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I 5" I

the year iyyt, thought this tock to refemble'the

(mond, both in degree and duration ( I).
At Marazion, the next market-town call of Pin.
zance, thc honks of (cyan] perfons took to that
degree, that people ran out into the (tree, la the'
baden fhould fall upon than.
In the borough of St. Ives, on the wart fee, fir
Miles north of Penzance, the fhock was fo violem,
that a gentleman, who had been at Lifbon during'
feveral Chocks, faid, that this exceeded all he had
met with, except that on the s ft of November tyes,
fo fatal to that city.
At Tehidy, the feat of Francis Ballet, Efq; the
rooms took, and the grounds without doors woe
°Nerved to move. The tack was felt fcnfibly at
Redruth, St. Cohost, Bodman, along to Ca..
melford, which is about cfo miles from the ilk of
Scilly. From Marazion eallward it was felt at few-
ral places in like manner as far as Lofiwythyel ; but
at LifIcerd, about ten Miles eat of Loliwythyel, it
was but faintly perceived, and that by a few perfons.
It was ain lefs fentible at Loo and Plymouth,
" fcarcely fulficient to excite curiolity or fear (a).
The times of its duration were various. At Kt-
neggy we thought the noile could not have lofted
above fix feconds ; at Trevailer, not two miles di-
Stant to the wefi, it was though; to have lifted new
half a minute ; in the parifh of Gwyniet half a tni-
nute ; at Ludgvan three miles eaft of Penzance,
h te wife was rate; longer than half a mimete ; bat

(11 lAtIft (MIT %Whs.?, Veal, Er,

(a) Lour from John Trdnek, Efq,

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