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[ 485 1

this place.In the months of February and March,

by a medium of eight obkrvations, I found, that by
tbe dock, thc thr Rigel, in every daily revolution,
palled 4 mM. a reconds of time earlier, in the tele-
feope ; and in the lauer end of May I found, by fix
oblervations, (the clock not in the leaf! changed or
altered) on thc flat Spica Virginis, that that liar,
in eicry revolution, paffed 4 min. 57', fcc. earlier, in
the fame telcieope ; which intervals differ pretty
nearly ag feconds of time from one another. Whether
this difference arifes front any defed in thc clock,
or whether it proceeds from any (mall difference of
velocity of thc earth's motion round its axis, I would
have been very glad to have endeavoured to find out
by farther inquiry, had not the death of Mr. S.
Koenig intervened, and I thereby hindered from con-
tinuing my oblervations. The above obfervations
Weft taken in the oblervatory of his Mutinous High-
MIS thc minor Prince of Orange and Nair., Fer. Ur.
undet the diredion, and with the approbation of the
aforefaid Mr. Koenig. Aker the death of that gen-
tleman, I petitioned her Royal Highnefs the Princcfs
GoverneR of thefe Provinces, C'c. that I might have
leave to continue my alhonomical obfervations ; but
as yct I have not been able to obtain her Royal
flighnefs's permilhon otherwife I would have ob-
ferved this lail comet with more exattnefs. Had I
been able to purfue the above-mentioned obfervations,
I would, for the greater certainty in regard to the
pendulum, have made ufc of a farther precaution.
By means of a llove, with the help of a thermo-
meter, I would have endeavoured to have kept the
room (in which the clock Rood) in the winter, and

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