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[ 494

lathy, that, moving uniformly therewith, will ix

the cent fecond of time move the length of a a Att.

II. The fpace, run tbro' by falling &diet are proper-

Wry:al to OW another ao the [quarts of their laff
acquired velocitiw.
There two principles are dernonftrated by the
writers on mechanics.
Ill. Water forced out of a larger chanel tbro' one
or more fkaller pafaget. will hove the Arum, tiro'
thofe pabgeo contratled in the ratio of 25 to I 1.
This is (hewn in the 36th prop. of thc Id book
of Newton's Principia.
Iv. In any Aram of water, the velocity ix fueb, /1,1
would be acquired hy the fall of a body from
he4ht above the furface of that fiream.
This is evident from the nature of motion.
V. The velocities of water they' dxferent pagaget e
the fame height, ore reciprocally proportional to
their breadth,.
For, at fume time, the water mull be delivered
as fall as it comes; otherwife the bounds would
be overflowed.
At that time, the fame quantity, which in any
time Rows diro' a fedion in the open chanel, as
delivered in equal time thro' the narrower
rages ; or the momentum in the narrow p
muR be equal to the momentum in the open
chanel ; or the reetangle under the fcrtion uf the
narrow paltages, by their mean velocity, mull be
equal to the reCtangle undcr the ICEiion of the
open chanel by its mean velocity.

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