As for "Little Red Riding Hood" that's just something that un. Its going to take crazy characters and put them into funny situations - and that's always fun to do. i·s summer is going to take a lot of work, but it's going to be awesome!

It sounds like it. So far how do you like camp?

I love it. It's one of the most beautiful locations in the Northeastern United States, I get to work srqetic kids and. talented counselors from all over the world, and I get to teach what I love! I wouldn't de this summer for anything else.

Well, We're glad. you are enjoying yourself. Do you have anything you wish to add?

Yeah, Join Drama - we do really fun things like Improv games, skits, and just learn how to be a ter team player and actor. Other than that - no.

~ounselor of the week

~ame: Ben Goldstraw

~ge: 20 Bunk Number: 5 ~ometown: Puckeridge, England =avorite Sport: Soccer

=avorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan =avorite Song: Umbrella - Rihanna -avorite food: Chicken

:avorite thing about camp: Getting covered in iaint for the counselor hunt.

Lower Senior Bunk Night Basketball Game

By Noah Figman Cheyenne Bunk 31

With Charlie Abrams leading the way, a storm of Gold Bond close behind him, bunk 31 rushed onto the Lower Senior basketball court to face their opponent, bunk. 32. This Bunk Night evening activity game had become a heated rivalry between the two bunks. Soosh, acting as the referee and coach for bunk 31 threw the opening tip, which was won by bunk 32.'s Zach Campbell. The game started off with an early lead by bunk Bunk 31:

Noah Figman Ryan Gutstein, Alex Karol, Alex Bindelglass, Jared Jones and 6th man Charlie Abrams.

Bunk 32: Zach Campbell, Tyler Pager, Eric Chirls, Nate Shames, Jon Conway and 6th man Max Freedman.

Quickly Bunk 32 started to catch up and they soon had a commanding 12-point lead. However, Bunk 31 wasn't about to give up. With a late game comeback, bunk 31 came back to within 4. Unfortunately, this just wasn't enough. Bunk 32's leading scorer Jon Conway carried his team to a 24-20 victory, making Bunk Night an enjoyable evening activityl

Counselor, Barry Finder and Bunk 8 Iroquois, Teddy Tanenbaum enjoying Green & White night activities.

Radio Mah-Kee-Nac Is On The Air!

By Joshua Altman, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

A frequently asked question asked at MKN is, what is WMKN? Some people might know it is WCM from previous years though. Marcos Una heads WMKN up in the media center. WMKN gives campers the opportunities

to broadcast whatever they want. Such as music, sports, gossip, and more. In addition campers can put in their requests for their daily morning wake up. WMKN is also

a great opportunity for campers to talk in front of people but not directly, with names that they sign on with. WMKN can also give campers a taste of what it's like to be a OJ

or a Radio Talk Show Host. Here's what Marcos, the head of WMKN, said about his program "WMKN creates a great program for kids to express through music and broadcasting and a way to inform others about sports and events taking place."

Message from the Directors

After 10 long months of "pre-camp", we are thrilled to be starting another season at campl The excitement of opening day with enthusiastic staff and laughing campers

is what we work for all year. The summer schedule is packed with fun and instruction, special events and intercamp competitions, trips and traditions. Assistant Director, Eric Sasson, Program and Staffing Director, Kevin Ulley and Office Manager, Lauren Schacter have done a great job in the off season lining up our program and counselors. Our Senior Staff conslstlnc of veterans, Mike Molloy (Asst. Dir.), Chris Chater (Operations Dir.), Coach Jon Freehling (Athletic Dir.), Ross Bentley (LSR Head counselor and Senior Head Counselor) and Debbie Sasson (Recruiting Coordinator) have put in countless hours all year long prepping camp. In future Totem issues, we'll introduce these very important people to you.

Our theme for the summer is relationships -coach - athlete, instructor student, campercounselor and the friendships that will last

a lifetime. We think this is a very important part of living the "Mah-Kee-Nac Way - Growth, Pride, Empowerment, Connection and Fellowship:'

Mah-Kee-Nac'ers it's time to do what we all love to do. Have fun everyday. Make lots of friends. And don't forget to write home!!!!

Keep thinking sunny weather thoughts! (signed) Bunkie and Lynn

The Ultimate Race

by William B., Mohican Bunk 1

The Back Page!

July 7, 2007 Vol. LX Issue 2

Fourth Of July At

M-- h K N·' , , , a - i ee-ac .....

Fourth Of July Upper Seniors Morry's Camp 2007
At Mah-Kee-Nac! To Jiminy Peak Page 9
Page 2 &3 I Page 6
i I I Totem 5;8ff

Mah-Kee-Nac Newsletter


Bunkie & Lynn Roy


Ian Anderson

Corr'espondents Charlie Abrahms Joshua Altman William Berger Damian Brady

Elli Carter

Jacob Chernok

Ty Cooperman Perry Dornbush Noah Figman Tyler Friedman Jordan Greissman Brian Lett

Randy Posner David Solo

JulyThe Fourth At Mah-Kee-Nac

Apple pie, flag raising with the anthem, heaps of food, loads of sports and sunny weather. I was certain this would be a great first experience of Independence Day in America. And on a summer camp to boot! Great!

All was well till dinner time. The heavens had other ideas for our day. Rain was to descend upon Stockbridge Bowl at 2pm. Great.

So we went to Rainy Day Schedule, aka, Plan B. And so, we reverted to the tried and tested methods of keeping campers happy; bombardment for the seniors and parade prep for the juniors.

The lower senior games were filled with controversy and action. In the very first game of Navajos vs. Cheyennes, the Navajos were victorious, but then they began to get a little wayward, leUing the Cheyennes win the next 3 games .. However for the final game, when they were stripped of their main man, Vaughn, the Cheyennes caved to Navajo pressure.

After the lower senior games, they were treated to an In~ dependence Day parade by the juniors, who had dressed up as various past periods from American history. There were the American Indian and some portraying those at the Declaration of Independence. We then went through to Equals Rights protesters and San Francisco/Vietnam war campaigners, and many more. They paraded around the Field House, leaving to applause from all corners.

Later on, after we'd further feasted on more food, we headed off to The Talent Show, which featured musicians, magicians, dancers, comedians, Rubik's cube specialists and psychics. Then came the Senecas.

Around 30 Senecas knelt behind a bench, hands behind their backs and head first, with a chocolate pie in front of them. Molloy started them off; some got right into the food, and some were just more than happy to pick at it, and savor the goodness (Evan).

Once we had a winner, the masses headed towards the dining hall for ice cream. The bulk of the kids then wandered off to bed, only to be woken up by the fireworks in Tanqlewood.

So all things considered, it was a pretty good 4th July. Can we just have some sun next year please? Thanks.

One of the activities featuring at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac this summer is Alternafive Sports. With most kids signing up for baseball! and basketball, Joshua Altman was curious to see what goes on in alternative sports.

Hey Dan, so can you give us a little explanation of what 'Alternative Sports' is? Alternative sports are activities that are both alternatives to sports, but also aren't basebaill, basketball, soccer, and football and they are new opportunities for campers at Mah-Kee-Nac to take advantage of.

What are some of the alternative sports?

The alternative sports are Ultimate Frisbee and Disk Golf or Frisbee Golf (FROLF)

So Dan, what is Ultimate Frisbee?

Ultimate Frisbee is a game which lis a team sport similar to football and soccer. Except there are 7 players on each team at a time, and you have to pass the disc to your teammates, to get down to the opposite end of the field. That's the basics of the sport

Has alternative sports and rocketry been busy so far this year?

