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[ 524

want of flap. There were foon fucceeded by Irt

morel tendirtuns, fithfidtai, delirium, or (Lupoe. The
pulfe was commonly very quick, but feldorn teak
or (hong was fometimes heavy and undofe. Tie
blood oftentimes florid, but look s fometirnes
very rarely fiey us fa= however, at the very et
tact, it wes pretty denfe and florid. The torgue
was generally foul, brown, and fometitnes blackifft,
and towards the cribs often dry. The urine was
aomnaonly high coloured, and in Dull quantity.;
frequently turbid, and towards the end depofed
great deal of latcritious fediment. A vall numftft
were feieed with this fever, during, and foon err,
the excellive heats; tho but few died in proportion_
Long and great heats always very much exalt the
acrimony of the bilious humours ; of which we had
this furnmer abundant inftances.
Bleeding early was generally beneficial profile,.
always hurtful, efpecially near the Bate of the feven.

LXVIII. 4,, Aroma of the fel% 73igh-koo

of a large Atonal, dug up at Stonesfield,
mar Woodftock, ire Oxforaire. Juno
Lotter, to Mr. Peter Collinfon, F. R.S.
from Mr. Jollua Platt.
Dear Sir,
Reel Feb e A BOUT three years ago r fent re
fome vertebra of an cttormousfise,
which were found in the Irate-Sone pit at Stottesfielk
near Woodflock, in this county.
I ham

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