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ennibtts, foliis lyrato-finuatis. Hort. UpC 24+ Sp.

pl. 790. Hall. 11011.. Gotting. 2. p. 419. The flowers
of this plant open at fix or (even in the mormog,
and fhut between the hours of twelve and four in
the afternoon.
Sanchus Tingiranus pa_paveris folio. Tourn.
Raii Suppl. 137. Sooreonera Tingitana Sp. pl. 795.
African 91hrtbillle wait a poppy leaf. This plant
opcns its flowers between four and fix in the morn-
ing, and clofits them in about three hours.
as. Sonata repens, multis hieracium mamas J. B.
11. 1057. Rai; S711. 163. Sonchus arvenlis Sp pl.
793. Tree &Whiffle'. Theme flow= expand about
ha or liven, and dole between eleven and twelve in
the forenoon. This is common in corn-fields, and
flowers in June, July, and Augull.
as. Sonchus levis Ger. Raii Syn. 162. Sonchus
oleraceus Sp. pl. 794. SNOW b unprickly Solothfile,
Harts Lettuce. Thee open about hoe in the morn-
ing, and dole again at eleven or twelve.
14.. Sonchus levis luiniatirs caruleus C. B. pin.
124. Raii Hill. pl. sag. Sonehus alpinus Sp. pl. 794.
filuellosaered Mountain Sosutbtille. Thele open about .
liven, and dote about noon.
2y. Sonchas tricubitafis folio eufpidato Herr. pin.
Rai, Syn. 163. Sonchus kper arborefcens C. B. pin.
124. Sonchus taluflris Sp. pl. 793. rev pra'? te
Marlb tree &net file. It expands its flowers about
fix or feven, and doles them about two in the after-
26. IAN. fltina C. B. pin. 123. Sp. pl. 793.
Garden Lettuce, opens its flowers about liven, and
clofes them about ten, 91 the forenoon.
Von,go. Uuu 17. peen

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