I've been really busy this year, I've been teaching mostly rocketry, around 3 periods a day. And lately I've been teaching a lot of Frolf and Ultimate,

Counselor of the week

Name: Jimmy Mancuso

Age: 23 Bunk Number: 8 Hometown: Detroit, Michigan Favorite Sport Baseball Favorite Movie: Bull Durham

Favorite Song: Two Step - Dave Mattews Band Favorite food: Pasta

Favorite thing about camp: Being chosen to be couselor of the week!

Camper of the week Name: Sam Hait Age:11


Campus: Lower Senior

Favorite Food at Camp: Pizza and Soda Favorite Activity at Camp:Golf

Favorite Song at Camp: You Gave Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi Favorite Movie:Spaceballs

Hobbies: Basketball, Golf

Favorite Thing About Camp: The trip to the Basketball Hall Of Fame

Navajo Dodgeball Championships

By Randy Posner, Navajo Bunk, 20

"Ready ... DODGEBALL!" yelled the referee as the game begun. Between the Navajo tribe, there were 6 teams, my team, The Amazing Anteaters lead by Nick Clarke, the Cowabunga Cows and their captain Jordan Steenbeek, The Tubular Turkeys with Toby Holland, The Slip Sliding Snakes were led by Ed W.illiams, The Dynamic Dodos and their manager, Ross Moorcroft. Finally, The Magnificent Monkeys were managed by Hayden Garrett. The competition kicked off with the Dodos playing against the Cows .. At the end, it was al'l Cows, 2-0. One controversial moment was between the Dodos and the Turkeys. After a few minutes passed, one of the officials, Tom Bodily, aka T-Bod restored order. 20 games later, the tournament came to an end with the Monkeys became victorious with a record of 4-1.

Official Standings:

1st Monkeys, 2nd COWS, 3rd Anteaters, 4th Turkeys, 5th Dodos, 6th Monkeys

!!!!r!!!!!Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!With Jordan Greissman

The mummy's curse is reall Zombies are starting their attack on the world! Japan and San Francisco are being attacked by zombies as camp goes on! All research has been put into cures and weapons for zombies! The Americans have thought of nothing, but the Chinese have an ancient stick maneuver for repelling zombies by throwing sticks all around the zombie. The Japanese say that hitting them in the head will stop them completely. Eye witnesses say that zombies have bad reflexes but are actually really fast runners .. Dr. Ziplof is being attacked in the court about his quote about zombies being slow. His last plea before he was zombified with the rest of San Francisco's court was that every body that can't fight should go out to see and stay there until the attack is over. The most important thing to know is that zombies look like regular people except that their skin is a light shade of green, they have a blank expression, and they mumble words.

Any Supposed Zombies Should Be Avoided At All Costs!

Upper Seniors Go to Jiminy Peak By Perry Dornbush Cherokee, Bunk 36

Yesterday, July z=; the Upper Seniors went to Jiminy Peak for Alpine Sliding and Mountain Coaster riding. When we arrived at Jiminy Peak, we immediately started to head to the chalrlltt which would take us up the hill to go Alpine Sliding. As we got off the chairlitt, we grabbed a little cart which would take us down the Alpine Slide. The cart had wheels on the bottom and a handle which you would push forward to go faster and pull back to brake. The track had many twists, turns, rises, and falls. As you get to the bottom, you hang up your cart and you go up again.

The Mountain Coaster ride was fun as well. You would get into a little car and this chain would hook up to the bottom of the car and take you up the mountain. As you approached the top of the mountain, the chain would let go and you would push these two levers on the side of the car forward to get maximum acceleration. The Mountain Coaster went at a top speed of 26 mph. As the coaster sped along the track, there were numerous spirals and drops that the car would go over and over again. At the end of the ride, you would have to pull the levers back. to brake so you wouldn't collide with other carts.

After those two rides were done with, we got snacks like Oippin' Oats and drinks like Iced Tea. There was also Bungee Jumping and Jousting. Overall, it was a fun day at Jiminy Peak for the Upper Seniors.

Navajos Got to Oanbee Social By Eli Carter, Navajo, Bunk 24

On Tuesday July 3rd, the Navajos had their first social, when they went to Oanbee. Some of us were keen on speeding down the water slide that must've been at least 200 feet high. Having survived such a terrifying experience, they returned to the top of the, slide to once again duel with the elements .. They walked out in victory grinning at the campers who did not dare to ruin their hair. Their slide into the lake for a while once that as over we all got dried and changed for BBO and ate hot dogs and hamburgers. We all went to their dance room and we all danced with Oanbee girls. Pretty much everyone danced with a girl or with friends with all kinds of different songs; including the ever present 'Umbrella' by Rihanna. Dance-offs between counselors and k,ids were the order of the day. Once that was over we all went to the bus and went back to Mah-Kee-Nac waiting for the next social.

The Green and White Games By Ty Cooperman, Bunk 29 and David So/a, Bunk 36

Ihe Green and White games are a special .arnp tradition when the whole camp splits into wo teams; Green and White. Last ni.ght all the seniors played a game of altered kickball. There vere three pitchers and three batters and they 3.11 kicked the ball at the same time. When the ralls were kicked the batters had to run around he bases while the fielders tried to get all three Jails into a hula hoop in the middle of the pitchsrs mound. If you were on first base when all he balls were in the middle you got one point, f you were on second base when the balls got nto the middle you got two points, and so on. f you weren't on any base when the balls were n the hoop you would be out and you would lave gained no points at all.

n the focus event, kids from each age group fld a different activity to see whether the team eader for green or white got pied! Some activi:ies were such as carrying a ball under your shirt and eating marshmallows. In the end, Nhite lost so Doug Harris got a pie in the face. 6.t the end of the night, it was nip and tuck all :he way but green ended up 4 points ahead of Nhite. In the end of the summer, the winning :eam will have a plaque hung up in the dining lall saying the winner of the 2007 Green and II\fhite games.

The Surprise Party

By Noah Figman and Charlie Abrams, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

The 4th of July is a national holiday, but

also just so happens to be the date of our counselor Soosh's birthday. It was Soosh's day off and we decided to set up a surprise birthday party for the next day. We had done this before in our Navajo year, but we wanted this one to be even better.

First we went to the kitchen staff, who kindly supplied us with a cake. Then during 5th period clinics we went to the art shack and made "Happy Birthday" posters ... We also picked up streamers to decorate the bunk. After everything was collected, we hid it in the back area of the bunk. That night while 800sh was on O. D. we screamed as loud as we could to make it seem like there was a fight going on. Soosh came dashing into the bunk ready to break up a fight, only to find that it was a surprise party!

One of the activities getting everyone talking is the Outdoor Adventure course, aka Ropes. With rock climbing, zip lining and scaling all manner of heights, its becoming more populart every week as the heat goes up. David Solo spoke to Doug Calderwood-Smith about what is happening in the woods. So, what is ropes?

Ropes is part of outdoor adventure, which is the part of Mah-Kee-Nac, where you learn a lot about. Wlith this you get to do nature walks, rock climbing, zip lining, high ropes, low ropes and a little bit of trust exercise.

Why did you want to be a ropes counselor?

I always have done ropes, J've always loved to climb, ever since I was a kid and I've never really grown out of it. I initially wanted to go for soccer, but they wanted me to do the ropes course, and here I am!

How long have you been doing ropes?

On and off, my entire life really. I'm 20 years old now, and I did it in middle school. I also did a little trip top an outdoor adventure course, and I learned how to belay in high school, then I came here and got officially certified.

