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L1X. An Account of the Effeas of Negri-

etty in paralmic Cafes. In a Letter to
John Pringle, M. D. F. R. S. from Ben-
jamin Franldin, Eh; F. R. S.
S I R.
itost.;::: rrSHE following is What Ian at pee-
1 fent recollett, relating to the ef-
reds of eleGricity in paralytic cafes, which have
fallen under my oblervation.
Some years ftnce, when the news-papers made
mention of great cures perforrned in Italy or Ger-
many, by means of elearicity, a nmnher of para-
lytics were brought to me from different parts of
Penlylvania, and the neighbouring provinces, to be
eleftrifea which I did for them at their requeit.
My method was, to place the patient firft in a chatr,
on an elertric fool, and draw a number of large
ftrong fparks from all parts of the afrefted limb confide.
Then I fully charged two frx-gallon glafs jars each of
which had about three fquare feet of furface, coated ;
and I fent the united fbock of slide thro' the affetted
limb cc limbs ; repeating the ftroke commonly three
times each day. The firit tiring obfervcd War an
immediate greater fenuble warmth in the lame limbs,
that had received the ltrolm, than in the others ;
and the next morning the patients dually related,
that they had in the night felt a pricking fenfation in
the Ildb of the paralytic lirnbs ; and would form:-
times thew a number of frnall red (pots, which ttey
Vo so. Qq

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