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I 5s4

II. The particular methods of dekription pro.

poled or dad by geographers are fo various, that we
might, on that very account, fulpett them so he
faulty ; but in each of their works we aftually find
thek two bkrnifhcs, the firma. didancts nnfib0
and the inteiptlion, of the circlet oblique fo that a
quadrilateral redangular fpace fhall often be repro.
(noted by an oblique-angled rhomboid figure, svhofe
diagonals are very far &on, equal ; and yet, by a
ftrange contradietion, you kali fee a fixed Cs.xle cI
diffusem infeeted in fuch map.

III. The only maps I remember to have leen, So

which the lab of thee blanifhes is removed, and
the other leffened, are those of P. Schenk's of Am-
Iterdarn, a map of the Ratan empire, the Ger-
mania Critica of the famous Profeffor Meyer, and a
few more L In their the meridiana are flraight linsw
converfingftol a. point frodmi. which, asnda centeir: thhae.

Cliprusbrillwarrfor the"ndrawn of ilwah maap7*. But

as that risk appears to be only an eafy and conveni.
not approximation, it remains bill to be inquired,
/Phu is the confiraftion ,y" a particular map, that
/ball exhibit dor fuperficial and linear meafare, ix
their trarli proportionst in order to which,

I-nt EILP, in this figure (See Ton. XXI.)

be the quadrant of a meridian of a given (phew.,
whore center is C, and its fiole P; E L, EL the la-
titudes of two places in that meridian, E M their
dm incr.! of thn ken,.
Sec thc Preface to the fault Benin Ale.

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