What is the best thing about ropes?

The challenge involved. There are a lot of different elements that ropes test you on. You have heights; the physical side of it is definitely a factor. The strategy involved with some things you do also. If you're working with people, it's good for team building. I had a lot of different tests that other obstacles don't have.

Why should a person be interested in ropes?

Just to try something new I guess. It's not everyday that you can climb a 50 foot wall, safely at least. I would recommend ropes to anyone who wanted to break the routine, instead of soccer or baseball, all day long, and they want to do something new, and still fun and good physical test, tryout ropes; because its definitely an adventure.

What is the most important thing to remember for ropes?

First of all, safety and to listen to your counselors and instructors, as they have done it before and they know what they're doing, so have trust in them.

Would you say ropes gives you survival skills?

Yeah, it definitely gives you practical skills, it more about judging elements, its gives you the ability to look at a situation and to decide what the safest and most effective route is. So if you are ever in a position where you need to find a safe way down or up, you are equipped to do so ..

Morry's Camp Swim-a- Thon 2007 By Perry Dornbush, Cherokee, Bunk 36

Last time, I was talking to you about the history of the Marry's Camp Swim-a-Thon that takes place at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac every year. This year, the Morry's Camp Swim-a- Than took place on July 1 51. Campers from every tribe swam during either their swimming periods or for 5th period clinics .. Unfortunately, I; only got to swim for 5th period clinics.. I somehow managed to swim 31 laps though. The good thing is that other campers swam mare than I did. For example, Algonquin and swimming master, Jared Siegel swam 365 laps! That's 1 lap for every day in an entire year. To help us remember how many laps we swam, the Senecas counted the amount of laps we swam. There was a Seneca in every lane. I feel that this year's Marry's Camp Swim-a-Thon will raise a lot of money. I only hope that everyone tried their best to help raise money far a great cause. .1 feel great that we made some kid out there feel good inside. I't is also an added bonus that we do this every year.

Cheyenne Inter-camp at Lenox

By Noah Figman, Jacob Chernok, and Charlie Abrams, Cheyennes, Bunk 31

As Cheyenne we haven't won an inter-camp in quite a while, but at Lenox that was about to change., ...

Sitting in bunk lines on the hill we waited anxiously for the bus ride to our opponents, Lenox. When we finally arrived after the half an hour bus ride

. First in the morning there were three basketball games. The #1 team included Zach Campbell, who had been brought to the hospital the night before. Luckily he was okay and was able to participate. His presence obviously helped as the team ended up with a victory. The #2 team wasn't as fortunate, as a few "questionable" calls from the ref and a slow start in the first half led to a three-point loss. However, the #3 team pulled off a win with the help of Alex Karol's late game 6 points, which led to a 2-point, win.

At lunch all the talk was about how we only needed to win one more game to win the intercamp!

In the afternoon the soccer team faced off against a tough lenox team, which included former MKN campers, Justin Tauber and Alec Alsofrom. In the soccer game everyone gave their best effort, but MKN ended losing 6 to 3. So, it was up to the baseball team to win MKN the intercamp. Well, with Dylan Eisner and Matt Knight on the mound MKN picked up an easy win 9 to 3. The batting highlights included David Hoffman going 3 for 3 and Max Berns's 3 RBI's. Finally, the Cheyenne won an inter-camp 3 games to 2!

The Back Page!

July 14, 2007 Vol. LX Issue 3

Food, Glorious, Food ... New Golf Coach Swings MTV Night On Junior
Page 4 Into Mah-Kee-Nac Campus
Page 6 Page 9
I Totem Staff Mah-Kee-Nac Newsletter


Bunkie & Lynn Roy


Ian Anderson

Correspondents Charlie Abrahms Joshua Altman William Berger Damian Brady

Eli Carter

Jacob Chernok

Ty Cooperman Chris De Mello Perry Dornlbuslh Noah Figman Tyler Friedman Jordan Greissman Brian Leff

Jason Lese Marley Morris R.andy Posner Ryan Rosentha

Navajo trip to the Basketball Hall of Fame By Chris de Mel/o, Navajo, Bunk 21

On July 11., the Navajos went on a trip to the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, There were many things in there that interested the Navajos. There were jerseys, signed basketballs, great plays, information, shoes, games, and best of all, the gift shop. Since everyone was from a different place, many things from different places or rooting for different teams left the shop. Half way through the trip, everyone was given a food voucher for MacDonalds. After the meal, some bunks went to the shooting court to shoot around while others went to either the gift shop or the exhibits. This was the last place to go to, so everyone went to the place they would spend the rest of their time in. Then it was time for the movies ...

Zachary and Randy Posner ready

to make a mess in the art shack!

Navajos go to see Harry Potter By Eli Carter, Navajo, Bunk 24

\fter the Basketball Hall of Fame, we all went to he movies you had a cholce between Transformsrs or Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix.

saw Harry Potter it was about Harry finding out hat the Voldemort is back, he creates an army to ight back and he teaches kids how to do spells o combat against the Dark Lords henchmen, all iehind the new teachers' backs. At the end the big rattle wasn't as good as the other films finales, vhile everyone was screaming about how amazing fransfcrrners was. They then all started repeattnq inesfrom the movie on the bus ride home. Once hat was over we all went back to camp and went lack to our bunks because it started to rain very lard, and the evening activity was cancelled so we ill did bunk trivia.

Jose Bonetti, Jesse Saperstein and Evan Beere are up next

Jacob Konikov having some target practice with the help of Ky:le and one of our photographers!

Evan Awner down on the archery range

Food, Glorious Food ...

By Ryan Rosenthal, Mohican, Bunk 2

So far, the food hat Mah-Kee-Nac has been yummy! It's been spicy! And smelly! The breakfast has been really good, with a really good selection of cereals, bagels and pancakes with syrup. My favorite food so far has been the grilled cheese sandwiches, but my favorite day for food is the Friday night pizza night, because we get to drink soda! William Berger in Bunk 2 really liked the chocolate mousse pie he had for Blake Singers birthday, and wants it again please!

A very happy Scott Silver in the art shack

Deal or No Deal

By Noah Figman and Charlie Abrams, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

In Lower Senior Campus there is a tradition that every Saturday, there is a super inspection of all Navajo and Cheyenne bunks. The bunk that receives the highest score is officially the cleanest bunk on Lower Senior campus and gets to playa game based on the popular T.v. show Deal: or No Deal. Instead of the prizes being money they are rewards that range from anywhere from a candy bar for the bunk to a private paoli party with soda and candy. This week's winner happened to be my bunk, bunk # 31 .

During the game we knocked out all the lower prizes such as first choice for clinics and a can of soda to split between everyone in the bunk. Our first offer was pizza and a private movie in the director's cabin. We decided .... NO DEAL! We continued to knock off mediocre prizes until our next deal, which was still a private movie and pizza, but this there would also be candy and a can of soda for everyone in the bunk. This deal was too good to pass on, so we took it. We ended up watching the latest James Bond movie, Casino Royale. This ended up being' a great night full of fun for our bunk.

Max Weisman taking aim on the archery range

Greg Popper all set for a game of flag football

Jack Bushell making the most of the rain!

To Rain, Or Not Rain: That Is The Question By Tyler Friedman, Cheyenne, Bunk 26

During the first few days, it has been really hot. We've even had hot day schedules. Do we want rain or no rain?

The reality is that it could go 50-50. Jacob Chernok from Bunk 31 says, "I'd rather have rain than because it's been so hot and muggy outside." Randy Posner from Bunk 20 agrees, ill think we need some rain because it's been hot and humid out lately and we need to cool down." Also Charlie Abrams says, "I want it to rain a little because during my first two years it rained too much and no one liked it."

