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esyh..c4norjs and otheirpamplaintarib gat

um removed Pulfe qi Minifte.
trim thia bine her cough gies her liette froublei
ifef! on the i Om complained of a pain in the
04efriegc. with &knell it lbansacb, want of ape:
gid4i.4 itt ha` head; which were conO:
derably rilsved hy a vomit,- infilion aseeman; and
lfermachic purge's, and wets almolt wholly cured
fi el* return n(har menfes on the sth of Behemryi.
intervdtsip,ht week. '
4 614 h2a cute.a.-

*ah. 4g,a the
fenteXPOE, and not efagnock
and oblhoeted breathing, arm,.
from the efoion,. bhilcred ors
dlik'tcaSlk; by* 'the padre waslefened from sow
fte-116' &Ace Ida miner. rexr clay hcr legs were
011ihOttered, and 'the Polio thereby fell to 136. But
the chSIX. Itanebeing much oppreffed, and her
ducat beingfolker of pothiles that (he andel karat
OvalloW 2,k14: [he died termardt the end of the
i could add fevered othcrreatter of the remarkable
clferfts Of Millers in kfferling the quickne.fr of the
Polfe lot cOughs attended with feast, pain in dm fide,
and timbals infareftion of the longs : barthok above
may ho fufficient to put this matter out of doubt, as
well as to remove any prejudice, that may Rill re-
main agaioll the free ere of fo clinacious a remedy.
In a true pesipneamony, efpecially where the in-
flammation is great, repeated bleeding is the princi-
pal remedy, sad bliften early applied arc rne fo,

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