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497 I

And toe the veloc. frer fee. in the

water-way between the obflacles. . . Friedp V.
Alfo Ott a: the height fallen to
acquire the ,el.ot I&
And 0 v.:: . 2. 011 the height
falleo to acquire the yd. I fc IL
That :TY% is the mesfure of the fall!
reqoired. VII.
01--.R1--Tt is a rule, by which the fill may -

be readily computed.
Here a a. I6a3899 fcct and oe = 643596-

Exnateas I. Far Laden-Bridge.

By the obfervations made by Mr. Labelye in t746,
The breadth of the Thames at London-bridge is
916 feet
The funs of the water-ways at thc time of the
greaten fall is 036 feet ;
The mean velocity of the (ham taken at its fur-
face juft above bridge is feet per fecond.
Under almolt all the arches there are great num-
bers of drip-thot pdes, or piles driven into the bed
of the water-way, to prevent it from being wanted
away by the fall. Thefe drip-lhot piles confide-
rably contrad the water-ways, at kali of their
me-lured breadth, or abont toi feet in thewhole.
Vol.. 5o. SIC so

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