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Mowry eruptions appeared, but in ifie latter wet%

as he .juftly apprehends, checked by the excelling
told weather ; and ihould it appear, that by momto
lotion the fame regular eruptive fever has been par
&iced, with every Sage, and tile fame fyrriptoms as
arife in the fmall-pox ; the nature of this diftemper
will then be akertained.
I /hall now proceed, my Lord, to lay before your
Lorchhip and the Society Mc accounts I have recciond
relating to the inktlion and inoculation of the cattle,
and make Come obfervationa on thc experiments made
kt Iltontille
So long, my Lord, as the Mllemper has raged in
Creat Poitain, not one atufted proof has been brought
of any bola having this etagere regularly more than
once. I make no doubt hut thefe creatures may be
liable to eruptions of diffrrent kinds; but as all forts
of eruptions, lays Dr. Mead (6), are not the fmall-
pox, not mettles, fo evety path& is not a fign of
the plague. Thro ignorance, or fraud, perform may
have been deceived in purchaling cattle, and have loft
them, as well it. England as in the provinces of
Ftance mentioned by the Marquis; but until a fe-
cloud infeetion inn proved, the general opinion mint
prevail in this cafe, as in the linen-pox : for tho'
many have Milled on the fame thing with regard ro
the finall-pox, yet a fingle intbsnen, properly vouched
and knelled. has never been produced, either after
recovery from the natural way, or born inoculation ;
unkfs what is frequently the cafe with marks sod
others attending die Snell-pox, that is, potheles

161 Eiray on the Plague.


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