Noah Figman from bunk 31 disagrees, "When it rains, you have to do boring stuff ln your bunk and I prefer being outside." Noah Tanenbaum, a Cherokee in bunk 37 prefers being inside. "Its better when it rain because I really like the bunk trivia games that we have and also it gives us a chance to play dodgeball, which is always good."

Steven Friedman, Bunk 21, "I'd prefer it to rain at the moment, as recently it has been really hot and it's just nice to cool down. But I will probably change my mind next time it rains!" Jose Bonetti, Bunk 24, had a completely different reason for wanting sun, sun, sun. "I much prefer the sunnier days, as it reminds of my home country which is the Dominican Republic". Joe Sutker, Bunk. 21, summed it up pretty perfectly though by offering this alternative, "I would like a nice hot day sure, but i want to spend all of it in the pool!"


BY Jordan Greissman, Navajo, Bunk 21

On Monday, July 9, the Navajos had a special Street Day where we broke into street gangs and played in special. street games. The games were 3 on3 tennis, 3 on 3 basketball, 3 on 3 special football, and 3 on 3 soccer. We became part of the South Central Cyclones, West Side Warriors, Rampaging Rebels, and the Boomshakalaka Boys. In our gangs, we broke into teams of 3 or 4 and set out to play. 3 on 3 tennis was basically "triples" tennis with a first to 5 points to get a game and first to two games match set up. 3 on 3 soccer was played in the hockey rink and the rules were soccer with no goalies. 3 on 3 football was, like everything else, was football with 3 people. 3 on 3 basketball was, you guessed it, half-court basketball with 3 people. No winner was declared because the hot weather cut it short, but I'm sure that the South Central Cyclones would have gone on to be victorious.

Got a story? Been on a trip that you want to tell the camp about? Won an intercamp that we should all hear about? Or just want write about why the Yankees aren't winning and the Red Sox are? dot down a piece and hand it into The Media Center for Ian. Thanks!'

After speaking with a first time counselor a couple of week s back, this week we have decided to speak to a new program head. Jacob Chernok is one of the many kids taking golf this year, so he headed off to speak with new program head on golf, Sam Frost.

How are you finding your first summer at Mah-Kee-Nac?

It's been very interesting and very exciting to work with everybody, and students like yourself, all very keen to learn. It's been really exciting to show everybody the tricks and to make it easy for them to play.

What has the standard of golf been like at Mah-Kee-Nac?

The standard has been very good, I think all the boys that are here are very athletic, they learn very quickly, and we have a little set method which we want everybody to do, so everybody has learned very quickly and achieved great results.

How long have you worked with the sport?

My family has been involved in golf for a very long time, my brother has been on the PGA Tour for 20 years, and has won 13 tournaments, so its part of our family, so I grew up playing golf. Wow! That's really impressive! What was Retei! Goosen like to work with?

It was good, when I worked with him, it wasn't all fun and glamour, because we were working for 5 years trying to make a new swing, it was always testing times, it was a lot of hard work. But when I look back, it was good.

Are there and special trips planned for this years golfers?

What we are trying to do is build everybody up to a skill level, and we will move on from there. So that's really the next phase for the year.

Are there any spots left to fill?

Yeah. I mean, our numbers have really grown. In the first few days we had, I think, around 23 golfers, and now we have gone up to 50 or 80, and like today, we are seeing close to 95 kids. It's busy, but it shows that they are enjoyinq the golf.

H'ome Run Derby

By Tyler Friedman, Cheyenne, Bunk 26

There were eight contestants in the 2007 Home Run Derby iin, Giants Stadium in San Francisco. They were Magglio Ordonez, Alex Rios, Vladimir Guerrero, Matt Holliday, Justin Morneau, Albert Pujols, Ryan Howard and Prince Fielder. Morneau sent the State Farm Ball out of the ground in the first round, adding $17,000 to a cumulative prize fund throughout the evening. However, Minnesota's Justin Morneau, Milwaukee's Prince Fielder, Detroit's Magg'lio Ordonez and Howard were eliminated in the first round. After Vladimir Guerrero got 5 straight outs, David Ortiz gave him his bat and, that made all the difference as suddenly he started hitting: amazingly! "It was my bat, and we had it planned if I wasn't doing well at the beginning, he was going to bring it out to me," said Guerrero. In the final round, Vladimir Guerrero beat Alex Rios to. win the 2007

Home Run Deriby.

Greylock Intercamp

By Chris de Mello, Navajo, Bunk 21

)n J'uly 7th,. the Cheyenne's had an inter-camp with Greylock in Basketball and Soccer. Since the ::heyenne's didn't have many people playing soccer, they were g.iven Navajos Alex Zalesne, Max Neissman, Zach Beckerman, Jose Modesto, and Chris de Mello.

Nhite Team Soccer:

Ihis game was extremely exciting, ~t the beginning, Greylock scored two goals, which were both own ~oals, 'sadly But near the end of the first half, Mah-Kee-Nac came back with a goal. In the second lalif, Greylock scored another goal, making the score 3-1. The most exciting part is that by the end Jf the second half, the score was 3-3, Mah-Kee-Nac had managed to score two more goals! This ~ame was taken to the last minute of double overtime until Greg Popper scored the winning goal. 3reen Team Soccer:

In this game the clear winner was Mah-Kee-Nac as they beat Greylock 8-1. Jake Konicov scored a lat trick; Alex Zalesne scored. two goals were two of three scorers for this comfortable victory.

Counselor of the week Name: Marley Morris

Age: 18

Bunk Number: 5

Hometown: London, England

Favorite Activity At Camp: Photgraphy Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption Favorite Song: Psycho Killer - Talking Heads Favorite food: Grilled cheese sandwiches

Favorite thing about camp: The mix of nationalities

Cherokees Go to the Movies By Perry Dornbush, Cherokee, Bunk 36

On Monday, the Cherokees had a night at the movies. We went to the movie theater in the Berkshire Mall to see either Transformers or Live Free or Die Hard. We got our snacks and then went to our movies. Before our movies started, we saw previews for movies like Superbad, The Bourne Ultimatum, and The Gameplan. [saw Live Free or Die Hard. It was about John McClane (Bruce Willis) helping this guy out with internet terrorist threats .. Later in the movie, the terrorists capture McClane's daughter. In the end, McClane escapes from the terrorists and saves America from destruction. The movie Transformers was about this kid (Shia Labeouf) who gets this car which turns out to be a transforming robot. Later, aU of these transforming androids start to take over the country. In the end, everything returns back to normal, thanks to Optimus Prime and the gang. I recommend that you should see both of these movies.

Brian Rounds, aka Teach, has only been at Mah-Kee-Nac for 2 years, he has already been promoted to Art Director for the camp. We sent Ryan Rosenthalto find out what has changed for him in the last year.

What's it like being art director this year?

It's really hectic; you have got to be in the art studio almost all' of the time. What is your favorite thing about being art director?

Probably the staff, the art staff rocks. So I guess it would have to be those guys.

What have been the main differences between last year, and this year being art director? A lot of responsibility, I'm in charge of a lot of stuff, like making sure that everyone gets their projects finished on time.

Are there any theme weeks coming up?

There are indeed, but they're secret of course! Are you coming back to Junior Camp next year? Sure!

MTV Night On T JC!

