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blooded, fomented enemally, had emollient &Rona-

mous dyads injeded, and nitrous apozern, and
pills compofed of gram. F. .? fop. Cellillenf and loon
after recovered. She had frequent returns of the
fame complaint after this ; but 1 faw her not again
till Jan. 175y, whcn fhe lay inknfible in a fit, which
for (event days deprived hcr of the Life of her (perch
and of all her fed., only !be tared her limbs about.
About a quarter of a year after the had recovered
from this fit, Mr. Cooper of this place, her apothe-
cary, informed me, that from -final fore at the
pie of het nomad], which came finire her Icft ill-
fiefs, thc had voided feveral gall-Rona.. Curti:dry
prompted me to inquire into the matter of fad from
Incrfelf. She thawed me the fore, which was now
alma cicatrized. She kid; that foo?ater her lalti
illnefs a little pimple stole upon. that of the p it
of the liomacto, which had been bar OvCr. Erne dm
had born fubjed to the jaundice. Thia f?iingle broke,
ran matter, and at diffeina 611301: thic'egittirkithith
0. 11,...A.6., bad cilitni nut with an Matter. ". kn..
nomad] (tid bit. fomewhat painfia bifore it broltV;
but was. Dew eery. The'peleali, whist! par *V*
mr, hatipliCappeari,ii fritob.evis,Ehiri4
cent, .4,4"flt.9.7_ ger. kffg2
fbee-4,.. !..s
ttt. LitcY +1,r, gala .

now in my multmli..-- . WA It !. firiar,on-Wlna
(moral lacc.',Firi6;. Wc.. vd...1.,jellitw °Anat. ..4-d,
Lome parts' *own likkr. aixl .coOlg of &AV
concentriwil layall.-,, iwor iirnMilsi has- 644
Aen tatil.;* ina r .-FeArt "oit0i4 .).10,
Aix*. jOh.F.laa9;10111iP4-#01#)41'11
. ,

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