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Paraty is one of a kind! It is located on the Costa Verde (Green Coast)

a lush corridor that runs along the coast line of the state of Rio de Ja-
neiro. Charming and very well preserved, the city was founded in the
first half of the 19thcentury, it preserves the most perfect collection of
Brazilian colonial architecture that has been declared by the govern-
ment a National History Monument. At a certain time around 1700,
Paraty became the second most important port in Brazil, where the
gold from Minas Gerais was shipped to Portugal.
With the end of the gold cycle in 1799, Paraty started to produce a
liquor made out of sugar cane called cachaça or aguardente that has
the city name. Now a days, one still find some of these old mills func-
Av. Beira Mar, 216/203 tioning the same way they did 200 years ago. It´s a must
20021-060 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - Rj
Brasil The town located on the Bay of Ilha Grande is dotted with many tropi-
Tel: 55-21-3010-9332
cal islands, it´s surrounded by a forest, mountains and water falls
Tel: 55-21-8615-4395 showing all the beauty of this marvelous city.

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