By Damian Brady and Doug/as Popper, Mohicans, Bunk 2

One of the craziest nights all year took place the Thursday before visiting day on Junior Camp. It was time for MTV Night 2007. The judges were The Donal:d Trump, Simon Cowell, Dolly Parton and The Queen of England .. The competition was big and no one knew who would win ... My bunk came in first for choreography with the Casper Slide. Bunk 1 came in z=, with a great performance of Y.M.C.A. But Bunk 10 came away with the spoils and won for the znd year straight they came in first over all with I Like To Move It. It was a very cool evening activity.

Luke Siegel impressing everyone with his gymnastic abilities on MTV Night

Camper of the week Name: Jason Lese Aqe: 12 Hometown:Scardale Campus:Lower Senior

Favorite Food at Camp:Chinese and chicken wings Favorite Activity at Camp: Water Skiing

Favorite Movie: The Longest Yard

Hobbies: Music and all sports

Favorite Thing About Camp: Everything

The Back Page!

July 21 , 2007 Vol. LX Issue 4

II !
Parents Visiting Day New Member Of Baseball Coach Returns
Pages 2 & 3 I The 8 Year Club For Another Year At MKN I
I I Page 4 9 II
I Totem Staff Mah-Kee-Nac Newsletter


Bunkie & Lynn Roy


Ian Anderson

Correspondents Charlie Abrahms Joshua Altman William Berger Damian Brady

Eli Carter

Jacob Chernok

Ty Cooperman Chris De Mello Perry Dornbush Noah Fiqman Tyler Friedman Evan Golombek Jordan Greissman Jason Lese Marley Morris Randy Posner Ryan Rosenthal

Parents Visiting Day!

By Jordan Greissman, Navajo, Bunk 21

After a long wait, at 9:00am on Saturday 14th July, campers' parents walked down the big hilil to start off the 2007 Camp Mah-Kee-Nac visiting day .. We had 20 minute pe~ riods, a BBQ lunch, and a sports extravaganza all in the same day! During the 20 minutes periods we showed our parents what sports we were doing for that day.

After we'd finished showing our parents what we had been doing so far we had a 'Meet 'n' Greet' with our counselors so our parents could meet our counselors that we talked about all summer.

The sports extravaganza was time for kids to play alonqside or against their parents in many sports, sometimes beating them in archery, launching rockets, or doing many other things. "It was so much fun to see my parents." says Navajo Richard Eckstein of Bunk 22. Even the counselors played parts .. Bunk 20's counselor, Will Emery says, "It was fun meeting all at the parents final:ly and taking pictures of them together with their kids".

Parents Day Photos

X Factor Night on Lower Senior Campus By Jordan Greissman, Navajo, Bunk 21

On Tuesday 17th July, Lower Senior campus gathered around for a game of X Factor. The bunks all divided themselves up, and prepared themselves to eat some very unique meals. First up on the menu was the Mystery Sandwiches .. The first containing sour cream and cheese, but he second one contained some more interesting ingredients; among them mustard, gingerbread and onions to mention a few. There was a soda chugging race, jello eating, pie eating and a just-for-counselors Kobiyashi challenge; the longest hot dogs in camp! Honorable mentions go to Bunks 20, 27 and 32 having 2 winners apiece from the night challenges It was a messy, messy night, full of food and fun.

Newest Member Of The 8 Year Club - Evan Golombek By Jordan Greissman, Navajo, Bunk 21

Evan Golombek has the rare distinction of having attended Camp Mah-Kee-Nac right through from Apache to Seneca. Eight years in all. So in his final year, we sent Jordan Greissman to have a chat with him to find out how the last eight summers have treated him.

So, how long have you been a Seneca?

This is my first year as a Seneca, so about 7 days so far, but this is my eighth year at camp. Is being a Seneca as good as you thought it would be?

II had a lot of expectations and it's definitely a lot of fun.

What has been your favorite year at camp?

My first summer here, which was Apache, and this year as a Seneca camper. What has been your favorite trip over the last eight years?

I thought Cooperstown for the Baseball Hall of Fame was pretty good, being my first big trip and all and also Six Flags. Both of those were in my Navajo year.

Who has been your al/ time favorite coach at camp?

Dan Phelps. He was my soccer coach ..

When was that?

That was in Mohican and Navajo year.

What is the best thing about being a Seneca?

Well, we get the late bedtime, 11 0 clock lights out and the supermarket trips as well. Is there anything you haven't tried yet at camp over the years?

I tried every activity at camp, besides rocketry, but maybe I'll go up there this year and try it out!

Have you ever broken a camp rule and gotten into trouble? I've broken a few rules, but never been in trouble!

!!!!H!!!!Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!.!!With Jordan Greissman

The cure has been discovered! It turns out that there is no cure for zombification,. but there is a way to make zombies more human like. By extracting samples of naturally curly brown hair, you can juice them into a "cure". People such as Charlie Abrams, Jordan Greissman and Lewis Karpel are seen as the prime fighters against the zombies!

In a rush for safety, millions of weapons have been fitted to fire the cure. The cure was discovered in the tomb when explorers saw pictures of "afro'd" people chasing zombies away. Hieroglyphics told the rest of the story. More news of the cure will come next time when hopefully zombies will be friendlier.

The t= Harry Potter Book Preview

By Noah Figman and Charlie Abrams, Cheyennes, Bunk 31

The wait for arguably the most highly anticipated book ever has final!ly come to an end. Today, J;uly 21, 2007 the 7th Harry Potter book is officially released. It is called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Some people may not know this, but this is the first book where Voldemort is actually featured on the cover. The cover shows Harry and Voldernort in a coliseum both reaching for something. You don't have to be afraid of book spoilers because J.K. Rowling has hired security and has made an immense effort to ensure that the ending of the book doesn't get out. The debate has been going for" a long time about how the book will end, who will die, and what twists will come Harry's way~ Finally, after the long wait, we will find out. ..

Rain at Metzger GOllf Confuses Campers By Tyler Friedman, Cheyenne, Bunk 26

After completing half the course on the Metzger golf on July 20, it started to drizzle. A golf course is one of the worst places to be in a rain storm because there are trees, water hazards, and metal golf clubs. Everyone came off the course but 5 minutes later, it stopped completely. Though, they didn't finish playing, they got some valuable putting practice on the green. It was ironic, because in the first Metzger golf of the year, it had been perfect weather, and we have now experienced

a little bit of rain whilst out on the course. As you can see rain and golf don't go together, but we look forward to a few more rounds around Metzger before the year is out!

Truesight by David Stahler Jr. - Book Review By Joshua Altman, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

If you enjoyed the book The Giver by Lois Lowry you will surely enjoy the book Truesight by David StahlerA Jr. This book takes place in the future in a community known as Harmony. In Harmony everyone is born blind and they address the philosophy Truesight, the theory that blindness brings unity, purity, and freedom. The protagonist, Jacob Manfard, is turning thirteen and that signifies some major changes in his life. When a member of Harmony turns thirteen they are given a specializations or jobs. Jacob hopes to have a specialization with something music related for his mother teaches music. Jacob's mother has a student known as Delaney. Delaney has unbelievable talent at the piano, and has been taught by Jacobs's mother for years. Delaney has become very triendly with the Manford family and they have seen her when she is not in the best moods. Delaney's father is the head of Harmony and is very prominent in the community. Delaney is under a lot of pressure with her father and she can't take it. Delaney tries escaping from the community several times with failure. One day she comes out to Jacob and confesses. As the book continues Jacob has headaches that are getting worse and worse and lead to pains in his eye. To not spoil the ending you can say that Jacob learns many lessons and that sight and blindness can both bring deception.

