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27. Gall leonis GT. 228. Raii Syn. 170. Lean-

todon T2111.220191 Sp. pl. 798. Dmildion. It
wds at five or fix, and clolis at eight or nine, in
the forenoon. This flowers early in tilt fpring. and
again in the autumn.
28. Dens leonis hirfutus leptocaulos. Heracium
diEtus. Raii Syn. s71. Leontodon hifpidum Sp. FL
799. Roragb Dandelion. or Dandelion -Hawkweed.
Thi2 plant opens its flower about four in the morn-
ing, and keeps it expanded till three in the after-
noon. In May.
29. Hieracium minus prxmorfa radice. Park. 794.
Rail Syn. 264. Ixontodon autumnale. S js.. pl. 799.
Hawkweed with bitten room, or Yellow ries-bd.
The flowers open about leven, and kccp in an ca,.
panded nate till about three in the afternoon. It
flowers in July and Augufl.
30. Pilofella repent Gtt. 573. Raii Syn. Ir.
Hieracium Pilofella Sp. pl. Boo. COMM. erertent
Morale-ear. It opens about eight in the morning,
and delis about two in thc afternoon. Very com-
mon on dry pallures, flowering in June and July.
31. HittacilIal 211111010211 folio pilofiffimo C. a
pin. 129. Raii Syn. z 68. Hieracium 111211211122 Sp.
pl. 8o2. The flowers of this plant expand about
fie or (even, and dole about two in the afternoon.
Upon old walls, flowering in June and July. TIM
is called in Engfifh, Frenth or Golden Grantsmen.
32. Hilf2C12111 fruticofum angultifolium majts.
CB. pin. 129. Hieracium umbellaturn Sp. pl. 8.29.
Narrow-lamed Mill Hawkweed. The flowers of
this fpecies expnd about fix in the morning, and
remain open till five in the aftern000.
33. Hier.

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