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vv. An Amami ease Elea. y, Storm of ?Un-

der end Lightning, in the Petrillo, e. Loon and
Lammith, is the County if Coninvall, ON till 27th
June tycd. Comannkared to the Rev.
Jeremiah Millet, D. D. F. R. S. in Am Letter.,
animus the Res. Mr. Dyer, Minister of Loos ea
the other from the Rms. Mr. Males, Firer of Da-
Ice, n Cornwall. p. to4.
XV. An steroant of the Peat-pit near Newbury in.
Berklihire t in en Extent:I sr Letterfron. John
Collet, M. D. le the Right Reverend Rkhani
Lord MAI of Offory, F. R. S. I. 109.
XVI. An Arrow of the Alteration, making ix the
Pantheon at Rome: In an Extra/ of a Letter
from Rome toThomas Hollis, Eh; Commanirated
by John WarJ, LL.D. R. S. Fice-Pref p. iç.
XVII. An Arrow of a new medicinal Well, 1014.
/Owned near Moffat, in Annandale, in the
Gamy I/ Dumfries. By Mr. John Walker, y-
Borgue-houfc near. Kirkudbright in Scotland.
p. ty.
XVIII, An Account of dm State of tbe Thernonneter
at lb. Hnue ON the sob of January ty 57. Ex-
imaged from Letter of ble. Abraham Trembley,
F B.S. to Tho. Birch, D.D. Secret. R S. p.
XIX. Experimental Examination of Haim By
William Lewis, MB. F.R.S. P4er V. iNd..
XX. Experismeal Examination n' PWim. By
William Lewis, M.B. F. R. S. Paper VI. p.156.
XXI. AN "lemma of the Temple of Seraph at Poz-
zuoli in tbe Kingdom of Naples: L. Letter to
John Ward, LL.D. and R.S. l'ke-Fray. by the
Rm. John Moon, M A. F. R. S. p. 166.
XXII. Soar Remarks on a Parthian Coin with a

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