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LXXV. Cala of do rantriak eth of

Bryho. on, leffasint the 1,csdnoØ of the
Pogo on Coogbo, attaidoci with nfaE1ios
" f slk 'Lungs asid Fivor : By Robert
'Whytt, M.D. F. R. S. Fellow of the
Rgal College of Pfsciani, and Profeffor
fAfrikinio its tho; thok,erli ". qEdin.
WW".. .

. . .
tow Irth sis (71, N E of She moR mural eiStas of,
kfi bliftering plaiften, when applied
to the haman body, is to qukken the pit*, and in-
creak the force of the circulation. This elfoft they
produce, not only by 121.1oto of the pain and in-
flammation they ride in the parts to whkh they
ane applied, but alb Monde the finer particles Of
tite castImikr, which enter the Mood, render it
more apt so ihmulate the hart and vaicular fy Rem.
The apprebenfion, that Edifiers muR in every talc
accelerate the motion of the blood, teems to have
been the- reafon, why form eminent phyficians luee
Men nowdlkgno tife Ahem. in (recoil, and inflam-
matory Moisten, till afro the form of ilk. difeafe
was a good dad abated, and the milk_ beginning to
fink. Howenir, an emotive obfervation of the of- .
fens, swhicla Follow the. application of Isliflers in
thofe &leans, firill then, that intim& pi,
they often remarkably -Wren the &spent"' of the
polio. This I bad toscatfion formerlp to mks notice
V 640. D of

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