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"Iiitenkiejahglirripneumqby in of a mixed
; when the lunge are not fo much inflamed'
is loaded wth pifultrms matter ; when bleeding
Oves but hale reloft-I when Me puffer thee quid,
sa final s when 'tie Patient I. little Mk to bear enemy.
&ins, and the direare hai 'contirmedlor a conMerable
time ; in all there cafes bliftering will produce re.
Mailable good circa:, 'Ind, far from increaling, wilt
generally 'Wren the frequency of din pulfe, and fevet:
more fpnidily than any other remedy.
. tan thewthar hind, when the knir end frequency
Of the mac rotted frorn a title inflammation of dde
funp, from large obibutlions tending to ruppuration, .
eii'from an -open ulcer in them, blifters will be 94
las ule, nay, fornetimes will do herrn, except in din,
bill cafe, where they, as well ai Arms and farms,
ire often beneficial, tho' feldom able to compleat
are. trit ag in pitoitous infaretions of the lune.:
siith cough and fever, repeated bliflers applied tO ILO;
hack and fides 2.7C far preferable to Aim or fetons, fo,
Mae' laft feem moll proper in an oped siker of du
lung,. The former make a greater and more Tuddei`
derivation, and arc therefore adapted to acute offs;
the. illttet nib MOM flowly, but foe a much longer,
time, and are thunfore bell fuitcd to chronic air.
cafes. Further, while bliflers evacuate chiefly the
fermis humours, iffues and fetons generally difchargi
tEisc purulent matter, end on this amount may be of
great& fervice in internal ulcers.
in what manner blifteis may lean the fever fise
frequency of the putte attending internal inflaMina,
rions I bare clfewhere endeavoused to explain Osi
Itt PtIfOni<I, EMP,

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