Monday Night Football

By Noah Figman and Charlie Abrams, Cheyennes, Bunk 31

During 4th and 5th period each team went through their 3 game regular season. Some teams were missing their best players who were at a basketball! or soccer tournament There were ten teams in all: the Patriots, Saints, Giants, Jets, Packers, Chargers, Vikings, Lions, Broncos, and Falcons. Everyone played their hardest, but some teams came up short At the end of the regular season the final standings were: 3rd place Saints, 4th Vikings, 51h Packers, 6th Broncos, 71h Falcons, 81h Lions, 9th Giants, and 1 Qlh Patriots. Once all the Bowls had been handed out to the victors, it was down to the gmnd finale. The final were between the Jets and Chargers. Led by powerful MVP Ben LeVine, the Chargers ended up victorious 28-1' 4.

Cheyenne Trip To The Movies By Jacob Chernok, Cheyenne, Bunk, 31

The Cheyenne's went to the Berkshire Malll for a movie. They had an option to see Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoneix or Transformers. I personally saw Harry Potter, it was good, with a cool battle between Dumbledore and Valdemort near the end. Then, we were able to go and buy some dinner. There was pizza, Chinese, Subway; pretty much anything you could want was there to eat. There was a store with hats right by the food court so lf you finished early you were allowed to go and get a hat, I finished early and was able to get a really cool Yankees hat. Even though this replaced Six Flags, the Cheyenne's still had a great day!

Derby Night on Junior Camp! By William Berger, Mohican, Bunk 4

Derby night was an exciting night for all T JC. There were 12 bunks so there were 12 racers. Also, there was a home-run derby. Bunk 2 won the car show (Which bunk's car looked the best). Bunk 10 won derby night overall and got a trophy. During the home-run derby, T JC (Trent, Terrell, and Jason) won so everybody got chipwiches. If the other hitting team won, consisting of Eric, Bunkie, and Lynn, team Mah-Kes-Nac, we would have to have plums. Mario was racing for bunk 1 's car. Since he was so fast, he went back and knocked everybody over. The cars were made of cardboard. With TJC winning and my bunk doing well in the race, was a good night forTJC.

Lost In Space On T JC!

A ConversaUonWith Baseball Director Ian McKenzie By Jacob Chernok, Cheyenne, Bunk 31

Baseball has been one of the biggest hits at camp yet again this year, and last week Jacob Chernok was talking about his favorite coach, Ian McKenzie. So this week we sent Jacob to speak with Ian and find out what he thinks is so great about camp.

How many summers have you been at Mah-Kee-Nac? I've been here for 4 years now, induding this year.

So, what keeps you coming back?

The campers are all great, and its so much fun to be here for the summer. Are there any tournaments planned?

The Seneca's have two coming up, one of which is where the Pittsfield Dukes play. This one will be on the 24th July. So we should all get right behind the Seneca's then!

What has the talent been like so far this year?

It's been really impressive. We've got some really gifted pitchers and hitters in camp, which makes our job so much more fun.

How long have you been involved with the sport?

Around 19 years, ever since I was a kid, and I've never really stopped. So, who is your team?

The Blue Jays and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Finally, who is your favorite player of all time?

Robby Alomar, because when he got traded to the Blue Jays he was the best player around, and he was at the Blue Jays! He's an awesome 2nd baseman, probably the best, so he is my favorite player of all time.

The Back Page

August 2007 Vol. LX Issue 5

The Seneca Summer Camp MKN Olympic Break 2.007 Olympic Results
Page 2 Page 3 Pages 4 & 5
l II
Totem Staff Mah-Kee-Nac Newsletter


Bunkie & Lynn Roy


Ian Anderson

Correspondents Charlie Abrahms Joshua Altman William Berger Damian Brady

Eli Carter

Jacob Chernok

Ty Cooperman Chris De Mello Perry Dornbush Noah Figman Tyler Friedman Evan Golombek Jordan Greissman Jason Lese Marley Morris Randy Posner Ryan Rosenthal

Message from Lynn and Bunkie

What a summer! In all our years in camping, this was far and away our favorite. If there is an opposite of the "pertect storm" (at camp we never think storm, just sunshine) we had it - great campers, great staff & great weather all equal FUN!

Some of the highlights we'll never forget. ..

1. The ice cream truck. coming into camp and the frenzy that fo.llowed!

2. The amazing tournament season the Seneca/Algonquin teams shared - the best in MKN historyl

3. Scooby Doo and the Gang (including Kevin with Fred's bleach blond hair) showing up at the first inflatable CarnivallNSIDE the field house!

4. Kruger Lodge's take-over by haunted spirits during Halloween!

5. Leo's Woodshed while the Wood Shop was being built!

6. The 16 Tanker Truck loads of water to fill the newly lined pool just in time for camp to open!

7. Daily fresh baked breads and other tasty treats from the most amazing kitchen staff in camping!

8. Seneca's meeting Will Smith in Californial

9. A revitalized golf program headed by Sam and Zoe (and the total domination of the Berkshire Golf Tournament.)

10. The unbelievable backpacking trip during Specialty Week.

11. The Greatest Monday Night Football ever!

12. The closest Olympic finish in 79 years!

We want to thank everyone for an amazing season. We really had fun! Believe it or not, while we are just wrapping up a great year, we are already planning for next. Keep an eye out for a completely new waterfront and many other fun things for 2008. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let us know - we'd love to hear from you.

Think summer all winter!


The Seneca Summer

The house certainly was rocking this summer. The Seneca Tribe of 2007 will definitely be missed, and they surely won't be forgotten. What a memorable summer it was. From the opening ceremonies in the Fieldhouse, to the closing night campfire at the lake, the Senecas experienced memories from a summer of togetherness, brotherhood and excitement that will last a lifetime.

I,t all started with a new tradition as this Seneca tribe was the first to leave theiir mark in the form of a tree planted in front of their house. ln the coming weeks, their Seneca flag arrived as well as sweatshirts, sweatpants, and new additions to the common area of the house. Weekly visits to Miss Gwen, trips to the grocery store, and take out orders of pizza and Chinese proved that the privilege of being a Seneca was not a myth. It's truly a grand experience, and there was definitely more to come.

Being a Seneca also meant added responsibility. The Senecas had Apache brothers, and did weekly activities with the little guys throughout the summer. Senecas were the spirit of all-camp activities, and could be counted on to bring life to their teams during all kinds of activities, from Green and White to the Carnival to the Olympics. While they were in camp, they were essential to camp, but quite often they were away, participating in all kinds of great adventures.

A Seneca's day is often long, but it's never dull. Trips to Albany, Vermont, and Six Flags were a welcome reprieve from regular schedule and a new adventu re to Upstate New York for paint ball returned to rave reviews. However, the trip that all the Senecas were talking about by the end of the summer was their 10-day cross-country excursion to California. To a person, the trip was described as "an amazing experience" and was the perfect way to culminate a camper's years at MKN.

It was with sadness that we watched this group leave on the last day of camp. We will no longer hear "to the pool" and watch all of them run off together after an evening's activity. We are getting ready to welcome the Senecas of 2008 into camp to begin traditions of their own, and carryon where these Senecas have left off. The Seneca year is unlike any other at camp. It's the perfect way to end a Mah-Kee-Nac career. By the time you leave, you'll have a community of brothers to last a lifetime. And you'll finally understand what being a Mah-Kee-Nac camper is all about. If you don't 'believe it, just ask a Seneca.

CAMP ,MKN Olyrnplc Break!!!

