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Raise Your Voice

Asalam O Alaikum

It is the 1st of august, 2010 tomorrow and most of the people especially children of this
nation have begun preparations in order to celebrate the 63 rd Independence Day of their
homeland Pakistan. Green waving in the air everywhere and the white glistening through
the green, symbolizing peace and equality amongst the people of this great country. The
independent Islamic Republic of Pakistan enjoys its annual routine in August of being
remembered heartily and decorated vivaciously but the main point is that do we have the
right to do so?

Pakistan, a land bustling with vibrant people, all over the stretch of land, from Khyber to
Karachi, from Gilgit-Swat to Lahore, from Makran to the highest points of the Silk Road,
enjoys being a symbol of pride for each and every person of this country. Yes, this is the case
but do our political administrators and the rulers of this nation feel any pride over this
nation and do they feel responsible for their duties towards this country, apparently yes,
realistically, NOT! They, the supreme servants of the nation, are a shame for me and I can
count many who feel alike. A democratic government is ‘ FOR the people, BY the people’ but
the leitmotif of our demo-CRAPS is “ To take ‘ FROM the people, BUY the people’” and such
leaders like ours have never felt remorse over their actions and they do not even repent it.

May Allah bless the souls of the dead in the plane crash and may their souls Rest in Peace,
Amen. I would like to ask a question from the Mr. President, or Mr. Prime Minister, or Mr.
Chief Justice along with the Chief Minister, if you please! Why are all the condolences and
sympathies for the victims of terrorism or natural disasters within the TWIN cities and not
for anyone outside these cities? Why doesn’t the person living in the remotest of areas have
a say in anything? Why a public mourning holiday on the plane crash when an emergency
should have been declared in the flood stricken areas? Why do you go and consolidate the
families of those injured and dead in Rawalpindi mosque attacks and not go to the bomb
struck areas where thousands have died in suicidal attacks and not utter words of sympathy
to the children who have lost everything in seconds and probably will never regain anything
especially the loved ones they lost? Yesterday I was out asking questions from the common
and the poor in my vicinity and at being asked the question “ Baba, kia kehte ho aap apne
siaasatdano k baarey mey?” (What do you have to say about the politicians of this country?)
the 67 year old replied, “ Galli ka kutta bhe mar jaye to yeh taaziyat karne pohnch jaate hain,
ghareeb k liye do bol nahin bol saktey ” ( Even if a slum dog dies at the corner of the street,
our politicians go and offer consolidence but for the poor they cannot even offer a couple of
words of sorrow). Are you not the rightful servants of the people of this country? Don’t you
take your oath as serving the nation well? Look at yourselves and see what loathsome beings
you people have become, don’t you feel ashamed at yourselves?

Mr. Politician, you relish all the privileges in this country and the amount of expense for your
sake exceeds the annual income of a common person, you get paid through the taxes you
have imposed on the people of Pakistan. You, instead of serving them well, sit in your bullet
proof vehicles and roam the streets of euphoria. Reality is different in this country sir, there
are kids, men and women suffering, old and the young dying, dying without any fault.
Massacred, brutalized and murdered! Stranded, hungry and poor! The children of this land
starve to death silently, diarrhea takes lives of many and people die because they are not
able to buy medicines. You promote drinking mineral water to ward off diseases, SIR, a
person not being able to buy medicine will not go for drinking mineral water for he is not
capable of spending on luxuries of life as he is not able to cope properly with the necessities
of life. I come across such news daily in regard of the people of Pakistan, why is it that you
do not understand the situation. If you cannot help the people financially at least you can go
to them in person and consolidate them over the loss of their beloveds, over the loss of their
property and still if you cannot go there, at least air your voice over the televisions or radios
to them so that they may feel some sort of relief, some sort of strength, a motivation to live
further in this country.

Please Mr. Politician, stop fighting over your positions. Each one of us would be glad if we
saw you people fighting and striving, struggling for the benefit of the people and not for your
own sake. We have no concern with your wealth, your power, but with your responsibility
towards us! For God’s sake, shake your souls awake.

Why is it that the common man suffers? Why can’t we voice our thoughts? We the people of
this nation need to find platforms to channel our message and if there isn’t any then build
new platforms. It is time to rise, to rise and speak against the systematic oppression, to
banish the so called leaders who rob and steal their own people. Wake up Pakistan, wake up
for the hundreds thousands of people who have suffered emotionally and physically by the
hands of our system, wake up for those who might suffer in the future. It is time to save our
present and to build a safer future. May Allah bless the land of Pakistan and may Allah give
us the strength to bring a positive reform in the country. Long Live Pakistan, no to

Hassan Abdu Rab-EN-Nasir

And the Voice of the Billions of People of Pakistan.

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