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not like thunder, but rather a dull ambling even
ftiund, like dads running under ground. In the
fmith's Ihop the window-lcaves fhook, and thc flut-
ing of the houtt cracked. The whim-houk (hook
fo terribly, that a man them at work ran out of it,
concluding it to be falling. Several perfons then in
the mine, working 60 fathom deep, thought they
found the earth about them to move, and hard an
uncommon node : fume heard the node, and klt no
tremor; others, working in a mim adjoining called
Huel-bniag, were fn frightened, that they called to
their companions above to be drawn up from the
bottoms. Their moor-houk was Ihaken, and the
padlock of their candle-chell was heard to ttrike
againft the flaples. To thew, that this noife pro-
teeded from below, and not from any concullion in
the atmofphere above, this very intelligent captain of
the mine (5) obferves, from his own experience;
that thunder was never known to Idle& the air at 6o
fathoms deep, men in a fin& lhak pierced into
the hardell kone ; much lefs could it continue the
found duo fuch workings as there are in this mine,
impeded in all parts with dads, great quantities of
amber, various noires, fuch as the rattling of chains,
friftion of wheels and ropes, and dafhing of waters p
all which muff contribute to Mak the vibrations of
the air as they defcend and I intirely agree with
this gentleman's condulion, that thunder, or any
other nodes from above in the atmofphere, could not
be heard at half the depth of this mine. This there-
fore could be no other than a real tremor of the earth,

(s) Mr. J. Nanuano..


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