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VI. An Inflamer e. tbt Cat Iletim, cut Ike by a-

Knife, fixeefifit& treated by Bk. Peter Travers,
Suegrom, at Lilbon. Connuenfratrd by John Bon-
ham, MD. F. R. S. P. 35
V I I. An Account of Fintation of au !Imo. Per-
lin, in tk Ifle of Guadaloope : In a Letter to
Mmf Damonville, Counfdlor and 4ffillantloodge
at Marimico, and in tbe Office of King': Pityfician
at Guadaloupe. By John Andmw Peyffonel, M.D.
F. R.S. lanniated from de French. p. 38.
VIII. At. Account ef tbe late Difearrim f Anti
quitiel at Herculaneum ; in an Extra0 of a Let.
ter from Camillo Paderni, Hercule-
lean Moran:11, and P.R. S. to Thomas Hollis,
Eft, dattd Naples. Dec.16, 1)56. I:, 49.
IX. An Arum sf few Trees difrovend under-
groom! on du Stare at Mourn's-Bay in Cornwall r
In a Letter from the Rem. Mr. William Borlafe,
F. R. S. to the Rex. Dr. Lyttelton, Dean of Bun-
ter. I, Si.
X. Fry...rhymers OR aptlykg the Rev. Dr. Haler
Method of &flitting Salt-realer Ia tk Steam-En-
gone. By Keane Fitzgerald, BO; F. R. S. p.53.
XI. Emmet of Letter of Mr. Abraham TIM.
bley, F. R. S. to Tho. Birch, D. D. Secret. R. S.
Tranflatod few tha French. p. 59.
XII. A 6,44 Botanical and Medical Riflery of the
&Imam Lethale, Bella-donna, or Deadly Night
thade, in ollr. Richard Pulteney. Communicato.!
by Mr. William Watfon, ER. S. p. 62.
NIII. Att Acceunt of feat of tbt Antiluitirs di/-
cot:yr:I at Henctilaneum, tut. In a latter to
Thomas Birch, D. D. Secret. R. S. By John
Ninon, A. M. F.B.I. p. 88.
X1 V.

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