Time I Made The Oblervations in The Rummer. Tho' This: To Learn More About OCR and PDF Compression Go To Our Website

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at all tiboes, in the fame degree of heat it had at the

time I made the oblervations in the rummer. I
would alfo have daily obferved and noted the moors
place, at the time of the oblervations. Tho' this
is but a flight obfervation of mine ; yet I make no
doubt, but that in cafe, by the different dillances of
the earth from thc fun, and the different diftances
and locations of the moon with refpert to the earth,
and thc refpeltive effects produced by there caufes,
any inequality wires in the velocity of the diurnal
motion of the earth on its axis, you (who have
made the molt fublime obfervations on the aberra-
tion of the fixed bars, and more than any mortal
ever did before) mull have dircovered, and are well
acquainted, with the fame.
As my above-mentioned obfervations on the co-
met appeared too incorreCt to undertake a mlcu-
lation for the a(certaining of its path tiom the theory,
I contented myfelf with effeffing it by a conflict-
tion. By this means I bond, on a figure, whore
globular or fpherical diammet was 13 Rhineland
inches, as follows:
That the comet was in its perihelion the a ill of
Odober, at two of the clock in the afternoon : the
plate of the perihelion 3 degrees in Leo. The co-
mers dillance in the perihelion from the fun was
about 3, parts, whereof too make the mean dillame
between the fun and the earth. The inclination of the
comet's orbit with the ecliptic 13 degrees ; nd the
fouthcrn latitude of the perihelion alto 13 degrees:
the akending or north node .4.) degrees in Scorpio;
and the comet's motion direft, or accordion to the
order of the ligns of the zodiac. On this.-fuppoft-

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