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I $27

yen or eight feet in depth, lies immediately above

the firatum of hone, in which the bone was found.
This ftr.num is never wrought by the workmen,
being arenarious, and too loft for thek uk. It is
about four or five feet thick, and forms a kind of
roof to them, as they dig out the (Ione, of which
the bates are formed ; for they work there pits in the
fame manner as they do the coal-pits, leaving pillars
at proper &burets to keep their roof from falling in.
This lall bed of flate-llone k about five feet depth,
and lower than this they never dig. So that the whole
depth of the pit amounts to about 54 or If feet.
It was by working out the flute-Rogge, that thk
bone was dikovcred flicking to the roof of the pit,
where the men were purfuing their work ; and with
a glut deal of caution, and no left pains, they got
it down intire, but attached to a large piece of (tone;
and in this bate it now remains in my poiliflion.
There is no watcr in the works, but fuch as de-
kends from the furface thin' perpendicular &funs ;
and the whole is (pent in forming the flalthites and
fialagmites, of whkh there is great varkty, and
whok dimenfions are conglantly increafing. One of
the workmen has been fo callow as to mark the
time of the growth of fame of them fee kraal
years pall.
1 am, with thc greatell &am,
Dear Sir,
Your ever obedient,
and molt humble Servant,
no. Jana Platt.

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