On a wonderful late summer day (and even into the evening) Camp MKN used misdirection to fool campers and build up the excitement for the 79th Olympics ..

It started around lunchtime with the first "fake-out" of the day. While the Juniors were in their bunks enjoying rest hour, and the Lower and Upper Seniors were still in the dining hall enjoying their meal, the key staff started to hustle around the dining hall and Junior field. The impending buzz was because of something on camp ... It was our Assistant Caretaker in a bear costume running around Junior Field being chased by the rest of the Maintenance team ... Fake Outl

A few hours later into the late afternoon, we assemble all of camp on the Junior Clubs Hill for the next of our planned fakes. In this fake-out, some of the MKN Senior Leadership team performed a Monty Python-esque version of the 2005 jouster break, complete with cardboard costumes, and "horses" (Amazing what a person with split coconuts can do to sound like a horsel) ... So after King Arthur defeats his opponent, he promises ice-cream for everyone and into camp drove an ice-cream truck with the familiar jingle of summertimes long ago. Well worth the fake ...

In our final event of the day, MKN setup a 500 sq foot video screen, complete with 3000 watt sound system ... to watch a movie of course, a special showing of the movie "Click". As the movie was playing the MKN key staff was all over camp setting up spotlights, and events to decide the Olympic teams, all while waiting for our Senecas to arrive back. from California.

Once the Senecas arrived home, we briefed them on the plans and set the "break" in motion. The Senecas surprised the crowd by arriving at the end of the movie, and unveiled not only the flags of the countries but also hundreds of glowsticks that were label for each camper. The campers were instructed to find their glowsticks and to fa 'II ow the light. .. when suddenly, the largest spot light MKN has ever seen shone from the swimming pool. .. To the pool campers!

At the pool, the campers learned that their Seneca decathletes would be competing in the first event of tihe Olympics, not only for valuable points in their decathlon, but also for the right to select their head coaches. It was time for the Swim Sprint. Following a close race in both heats, the order was set and the decathletes began to select their head coaches, only these were not the head coaches ... Fake out!

Again, the campers were instructed to follow the light and another spot light guided camp to the Lower Senior basketball court, where shrouded in the darkness were the real head coaches. After a survivor like endurance test, a new order for selecting coaches was established and each team unveiled their head coach.

All in all, a great break for the Olympics, which begin in the morning. Have fun and good luck to everyone

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In what has become the closest Olympics in the 79 year history of Camp Mah-Kee-Nac, the spirit of competition and more importantly fun has really shown what a wonderful community we have all created for the 2007 summer. With only 70 points separating the top 3 spots and less than 200 separating first from eighth, here are the final standings.

Final Standings - 2007 Olympics

VENEZUELA V For Vendettazuela Andrew Murray
SOLOMON IS. Solomonty Python & The Holy Island Jennifer Wilkins
MOROCCO Party Like a Moroc Star Alex Tregunno
MEXICO Mexical ifrag i I isticexpial i doc ious Casey McCormack
INDIA Ghandi with the Windia Chad Winton
AUSTRIA Austria is Hungary Soosh Patel
PANAMA Panamontana Jimmy Mancuso
SWEDEN Swede and Sour Kyle Wiffen Decathlon Results

1 st - Troy Dubrowsky, INDIA

2nd - Alec Goldman, VENEZUELA 3rd - Evan Golombek, MEXICO

4th - Zach Schwinder, MOROCCO 5th - WiU Shames, PANAMA

6th - Elliot Philips, SWEDEN (tie)

6th - Brian Bergman., SOLOMON S. (tie) 8th - wm Petak, AUSTRIA

2007 Joe Kruger Olympic Commendati,on Award Winners

AUSTRIA: Junior: Joseph Casagrande Lower Senior: Noah Figman Upper Senior: Jake Greenberg


Junior: Joey Ba.rnes

Lower Senior: Michael Glassman Upper Senior: Mickey Davis

MOROCCO: Junior: Jeremy Goldstein Lower Senior: Evan Awner Upper Senior: Brandon Bell

MEXICO: Junior: Alex Miller

Lower Senior: Jared Bernstein Upper Senior: Max Miller

VENEZUELA:Junior: Malcolm Lumia

Lower Senior: Max Freedman Upper Senior: Ethan Mirenberg

PANAMA: Junior: Scott Silver

Lower Senior: Dean Koman Upper Senior: Zach Pollack

SW,EDEN: Junior: Austin Singer

Lower Senior: Jesse Saperstein Upper Senior: Elliot Philips

SOLOMON Junior: Nathan Rice

ISLANDS: Lower Senior: Andrew Sheinfeld Upper Senior: David Sheinfeld

The Back Page

PACHE unk 11


ont Row: Nick Hudik, ott Shainberg, Max rzban, Steven Kroloff, nathan Gerstein,

ke Siegel

ick R.ow: Andrew Holt, nya Addink, James ley, Rachael Thomas, 'da Ardila

APAC E Bunk 12

Front Row: Jacob Leventhal, David Altman

Middle Row: Joshua Klugman, Jeremy Tauber, David Herman, Aaron Yadgaroff, Stephen Tannenbaum

Back Row:

Will Jones, Adrian Mora, Kristi Hauck, Kelly McDonald


IROQU10IS Bunk 7

Front Row: Justin Tabachnick, Matthew Chernok, Scott Bindelglass, Jeremy Goldstein

Middle Row: Josh Karol, Daniel Erber, Jacob Hait, Cole Edelstein, Sam Jaron

Counselors: Alex Scott, Chris Pattinson, Jamie McConnell, Nikki Thomas


Front Row: Jake Squire, Austin Singer, Teddy Tanenbaum

Middle Row: Matt Kauffman, Andrew Tinkelman, Kyle Rosenbaum, Zach Posner, Sam Schwartz

Back Row: Dan McKay, Jake Trachtenberg, Rich Hilton, Geoffrey Beere, Jimmy Mancuso



lunk 9

ront Row: Jared Eisner, oah Rosenberg, Zander svitz, Josh Liss

iddle Row: Daniel Flick, arcos Bonetti, Chad wentbal, Noah Marks,

tc Walton

ack Row: Danny cGee, Matthew Rigden, cott Donohue


Front Row.: Robbie Ferman I Jack Krevitt, Daniel Barnett

Middle Row: Sam Goodnow, Matthew Rapparport, Harry Goldstein, Michael Kirschner, Christian Russell

Back Row: Andy Wilson, Jared Friedberg, Justin Schachter, Fax McKernan

Not Pictured:

Carl Greenberg




Front Row: Blake Singer, Harrison Wirth, Jake Toporoff, Will Berger

Middle Row: Hunter Cohen, Joey Barnes, Seth Brand, Harris Freedman, Sam Altman

Back Row: Carl Greenberg, Mario Manderachia

Not Pictured:: James Ricketts, Robert Collins O'Leary


Front Row: Alex Miller, Ryan Rosenthal, Kyle Brady

Middle Row: Damian Brady, Jake Kritzberg, Ethan Trokie, Landon Adler, Charlie Sosnick

Back Row: Jssco

Shepard, Paul Leishman, Wyatt Rich, Doug Popper, Marcos Urra-Hoya, Jenn Wilkins




---- --- --

Front Row: Greg Marcus, Nathan Rice, Noah Goldstein, Jared May

Midd.le Row.: Jake Ritterman, Matthew Zweighaft, Mathew Avramovitz, Alex Sacks, Sam Rice

