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XLVIII. 06 lima1ionet lipbuor Sate ilimost

Ultffipsne habits Joanne Chevalim, Pre teen
Congrtgarionit Oratorii. Reeder, Londimniis So-
eidetic Soria, AM. 1757. P. 378.
XLIX. A renariabk GO of the Efficacy of the
Bork in a Mortificatiow Ix a Doter to %Kam
Wation, M. D. F. R. S. fro. Mr. Richard Grind-
Sorge= Os tbe London Rofpieal. p. 379.
L. A Letter to the Rev. Tho. Birch, A D. Secret.
R. S. from John Pringle, M.D. F. R.S. ;wising
Tim Papert cononosimmed to him by Raga Whyst,
M. D. F. R. S. P. 383.
s. Sone Wenn:viols an the lithos:trip& Firma of
the Claud Waters. Lime-nater, and Sodp
In Letter to Dr. John Pringle, F. R. S. from
Dr. Robert Whys; F. R. S. and Profefor of
Medicine in thellinverffity of Edinburgh. p.386.
I. An Infinite of the Eledrical Vienne in the Core
of Palfr. B., Mr. Patrick Brydom. p.j9o.
LI. An Amnon of foam NM Fruits, and other Bo-
dies, found in the Viand ef Shepcy. By James
Potions, M. D. F. R. S. P. 396.
LII. Oblirmations on the Comet, that appeared In tbe
Month of &mother am/ °Bober 0757, sae at
the Royal Obferwtory by Jo. Bradky, D.D. Adro-
wooer Royal, PR. S. and Member of the Royal
Academy of Sonoma at Paris. p. 408.
LIII. The ReIblutim of General Propoffiton for de-
termining tbe horny Alteration of tbe Pontion of
tie Ternelbrial Eguamr, from the Atm-oaten ef
Soo and Moon: With lime Remarb on the Sobs-
mons givers by oiler Amine, to that difficult an i
important Problem. By Mr. Tho. Simpfon, F.RS.
p. 416.

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