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tr srs:

hialerwas applie4 to heo backs lay whickihro cough-.

and wheezing tare ettoderedoonfolerably erificr, and
the phlegm, which ffie fpit up, loll its purulent ap-
pearance, became thinner, mow frothy, and was
notch kfs in quantity. Hee pulfe beat now only
to+ times ha a minute. After this, her cough and
kitting increaftng again, fhe had, on the toth of
Dozember, a fourth hhfter applied to her back, which,
like the former, did her grew ferria. Her flornaeh
being extremely delicate, I. giwno oedesed any medi-
cines foc hes all Ait time, peeve a cordial
withipir. velat. slay: tanliuse of rhubarb asa laxa-
tive, and a jukp of oop. . r.atanio.a. and /w.
bayeas. of which hit the took two table fpoonfula
twice or thrice day in a quarter of a pint of lint-,
feed tea. Mei the fousth blifkr, the drank for
foroe time a cupful af itfojnn. -lnonelll twice a day,
and continued to mover Slowly : and tho' during t6o
remaining pan of the winter the was, as- ufually, a
good deal troubloi with acoughyet in the flaring the
got five froswits and is now in her ordinary health.

IV. Chrithan M'ewee, aged or. had laboured.

under a cough, thick (pitting, pain of her break,.
and pains ise her fides affeiftiog her breathing, for .
about a twelvemonth : and after getting, by proper
remedies, in a good mealifte ken born thok com-
plaints, her cough, kora catching a firth cold, in-
created to a greater degree than ever, became hard
and dry, and was attended arida a condom difficult);
of breathing. pain in ker left fide and head-ach.
' in this condi-
After basin; been keen or eight days
tion, Ow was admitted into the Royal lafiemary, Ja.

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