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West of Scotland MCN for

Gynaecological Cancer

Lecture Theatre 2
Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley
Friday 8th October 2010

Management of Cervical and Vulval Cancer

Educational Programme 2010

1.30pm – 5 pm
(Buffet Lunch and Registration from 12.15pm)

WoS MCN for Gynaecological Cancer Education Event

I wish to attend the Gynaecological Education Event on Friday 8th October 2010

I will be attending the buffet lunch

Special Dietary Requirements for Lunch____________________________________________

Name : ____________________________Designation:___________________________________________

Location : ___________________________ E-mail : ____________________________________________

Telephone No _______________________________________

Please return to Lorraine Stirling, PA/Network Administrator, West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network
for Gynaecological Cancer, 1st Floor, St Mungo Building, Glasgow Royal Infirmary. Tel: 0141 211 1145
E-mail :

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