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pattk, vows will calf, and young fuelsingos yeuling

calves rend of the furviving flume, only two CilVCO

Oat of fivemy-feven lived, and thefe Iwo,, with keen
other beaks of the Gauen, efcaped tbe inkaion, the
militantly anscog the difeafed: fo that it is plain,
Of 19: beans, - 076 died
7 recovered
9 elcaped the infra:ion..

The.MeUility was as confiderable in tit& king-

Whoever will compare the appearances, progrefs,
and fatality, of the fmall-poe, with what is remarked
by authors of authority, ai Ranonarzini and Lancifi,
and other obfervers, relative to the contagious dif-
temper among the horned cattle, will not be at a
lofs one moment to determine, whether this difeafc
be an eruptive fever, lik< unto the !mall-pox, or not.
Now tf, an the Marquis has granted in both his
memoirs (s), it be a general otifervation, that an
eruption of pullules fouie parts of the body, re-
gularly thrown out, digefted, and dried, is the means
ided by nature to Urea the cure ; and that in general
the morbid matter dccs not :aka the parotid, ingui-
nal, or mho: glands, nor product large carbuncles
and abiceffes, as the plague does: Nay more,4 we it
is obferved by the Marquis, that the difference be-
tween the contagious diltemper of 5745 and 5746,
and of s7y and 5748, WeS, dm in thc former the

YY Y falutary

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