Back Row: Doug

Cal derwood-Smith, Gordon Whittle, Euan Lashmar, Nadia Holt


Front Row:, Jake Shainberg, Brian Left, Ben Karpas., Sean Brantman

Middle Row: Max Sail, Jack Bowen, Aydin Kessler, Malcolm Lumia, Michael Rosenberg Row: Greg Ronan, Sarah Carroll, Jacob Rhode, Harris Goldstein, Ben Cabutage, Kyle Witfen



Front Row; Asher Collins, Matthew Altman, Scott Balian, Zach Krulik

Middle Row: Sam

Kay, Zack Leventhal, Max Harrison, Jackson Shapiro, Scott Silver

Back Row: Kate Peduzzi, Ben Goldstraw, Lee Rudd

Not Pictured: Marley Morris


NAVAJO Bunk 20

=I'onl Row: Josh <lelnrnan, Coby Levine, 1andy Posner

Vliddle Row:: Michael 3calabrino, Zach 3eckerman, Jake 1osenbaum, Zach Jayson, Ben Cion

3ack Row: Jorden 3teenbeek, Josh Coven, Nill Emery, Todd 30ldstein, Ian Anderson

NAVAJO Bunk 21

Front Row: Jake Kauffman, Steven Friedman, Joseph Sutker

Middle Row: Ben Clark, Jordan Greissman,

Jared Dauman, Jesse Bernstein, Chris DeMello

Back Row: Gerry Blakney, Vicki McNeil, Alex Murray, Lewis Karpel


NAVAJO Bunk 22

Front Row: Evan Awner, Max Weisman

Middle Row: Richard Eckstein, Matthew Wagman, Ben Jaron, Sam Potash ,Joseph Piaker

Back Row: Jason Aranda, Chad Friedberg, Bradley Fallick, Ed Williams

Not Pictured: Nick Clarke

NAVAJO Bunk 23

Front Row: Reid Balkind, Hunter Newman, Michael Glassman

Middle Row: Brian Saunders, Brandon Wright, Sam Hait, Carlo:

Hurtado, Garrett Crame

Back Row: Michael Howse, Sun Dahan, Ross Moorcroft



NAVAJO Bunk 24

Front Row: Ethan Puritz, Max Solo, T J Paige, Jose Bonetti

Middl!e Row: Alex Price, Jake Kaufman, Jose Modesto, Ben Eckstein, Marc Rosenberg

Back Row: Ben Schein, Eli Carter, Bradyn Schiffman, Hayden Garrett

Not Pictured: Toby Holland

NAVAJO Bunk 25

Front Row: Jack Bushell, Alex Zalesne, Alex Cohen

Middle Row: Will Harrison, Casey Epstein, Jonathan Bercovici,

Max Perilstein, Jesse Saperstein

Back Row: Lachlan Aspinall, Eli Auerbach, Zach Goldman, Evan Beere, Jamie Henderson

Not Pictured: Andrew Murray


C EYENNE Bunk 26

Front Bow: Matthew Kipnis, Alex Fisher, Tyler Friedman

Middle Row: Aanand Patel, Greg Popper, Spencer Fried, Evan Goldstein, Jacob Goldstein

Back Row: Levan Blagrove, Stephen Rhode, Josh Handleman, Dan Priestley

Not Pictured: Keith Robbins


Front Row: Jared Bernstein, Jacob Cooper, Oliver Sachs

Middle Row: Michael Shorr, Max Berns, Ben Haltmaier, Dylan Eisner, David Hoffman

Back Row: Vaughn Pfeffer, Dean Koman, Dan Jacob, Ben LeVine, Max Bahramipour, Matthias Hochguertel


H'EYENNE Bunk 29

front Row: Ethan Siegel, Jack Moser, Brandon Barr, A.ndrew Glat

Middle Row: Matt Mendelsohn, Scott rlickstein, Alex Delia, Billy _evy, Isaac Kirschner

Back Row: Dan Davies, Mike Lubliner, Will Benrubi, Tyler Cooperman, Alex Tregunno


Front Row: Russell Kirschenbaum, Matt Levsky

Middle Row: Justin Resnick, Josh Lese, David Freeman, Zach Ricklin, Gabe Leben

Back Row: Osnel Baptiste, Seth Krantzler, Sam Allen, Ben Roth, Dan Ospina


CHEYE NE Bunk 31

Front Row: Jacob Chernok, Andrew Bindelglass

Middle Bow: Jason Pack, Alex Karol, Charlie Abrams, Ryan Gutstein, Jared Jones

Back. Row: Soosh Patel, Josh Altman, Joel Sahlholm, Noah Figman, Chance Whitby


Front Row: Jonathan Sheinfeld, Nate Shames, Andrew Sheinfeld, Resse Walton

Middle Row: Jacob Konicov, Eric Chirls, Max Freedman, Jon Conway, Matthew Knight

Back Row: Jack Woodhead, Danny Heifetz, Zach Campbell, Chris Chopra, Tyler Pager, Alex Kempinski




Front Row: Philip Susser, Zach Pollack, Adam Tuller, Andrew Teitleman, Michael Sosnick

Back Row: Phil Williams, Matt Lewis, Ben Harrison, Mitch Silver, Casey McCormack


Front Row: Dennis Levy, Jay Kaplan

Middle Row: Ethan Goldman, Ben Bushell, Cody Reiff, Alec Getz, Perry Dornbush, Byrne Hollander

Back Row: Dan Franklin, Rolando Sebelen,

Eli Steindorf, Ernesto Venegas, Ethan Alkow, David Solo, Josh Yorke



Front Row: Spencer Carmen, Daniel Jureller

Middle Row: Aaron Marks, Sam Martorella, Asher Saperstein, Brett Lichtenberg, Matt Fishman, Jake Mandell

Back Row: Marc

Fournier, Michael Zalesne, Harrison Philipps, Eddie MacG regor -Reyners,

Noah Tanenbaum, Andrew Weissman, Rob Green


Front Row: Kevin Hill, Adam Fuchs, Max Lefkowitz, Michael Norman, Evan Birenbaum, Matt Rublin, Michael P. Schwartz

Back Row: Jamie Tolan, Brian Newborn, Matt Rosenblum, Max Johnson, Derek Arrington, Mitch


Not Pictured: Daniel Kwartler




Fmnt Row: Jared Siegel, Dakota Gildea, Drew 3essner, Victor Bergman, 3randon Maymudes, Colby .eirner, Sam .Arieven

Back Row:: John

Vlerrill, Ethan Mirenberg, ~yan Lubatkin, Adam :::;onstantinides, Kyle l\wner, Aaron Hazan, Brian ::::aplener


Front Row: Aaron Band, Jon Camche, David Blauzvern, Zach Resnick, Josh Isackson, Jordan Goldstein, David Sheinfeld

Back. Row: Jordan Petrie, Matt Sommerstein, Robbie Winston, Adam Milton, Jake Greenberg, Zach Auerbach, Beau Wallace



Front Row: Will Shames, Brian Bergman, Dylan Turkell, Jake Benrubi, Doug Harris, Max Weiss, Casey Epstein

Middle Row: Chad Winton, Brandon Bell, Zach Schwinder, Will Petok, Alex Flickstein, Alec Goldman, Elliot Philips, Max Seraita, Wes McAllister

Back Row: Ian McKenzie, Dan Simon, Jordan Elkin, Troy Dubrowski, Mickey Davis, Adam Schwartz, Ben Sheridan, Max Miller, Drew Heuman-Gutman, Jeremy Stafman, Andrew Beaton, Evan Golombek, Jandro Suarez

Not Pictured: Eric Weinstein, Greg Leonarczyk

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